Kelly are you trying naturally or going the IVF route? Good for you taking care of yourself, gets your blood flow going. Very good to help you conceive!
Mrskitty I totally understand you feeling nervous. I was that way with my iui and it was not invasive at all. I know its so very hard but just keep yourself focused on the end goal, your take home rainbow baby in your arms. You can do this!
Brighteyez, great news about your clinic having such a high success rate, that is very positive! Have you conceived in the past? Sorry, I haven't read through the posts if you have already mentioned.
It is amazing what science can do, helping to create families. I find it all so fascinating lol
Im so sorry Brighteyez, loss is one of the worst experiences any woman can ever experience. If you don't mind me asking, if you have conceived and have children, why the IVF route? The reason I ask is because I have a similar situation. I have two children from a previous marriage and never any problems, text book perfect pregnancies. With my current husband I have had two miscarriages and an ectopic in February this year. We cannot figure out with the problem is, apparently we are totally healthy. Hoping I don't need to go the IVF route but one day it could be a reality.
Girls so sorry to read and not comment but I just took my last opk test as I am 12dpo and it's a positive smiley. I have only ever gotten a positive smiley when I'm pregnant, never had one when I'm not before af. I am so nervous that it's faulty or something. I am going to get a pg test on my way to work.
i always get so anxious the final few days, I had fully expected to see the opk negative this morning. Not sure if I am having another surge or what. I hate that I let myself get my hopes up!