Hiya my ds is 6 months and my hv said to start introducing meat and starchy foods and basically all other foods minus a few like honey etc. So i made him pasta and minced beef with peas and carrots i purreed it all and he had had the veg before but the pasta and lean minced beef was new l. Afrer i gave him some he wasnt keen screwed up his face ( which i expect with it being new) he ate a few spoonfuls andvthen a few mins later was sck and bought it all back up. Now i dont no if it was something i put in it or something i did wrong . He has had fruit and veg purees and rice yoghurt and weetabix and has never once been sick. Should i try again or leave it. I dont want to cause him unessessary stress. Has anyone elses babys been.like this?
Oh i forgot to mention.it had a very small amount of cooked onion in it
Oh i forgot to mention.it had a very small amount of cooked onion in it