Yes this is quite normal I'm afraid! Mine went from every 3-4 hours in the early weeks, then at 6 week growth spurt went every 2 hours & stayed that way until about 3.5 months. Then wwnt to every 2.5 hours which is where we're at now, although some days when we're at home she still wants to go every 2 hours - must be days when she's growing more or learning more! She only naps 20-45 mins too so I have a choice of eating or getting stuff done when she naps, i always choose to eat! I know it's frustrating, I was often in despair in the beginning. But as your LO gets a bit older & more interestrd in play gym, toys etc, you can leave them a bit more during their awake time to get on with stuff & you're not having to try & cram as much housework in their nap times. Now I take 30 mins in a morningg and 30mins in the afternoon where she is having floor time & i sort out laundry or vacuum etc then i go play with her. Sometimes I will stand and do my ironing while she has floortime too and just chatter with her. Also from about 8-10 weeks I started putting baby in a sling so I could get on with vacuuming etc. The hardest for me was timing things to actually get out and about, not easy with 2 hourly feeds when you have to walk everywhere! I know it's hard but enjoy the sitting down & nursing while it lasts and hang in there, it will get better! Reminds me of this poem (it's not the full thing)
I hope that my child, looking back on today,
remembers a mother who had time to play.
For children grow up while you are not looking;
there will be years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow;
for children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm nursing my baby and babies don't keep.