5DPO waiting to test - join me! (2 BFPs!)

Ladies! What symptoms are you having? I'm trying to not let my mind play tricks on me, but I think it already is. Ahhhhh this wait is killing me!!
yeah, i couldn't hold out any longer but i think the negative yesterday will tide me over for a couple days. hopefully we can make it to friday?? AF not due til monday or tuesday though...:shhh:
am knee deep planning a trip for my entire family so seem to have found something to keep me from stalking these boards all morning (in japan so the time is opposite)! haha
what do people do to make these days go by faster?!:wacko:

unfortunately BD was just days before traveling across the world, so jetlag is probably the reason for any sleepiness, bloating, weird cramps that i've had for the last week or so. other than just feeling "off" i got nothin':-s
Hmm I don't know if it's symptoms or not and I haven't felt anything today but I've been tired, cramps/bloated/gassy, and lots of creamy cm.

It's definitely good to keep busy and off these boards, lol! We have no will power, huh?! Yeah I think that bfn did it to make me wanna wait. But let's see how I'll feel in the morning :haha: :doh:
Hi ladies, can I join you? I'm 10 DPO and my period is due tomorrow. We're trying to conceive our second. We've been pretty relaxed about this one (I was told no temping this time, lol) so my O date is a guess based on the data I took for child number one. I don't think we've done enough this month (This might be TMI? 3 days before and 1 day before) but I feel rubbish today so I'm hoping we just got lucky.

Symptoms are that I feel sick and feel like AF is coming (last time I felt like AF was coming for the first 8 weeks, it was horrid). What troubles me is I had a super craving for sweet stuff yesterday and that sounds more like AF to me. :(

I'm tempted to buy a test as we have none in, but I feel like that might jinx things, silly I know!
Hi ladies, can I join you? I'm 10 DPO and my period is due tomorrow. We're trying to conceive our second. We've been pretty relaxed about this one (I was told no temping this time, lol) so my O date is a guess based on the data I took for child number one. I don't think we've done enough this month (This might be TMI? 3 days before and 1 day before) but I feel rubbish today so I'm hoping we just got lucky.

Symptoms are that I feel sick and feel like AF is coming (last time I felt like AF was coming for the first 8 weeks, it was horrid). What troubles me is I had a super craving for sweet stuff yesterday and that sounds more like AF to me. :(

I'm tempted to buy a test as we have none in, but I feel like that might jinx things, silly I know!

Hey flamingpanda, of course you can join! Welcome:flower:
Good for you to be relaxed about it, hopefully it worked, those sound like good bd days.
I don't know about cravings but I guess they're all a part of getting preggerz too, so don't write it off as AF!
I totally know what you mean about jinxing it!! Haha, we know it's silly but somehow it makes sense in my head too ;)

Hopefully the :witch: won't pay you a visit, let us know if you test! A couple of us are trying to hold out until Friday, although I did cave and get a bfn yesterday at only 7dpo :haha: such a loser, I know.

Right now it's pretty early (6.30am) and I just had a wave of nausea :sick:
My cm is still creamy... that's all for now I'm gonna crawl back into bed - see ya later today ladies!

Are you all having any symptoms??
I took an internet cheapie today and It was complelty clear, the prgenancy feeling comes over me I waves , one minute I'm convinced the other I feel like I'm out. I hate not knowing what's happening ! I'll be testing again Friday.
I was just thinking cause I got a positive OPK on the 25th, if I didn't O until 48 hours later I may only be 6dpo and not 8dpo.

