It took me 14 cycles to get pregnant with my first because of having been on birth control for 10 straight years really screwed me up. I am around maybe 8 DPO now and today and all last night I have been very weepy and irritable. I am super stressed out dealing with my son whom is in his terriblw two's. This AM I had a sudden temp drop and cramps, but the cramps are now subsiding. I pray it is am implantation dip, although with my first pregnancy my chart did not look lke this one at all nor have I ever had an implantation dip. Chart has been triaphasic since O, bit this temp dip from 98.09 to 97.79 has me puzzled. It was vwry cold this AM, maybe that was it? Cervix still is high, medium soft, and closed. Fingers crossed. STILL IN THE RUNNING!! Glitterdiva, congrats what were your symptoms, amd how are you feeling?