4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Wowie! Getting close kristy! Braxton hicks suck! I was lucky that I don't think I got them til the end... The day beforeybwater water broke they were pretty bad and often.
Glad the review was done pretty thoroughly even though they didn't finish, double checking he's hitting all his physical milestones. Hope the results are good or at least give you guys some direction!
Caitlyn, I sooo love that you love your midwifery care so much! I couldn't do it any other way!! I hope your labour is a bit longer just to make sure she can make it! I don't know if you guys saw on FB but one of my midwives is 28 weeks pregnant and battling eye cancer, she had surgery on Wednesday to remove the eye :( we were her last birth. So sad yet such a strong mama!
Anyways for Father's Day I got Kurtis an Aden and Anais adult muslin blanket since he has been begging for one! Having a BBQ at his parents, my aunt is also having a BBQ but we can't be in two places at once!
As for Royen she is getting too big too fast! She is incredibly close to rolling back to tummy, she rolls to her tummy but her arm gets stuck underneath so she ends up kicking back to her back! She's up to 13 lb12oz so still gaining on the slow side but I think that's just her normal.
Wow! I can't believe Logan is heavier than Royen now! He was 15lbs 1oz when I got him weighed on wednesday! Glad to hear she's doing do well!! :)
Can't believe your poor midwife has to deal with that, especially when pregnant also!

And Caitlyn, your birth was SO quick! Hope you'll be able to have your midwife there in time! :)
Was very quick, but I am hoping that with the office being so close to my place, she will be able to make it on time. Now Maple just has to cooperate and come while she is nearby hahaha... and preferably while Derek is home before heading to work like last time :D Or on a Sunday, which is one day overdue, so plausible hehe. I've been having a whole lot of calming dreams about having her and it has really helped. Yay subconscious for knowing what I need hehe.

Yay Royen for almost rolling! What a sweetheart :D And I thiiink the norm is doubling their birth weight by 6 months and tripling it by one year. But I'm not sure. But my little is only 25 lbs now haha.
Yeah have a weekend baby like me! :winkwink: We were hoping he would've been born on the 14th cause it would be cool 14-3-14 and it seemed like it was gonna happen (which was a friday btw) but I think he listened to me too well, cause I kept saying we wanted him on the weekend cause of Jay's work - very obedient baby haha! He was born on saturday in the end!
Rowan was born on a saturday and my labour was from 8 am until 10:11am, so he was so convenient lol. No one had to leave work to come to the hospital or anything. Derek was supposed to work, but he was going to leave at 9 so he had plenty of time to call in. Then his asshat of a boss made him work the monday which was his normal day off because he "took Saturday off" lol. Asshat.
That's so stupid!! Don't you get paternity leave in Canada? When Lucas was born Jay got 2 weeks paid paternity leave :)
He didn't get that this time cause you have to have been working for your employer for a year or so before you get it.

So Jay told me the other day that Logan pulls on his dangly toys on his playmat and uses them to move himself.... This morning I laid him on his mat, he started pulling on the toys pulling him onto his side.... come back in the room and he's turned 90 degrees, so he was facing one way and then suddenly facing a different way haha! Oh and this morning he woke up crying cause he was on his belly, he was sleeping on his side and must've rolled over! I reckon it won't be too much longer before he rolls over from back to front, cause he's laying here on his side on his playmat at the moment....seems like he's trying to roll!

How was your father's day yesterday?? we had a nice day! I made Jay a full English breakfast in bed in the morning, gave him his presents and cards and then we went for a little walk cause he had to pick something up from the pharmacy haha..... Got home, just chilled out for a little bit and then we went for dinner with his parents! :) Was really nice! We hadn't been out for dinner with them since our weddingday (apart from to kfc once, but I can't really call that going out for dinner really....) - so that was 5 years ago! haha
Sounds like a good Father's Day! We had a great one! Went to both bbqs and Royen (who has been making strange with everyone for a month) was so good being held by my aunt and Kurtis's uncle! No blood curdling screams when someone other than me and Kurtis held her! She even fell asleep on my grandma for almost an hour!
Anyways Kurtis loved his blanket, it's sooo soft, we weren't home very much but when we were he was wrapped in it! And looking back at my last post Royen did roll over! And then did it 3 times for Kurtis and his parents!
That is crazy that Logan is heavier than her! Good for him! Ya she's just a slow gainer, about half of what she should be gaining per week... If she would of kept on her growth curve from ~1wk old she should be about 15lbs 14oz... So she's a pound lighter than the dumb chart says, she's just a long and skinny girl!
It's already making me sad that she's not a wee baby anymore! I look at her newborn pics and she's teeny lol
An Caitlyn I have a feeling your birth this time will be smooth sailing and not a big rush! It's good that your subconscious is visualizing the same! Stick to those thoughts but either way trust your body and little Maple!
Anyways, Kurtis went fishing today with one of my bridesmaids husbands and he came home and has slept the evening away! So I'm sitting on the couch watching the bachelorette! Ha crap tv
We had a nice father's day once Derek got home from work (early). We went and visited his dad and then to a restaurant with his mom and sister and her hubby and son. It was nice. And yesterday (because for now Derek is off Monday and Tuesday), we went swimming with his sister, her hubby and son Liam. (That is the one who I believe is spectrum autistic).