Got another bfn this morning haha I really need to stop this! :blush:

Emma thanks for sharing, you definitely have more time. Let's get our :bfp: on Friday!
Hi all,
Had my first IUI last Friday. Other than ovary pain and being super sleepy, no symptoms (chalking those up to ovidrel)
But today I had a dull aching in my abdomen and now sharp pains in cervix. Seems too early for AF. And too early for implantation.
Anyone else getting these?
Baby dust to all. Let's go mid July BFPS!!!
Hmm it could be your uterus just getting ready for implantation?
I hope so!!! I have had dull soreness in left ovary since before IUI. I am so hoping its just extra cramping from Ovidrel. I can't test until 7/11 at the earliest, because I still have the Ovidrel in my system and I'll get a false positive.
Wishing you all a speedy 9 more days and hope to see lots of BFPs!!!!
yesterday i was able to distract myself, but not today:dohh:

i'm getting nervous about testing, in a weird way. the first bfn was fine because i knew it was too early, but now that it's getting close to the "can actually get a positive" day range, i'm worried it's gonna be so hard to get another bfn. i cannot even imagine how hard this gets for people who have been trying for years:-(i feel bad whining about anything in our first month of trying...
Okay I understand Stephfrog - well on the bright side you CAN'T test us others only have our willpower... which at times is frankly not that high!!! :haha:

Hope that the cramps are implantation/pregnancy related :D

Lol I did it today too... I though well maybe I can show the progression on the boards... WRONG lol no progression at all yet!
We're weak huh?!

But yeah I get what you mean... if I don't get a bfp on 12 dpo I'll probably start getting worried... Although when I had my mc I didn't test until I was late for af and it was super faint then too. I mc'd three days later, I wonder if the hcG levels were already low at that point.
Morning, how is everyone feeling today?

I'm leaning more towards thinking I'm pregnant this morning. I had lots of cramps yesterday which have turned into AF feelings today, but not a drop of blood. What really made me think I might be - last pregnancy the first few weeks I spent horrendously thirsty. I'd wake in the night and down a glass of water only to still feel thirsty. Well I had the same feeling going to bed last night. I've woken with a headache and dry throat.

Mentioned all this to my fiance this morning and bless him, he seems really excited. Last time he didn't get excited until he could feel little one kick but I guess he knows more of what to expect this time.

Really tempted to phone work sick but we're so busy atm and I really should be there.
Ooh that's exciting flamingpanda!! When are you gonna test?

On this side of the pond it's midnight so I'm going to sleep now... I'm thinking about trying fmu tomorrow morning just for the heck of it ;)

fx your feeling is right! :dust:
Jumpingo, totally feeling the same way today! So nervous about getting that BFN when it'll be late enough that it is probably right... And I will feel guilty for being upset if it's negative since it's our first month trying too! I'd almost feel guilty if it was positive (especially since it took my sis-in-law almost a year of trying!).

So who all is testing tomorrow?? :)
Don't feel bad if you get a bfp hon, it's totally out of your control! I get it though - and I don't see how all my friends and both my sisters were able to get pregnant right off the bat, it makes me feel like it's never gonna happen for me.
But at the same time I've been very positive this cycle and I truly believe it's gonna be a :bfp: this month :D

I'm thinking about waiting till Tuesday now, I'll only be 10 dpo tomorrow and if I can control myself at all I'll just pee straight in the toilet and not on a stick :haha:

Make sure you post your tests girlies, I'm rooting for you!! :D
woke up really early (oh jetlag...) and tested. but hey, at least i made it to friday, right?

bfn...boo. now i'm just gonna wait til AF comes (due 7/8). if it's late, will maybe test on thursday next week?

sorta already counting myself out and just moving on to some serious BD action next time around!:sex::haha:
Aw sorry about your bfn jumpingo... but it's still early and it's not over until the :witch: shows her face.

I'll probably still be testing next Thursday as my af isn't supposed to be here till like the 11th I think :)
Let us know if anything happens! :)
I've been having some sharp pains in my upper stomach/rib cage area...I'm guessing it's more because I've hardly eaten anything today than a pregnancy symptom, I'm just trying to find something that's a symptom! I really haven't been feeling any different, other than more tired in the mornings...

taking my last test tomorrow morning with hubby. We'll see! Hope everyone else testing gets their BFP!
Sorry I've been quietly stalking ladies xo

GL for testers tomorrow <3

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