4thought.tv - IVF is a sin.



Did anyone watch 4thought.tv on channel 4 tonight? (UK)

If you didn't it was a catholic woman who had trouble conceiving but said she though IVF was a sin because god gives babies as gifts and he will decided when/if you have children.

Fair enough if she doesnt want IVF but don't call other people sinners because they will do what they can to become parents!

Anyone have any thoughts?
I can understand the feelings behind it being un natural especialy from a religious point of view but no one has the right to tell others they are wrong or sinfull for wanting a baby and going through with IVF.
Sometime free speech shouldnt come into it and thoughts should be kept to yourself.
errrrrrrrr no

I mean if you reay want to see babies as gifts from god. Just because you have 4 cells implanted doesnt mean you are going to get pregnant and have a baby. SO maybe the ones that cling on are a gift from god.

I can see people thinking is it un-natural, because well it isnt the 'natural' way of doing things. However to go as far as it being a sin and blah blah blah

But theres a heck of a lot of sins in the Catholic faith. Si I cant say im shocked by her opinion. Which every is entitled to one. Ive been offened in the past on a personal level by one of these 4thought bits. But I tink they in the main are meant to be controversial
It is unnatural, given the current definition of natural but I wouldn't call it a sin (hate that word). If I was religious, I would struggle to call it a sin because either way only God can give life, and the fact that babies are the end-product of IVF shows that clearly it is God's will. From my own non-religious but spiritual viewpoint, before we are born we choose to be born and we choose our parents and their circumstances etc, probably even down to the method of conception.
On the other hand maybe IVF is a gift from God and He gave us the ability to do it :shrug: Then like a PP said the ones that cling on survive and that is His will?

I'm not religious but i dont think its fair to say its a sin
I agree that God has given us the knowledge to use it for good. However, I do believe that most forms of IVF are wrong, because they often involve the destruction of embryos. The Bible makes it clear that life begins at fertilisation. There are different fertility treatments that can be used as alternative options, but sadly not all of them are commonly available on the NHS.
Didn't know they destroyed some embryos! Might have to change my stance.
They do destroy some embryos but the mother can choose to donate them. I think its fair enough if she believes that but to tell others it is a sin is so unfair. Im TTC right now and I wouldn't rule IVF out in the long run. I agree with what people say about the fact that wouldnt god have stopped any IVF pregnancies if they were a sin. I'm not religious either.
I believe that MEDICINE is a gift from God and that IVF is part of that gift.

Does the person who thinks IVF is a sin, believe that same of all medicine? I.e life support and resuscitation etc? Just food for thought really.
How can somebody think that having a child is a sin? :nope:
I am a roman catholic and i completely disagree with what she is saying. She is a wierdo!

As the bible say's - if you ask God for strength, he doesn't make you a stronger person... he gives you the opportunity to be strong. And he always tests peoples faith but he gave 'man' (and woman) and knowledge to create IVF.

As mentioned above, i completely disagree when people freeze fertilized egg's and also when they destroy them. They should be frozen seperate , as in eggs frozen and sperm frozen.
I dont think IVF is a sin, but I do think the destroying of fertilized eggs is wrong though. I dont know much about IVF but if there is a way to do it without fertilizing eggs that are not going to be used then I dont understand why anyone would have a problem with it.
How can somebody think that having a child is a sin? :nope:

Of course having a child is not a sin, and IVF gives childless couples babies, what a gift!

But i will not, and cannot agree with killing an embryo, that to me, is a sin. :nope:
What about the 'dodgy' embryos the ones that arent made properly and arent viable? DO you think its wrong to get rid of them?

Like for instance a family friend is having Ivf atm they have just had one child 2 years ago via Ivf and in this batch had 4 embyos. Two of which were not demed good enough quality. Two were and they were given the choice of how many to implant. They have choosen one as they dont feel they can cope with twins. I mean there potential for this one embryo to split in two and have identical twins, however unlikely.

So two go in the bin essentially because they arent good enough and the other is left on ice as it were for the time being
They create a number of embryos but look at octomom who had all 8 implanted. To me thats not right either.

I personally dont think its wrong to destroy them embryos as they are at this stage 2-4 cells. There is no guarentee of them developing into a feotus and I think people, once theyve got to that stage of needing IVF should be given the best possible chance of beoing parents. If that means creating 8 embryos and using the best possible ones then thats the way it has to be. As we dont yet have the technology to create things as well as mother nature does.
Hmm but there's no guarantee of them NOT developing into a fotus IKWIM? I think from a religious point of view I would assume the problem lies in the fact that the doctor (with the parents in the passenger seat or vice versa) is playing God because he gets to decide which ones are "good enough" and binning the other babies, plus I would have thought if you were so desperate for a baby you would take ALL the embryos. Please feel free to correct me as my knowledge of IVF is limited.
By the way, what was wrong with octomum and/or having octuplets? Was it a health risk or?

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