And yes, Ella, we have paternity leave here but it takes away from maternity leave AND your job has to have benefits. His didn't.

That is awesome that both of your littles are trying to roll or are rolling already! So sweet! They are growing so fast! Rowan was playing on an indoor park yesterday after swimming and he managed to cross a pretty hard bridge and it just hit me how big and brave he is getting. Sigh. Lol.
Oh just wait till little Maple is here! He'll seem SO much bigger and older! :haha:
I know what you mean about that though, Lucas climbes up rope ladders and stuff like that when we're at the playground and can go on the big boy swings! It's crazy how big he's getting, he can do almost everything by himself at the playground, just needs you to stand there to catch him just in case! He'll ask you to help but then I just stand there and pretend to be helping to show him that he can do it himself! :thumbup:
We're ok... not much going on. Feeling sick today, don't know what's wrong with me, haven't felt very well for the past couple of days! Just that niggling nauseous feeling - and no, I'm not pregnant! :haha: I can't be!
Got someone coming round today about Lucas! Hopefully they will be able to help us! Haven't gotten any results from his review yet! I should ask her about that when she comes round, or ring them I guess!

Also, I'm waiting for a jumperoo I bought on Ebay for like £15 (about 27 Can. Dollars) At first they messaged me saying: sorry I can't sell you this, cause it shouldn't have been on here in the first place (something to do with them splitting up with their partner or something) so I told them, sorry but it's been on here for days, if you didn't wanna sell it then you should've taken it down. If not, I expect a refund cause I'd already paid for it.... So they said ok you can have it!
It was listed as a collection only so I said I'd sort out a courier to pick it up, but I needed parcel measurements and they were like: oh I need to pack it up first then....so it's been like over a week or so and still haven't gotten the courier sorted :dohh: Gonna do it tomorrow cause they've finally sent me all the details and we're getting paid again tomorrow - kinda broke at the moment!

What's new with you girls??? Almost 28 weeks Caitlyn!! :happydance:
I hate when people jerk you around with bought items online. Drives me nuts. But I am glad you're going to finally get it!

I just got over four days of nausea and vomiting and diarrhoea, and now I have a sinus/head cold. Good times :(
Ugh! Sounds like we're all getting sick! Sore throat and bogged down sinuses over here starting yesterday!

That's so stupid about ebay. I've only used it a few times but its usually from actual companies, not ppl selling their personal stuff, I leave that kind of stuff to kijiji (classifieds site) or FB groups. We actually did a sweet kijiji pickup day a week or so ago, an exersaucer for 60$ and two bumbo seats with one tray for 20 each!
Ahw, glad you got better though Caitlyn, even if you now have a cold!! :hugs:
Everything going well with little Maple? Having anymore scans???

Sorry you're getting a cold too Talia! Just now the weather is nice and warm - or is it not getting nice over there? Looking at Caitlyn mentioning she's going to the beach on fb earlier, I'm guessing it's nice there!!

So this lady came round today and she didn't seem concerned about Lucas... I feel like maybe she didn't really understand how over the top he can react sometimes..... but maybe we are seeing things that aren't necessarily anything more than normal toddler behaviour.... I asked her if she reckons that Lucas will change again (with the whole dinner-situation aswell) when he starts going to nursery again and she did seem to think that.
I also asked her about the results of his development review, she said he is meeting all his milestones and doing well, he's just a little behind on his speech, she said he was meeting about the 30month mark... but then there were other areas that he was going on the 4yr old mark so I'm not worried about that. He's always been quicker with physical things and a little slower with his speech. I'm not worried, she didn't seem worried either. And I reckon once he starts interacting with other kids again more when he goes to nursery he'll pick up a bit more again aswell, as we noticed SUCH a big change when he used to go, he totally changed from saying a few words to putting lots of words together and learning new words so easily and quickly!
I bet Rowan is bwhind on speech as well. He doesn't throw many sentences together yet. But yeah, I am not overly worried about it. He will get there in time :) But I am sorry the woman didn't seem to take your concerns seriously. Maybe just keep an eye on things, and bring it up again if it continues to be an issue.

