I really wish people wouldn't use the past as an example and I don't mean it in a mean way, medically its bad for a woman to give birth at such a young age because their body is still undergoing vast development/puberty and pregnancy can stunt this growth along with higher pregnancy risks than someone that is in their early 20's, And as far a periods go you can get them as early as 8 so all the more reason why looking at the past is not useful anymore.
all mums need help and support in one way
or another whether it's from family, friends,
professionals or even from here ...
i was an older teen mum and i needed a helping
hand through my pnd, does that mean i'm not
capable of rainsing a child?
because i needed help?
surely though if the only way they can be good parents is with support from their parents then they aren't ready, I would say its the same for older parents, if you're not capable of raising them on your own maybe you should wait?
surely though if the only way they can be good parents is with support from their parents then they aren't ready, I would say its the same for older parents, if you're not capable of raising them on your own maybe you should wait?
I really wish people wouldn't use the past as an example and I don't mean it in a mean way, medically its bad for a woman to give birth at such a young age because their body is still undergoing vast development/puberty and pregnancy can stunt this growth along with higher pregnancy risks than someone that is in their early 20's, And as far a periods go you can get them as early as 8 so all the more reason why looking at the past is not useful anymore.
I was merely pointing that it was socially acceptable for a 13 yr old to be a mother back then, however now it is more or less frowned upon.
surely though if the only way they can be good parents is with support from their parents then they aren't ready, I would say its the same for older parents, if you're not capable of raising them on your own maybe you should wait?
Like Jenny I was an older teen mum. And I also had PND I needed a lot of support emotionally from my parents and health professionals. Just because someone needs support doesn't make them incapable of being a mother. In fact I think asking for support shows they are aware they need help and are taking appropriate action to ensure the parenting they are giving is sufficent to raise a child. Yes teen mum's may need that extra financial support but so do many older mothers. The ability to raise a child should not be based on age or the support a mother recives but on how that child is cared for x