Oh Wow... we're literally on the same cycle at present... when are you going to test? how are you passing the time? do you have a gut instinct about this cycle? how long have you been TTC? it would be amazing if we both got our BFPs.
I'm cycle 6 - i think realistically i'm going to test tomorrow afternoon again (9dpo) because that's when I got a BFP when I had my chemical so at least i know that my body can get a BFP that early. i know i should put it out of my mind, but i can't. I have this weird feeling that this might be it this month. but i wont say that aloud because then if AF comes i'd be more upset!
gives me hope as well!! i'm 8dpo as well and no symptoms!! not even a little cramp.. nothing!!
it would be awesome if all of us with no symptoms could be as lucky as you midnightfalls and get our bfp's this month too!!!
this is my first month using preseed and i'm due af on 24th as wel!!
to be honest, i kinda don't feel it at the moment.. having no symptoms at all so i doubt i'll test before the 24th. however in your case, i would just as well test every day till the 24 since you already started
and who knows, it might be an early positive!! will surely give me some hope!!
we bd'd at the right times and with preseed every time. even bd'd after when i expected o in case i o'd late. had lots of hope for this cycle which is cycle #4 - after lap to remove cyst in november - but now i'm hardly as hopeful!
i have very scant cm all through my cycle which is why i hope preseed will be what i needed!
i never get ewcm or what i noticed and i took allot of things this cycle to try improve. from green tea, mucinex, fertileCM, epo.. the works.. and nothing.
to pass the time, i'm on here
and another website which you should really check out. its called
www.twoweekwait.com! there you can look at the tab on the left under ''all bfp stories'' and it shows symptoms of women who got their bfp's! its very cool and very addictive!!! here's a link :
man i do hope we both get our bfp's this month!!! it would be super cool and i would be beyond ecstatic!!!