We are getting a 3D ultrasound on Saturday, so that's kind of exciting :) My Mum is paying, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get it done and we had it for Rowan, so my Mum thinks Maple would be upset later in life that she didn't have one.

As for the weather, it bounces from very nice to rainy and back again, lol. We just managed to time when to go to the beach perfectly.
Hope the 2 of you (Caitlyn & Talia) had a nice Canada day the other day! :thumbup:

What have you girls been up to?? Hope you're all doing good!
It was nice to see little Maple on the 3D pics and scan Caitlyn!! :) So cute!!!
Can't wait to see pictures of her when she's born!!!

We went to the beach for a little bit yesterday, Jay's brother took us, he actually went in the sea aswell.... Lucas said he wanted to go to uncle Simon so I said, go on then, take your shoes off and your tshirt - didn't want that to get wet cause I didn't have a clean one, I did have clean pants and trousers for him! So he did and then he went in but didn't like it! It was at the end of the day though, around 4.30 I think and it was pretty windy so it was a little cold! I reckon it probably would've been better if we would've been there earlier in the day when it was warmer and if it was a little less windy, which would also slow down the waves so it won't freak him out too much!
On sunday we took Lucas to a 'family fun day' which had some stalls and a few rides, like teacups and a bouncy castle etc. But with Lucas being Lucas, he didn't want to go on anything!! Which really made us bummed out and decide to make an appointment with the doctor about this autism thing.... things like these (the rides) he should like! Most kids would be begging their parents if they can go on it, even at his age! But he just runs away from it, there was no way I was gonna get him on there without forcing the issue, which ofcourse I didn't want to do cause I don't wanna freak him out even more! I guess for now I just have to accept that if he doesn't want to do it he doesn't want to do it and just go with it!
So yeah, I made an appointment with the doctor and we're seeing her next week about it! Hopefully this time we won't get fobbed off and we'll get taken seriously!
Canada day was great and really hot! We went to our city's legislature grounds, had lunch off a food truck and the kids played in the fountain and wading pools.

Things have been pretty good around here, time is flying! Yesterday was so hot I figured I'd put Royen to bed in her crib for the first time since she'd maybe feel cooler on the mattress and have more room to splay out... Ya it lasted a few hours til we went to bed, I cried it was so quiet lol so she's staying in our room, I'm just not ready!
Glad you're going back to the doctors, Ella :) But it could be normal about the rides, they are kind of scary for little ones. My sister was soooo excited to go on them last year (she was four), but got scared and cried a few times. So it isn't necessarily a bad thing. But you know your boy best, so trust your gut :)

Talia, don't be sad that you aren't ready. I wasn't ready for two years haha! And I will probably be the same way with Maple.
I'd understand it if he would be scared whilst on them, but he screams just at the sight of them! We took him to the doctor yesterday though and he also seemed to think it was all pretty normal... but at least he said he'd refer us to get him assessed anyway but said to us: just keep in mind that it might come back as normal and don't be disappointed if that happens, but be reassured! Which makes sense... Jay still isn't too happy about it, but well, we'll see what happens once we get him assessed properly!
I went to the docs today for myself, had to have my smear test and also had a 'normal' doctors appointment, cause I'm so tired all the time and have had this problem for years! So my doctor agreed to do a blood test to test for my thyroid and iron and vitamin D levels.... as I've got aching joints aswell.... But I've got a feeling it'll all come back normal, cause it always does when I'm pretty sure there's something not right :haha:

Some good news aswell today: Jay has got an interview for a permanent job tomorrow!! So exciting and we really hope he gets it! He'll find out soon aswell because if he gets it they want him to start on monday!

Oh! And we're going on our first family holiday, a little camping trip for 4 nights! Tried our new tent in the garden today and Lucas was getting all excited about sleeping in it! So cool! Can't wait! We're going at the end of August!!

Glad to hear you guys had a nice Canada day!!
I personally can't imagine having my baby in my room for so long but I guess that's just cause of all the noises they make and I really can't sleep with those noises! haha
It's ok for you to want to keep her in your room though! Why not?! If you've got the space and you can sleep then it's fine! You need to feel ready before you decide to put her in her own room!

So how are you all doing?? Are you going on holiday or are you staying at home for the summer???
Ya I don't feel bad myself for wanting to keep rooming in, but Kurtis seemed excited at the possibility. I dunno I'm the opposite of you Ella, those little noises are what I love to hear, minus foot stamping! I think I'll always bring her in bed for her one feed at 4... The other thing with doing the potty thing it's so helpful to actually hear her tussle when she wakes up!
I'm picking up my wedding dress today !
That's do exciting to have your first little trip planned! Also it's a good thing you're still getting referred I agree with Caitlin about the rides, even walking around them can be intimidating, it's a lot of stimulation even for non-spectrum kids, good luck with the assessment!

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