:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

Hi all, im still around, not long for me either, cant believe where time has gone, cant wait to get back on the treadmill and get my body back to how it was, i feel like a whale

Robinson, how come ur 2 tickers say 2 different stages? Did hosp change ur dates
Im with you there claire im also feeling like a whale!! Cant even turn over in bed properly lol.
Ive had an easy pregnancy so far though so i am enjoying it! :)
Hi Ladies, :)

DH was so sweet the other day, baby girl was having a wriggle and he said 'I know why she's wriggling!!!' because her mummy is a 'baby dancer' awwww :winkwink:

We had the consultant app last wed, she saw the same black patches :( but said it's very likely to be an imaging glitch. Sadly they (and I) can't get baby girl to move, so the US can't get another angle on her head. She heads down and ready to go already!! DHs brother has a range of mental disabilities so they are following it up with a 4D scan next thurs and if there is still no resolution maybe a fetal MRI. We're focussing on the good stuff though and not letting it get us down. 'If' something is wrong, it's likely to by hydrocephalus and well, it'll be a tough road but she's our baby and we'll be supporting her every step of the way <3

Oh ladies, I feel so heavy, I can't get out of bed, I sort of roll out and I am on the very edge of not being able to do up my shoes anymore! I can't wait to get my fitness back.

smalltowngal I am so sorry about your wrists :( they sound painful. I can't remember what does RE mean? I really hope you are not out :hugs:

Goodluck NDTaber!

Tizy :hugs: I'm sorry that 2013 hasn't worked out but... spring is a lovely time to have a baby! Hopefully spring 2014 will bring your precious baby :hugs:

In other news, we are painting the nursery tomorrow :) and I am just working really hard trying to finish as much of my degree as possible. Hoping to start mat leave in 8 weeks :shock: speaking of which I best get back to it! xxx
Aw, Lizzie, what a sweet DH you have! :) The wriggle story is adorable <3

Too bad you couldn't get baby girl to move so they could confirm it was a glitch, but at least they said it's very likely to be a glitch, so that's good. Hopefully the 4D scan will confirm. You've got a great attitude to the whole situation, and she's sure to be loved and well taken care of and will be a valuable new part of your family and the world, regardless. <3

Thanks for the well wishes :hugs::hugs:

RE means Reproductive Endocrinologist aka the Fertility Specialist. ;)

AFM: I've been having a really tough day. I found it hard to finally call and change that gyno appointment to a slightly later date, because it was like admitting that there is no hope for this month and I'd better adjust the appointment for when AF arrives to leave it time to go away for the exam. I burst out crying before even making the call, barely made it through the call without sounding weepy, then cried some more. I'm having a very toady hope day, today. I'm feeling a definite lack of faith that I and others are reading God right on the whole "I'll eventually get PG if I keep trying" thing, today. I feel like my husband continuing to worry about what happens "when I'm PG" is akin to worrying about what happens when hover cars and jet packs are a common mode of transportation. I feel like it's a question for science fiction writers. Might as well hope for the invention of a time flux capacitor and a flying Delorian to go with it. I just haven't been able to shake the "if it hasn't happened yet, it won't" feeling, today. Cycle #9 is going to be even harder, because if I don't get PG that cycle, I won't be able to even say "well, it took my mom and grandma 9 months, maybe I just take after them" because I'll be past that.

And I'm very bloaty in the thighs today. And my temp dropped right back down. And I'm tired. And emotional. And I haven't even spotted yet.

I wish there was a test I could take that would tell me if I keep trying it will definitely happen. I wish I was younger, so time was more on my side.

On the bright side, tonight, google giveth (and maybe God is telling me to take it as a sign to not lose hope, because I think I felt the touch of God about it, just now), because I just found this blog (https://ttchopeful.blogspot.com/2011/02/heart-vs-brain-or-how-i-soldiered-on.html), and it (and some of the other blogs in the blog's blog list) helped me feel better. I guess I'll just do what that lady did and keep on truckin', because it's reasonable to do so, even when my heart is not hopeful at all. Honestly, I think even if I could take that test that could tell me I'd definitely get PG if I keep trying, I might still go "shyeah, right! - I'll believe it when I see it!", right now. I want proof in the form of a BFP.

The lady and her tiger are still way too happy for my mood right now, though. Oh, well.

Thanks for letting me vent, everyone. :wacko: Hugs and dust to all as needed :hugs: :dust:
Hey Ladies, how is everyone doing? I wanted to invite you guys to a new group I found. There are a bunch of ladies ttc and a few pregnant ones. They are all super nice and supportive. It is a very active thread too. Go here if you would like to join :thumbup:
Struggled so much today I made a board requesting success stories in the Pregnancy Club forum: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/p...-felt-convinced-theyd-never-get-pregnant.html

They help a lot, so if anyone else is feeling hopeless or doomy, go give the thread a read and hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Had another heart to heart with DH today about our poor attempts (since the last plan to fix that problem didn't work). I was seriously beginning to think he didn't really want kids after all (or I'd lost my allure), but it turns out he was just still in denial about how badly the sleep deprivation and lack of taking good care of himself was effecting our attempts and his drive (cause cycle 1 he was all over me, and today he said he definitely want's to know about timing and wants me to make him a calendar and mark off the days we should BD for maximum effect, so it seems he really does want to be regular and goal oriented about it). He thought it would be a sign of weakness to have to make sure he got good sleep and take his meds and vitamins to avoid "wiltage" and had convinced himself he didn't need to take that seriously, until I showed him how little we'd been BD'ing and he was all "OMG, that's awfull!" He never dreamed he'd be one to have such low frequency and it shocked him to realize. So, he's renewed his commitment to the baby making project by agreeing to take his meds and vitamins (we got him a pill organizer, since he's bad about remembering to take them) and getting better sleep (he'll use tylenol pm to help get him back on track). FX'd this does the trick and gets him back up to his regular snuff.

We also came up with a new consolation prize for not being PG, that is helping already: If I'm not PG by August, we go to Cedar Point (which I've been dying to visit again for years, and DH has never been to, and we both are into amusement parks). So I think that will help us. Either way we win - either I'm PG and the strife of TTC is over, or I'm not and we get to go to Cedar Point and ride all the rides. And then I'll have to come up with a new consolation after that, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, Cedar Point is helping take the edge off (thank you Jesus that we are able to afford it).

NTaber, thanks for the group rec! :thumbup: I'll join in there (as well as keep posting here). ;)

Right girls I've FINALLY updated the front sheet. As far as I can remember we've not had any :bfp: since February!!!! when Ciara got hers so......... ND Taber and Smalltowngal you two are still in for this month (April) lets see some lines on tests please!

Smalltown you're not out yet, don't be despondent and great that you have something to look forward to at the end of the summer. How long is your LP Smalltowngal? Are you testing or just waiting to see if AF arrives, your temps look great X

Looking back I realise that I've not been great at welcoming the new girls, deemarie and Mii, who I'm not sure are still following this board. Where are you girls? let me have your testing dates and I'll update the sheet.

LizzieJane, well done for staying positive, I admire you for that. Lets see some nursery piccys when you get chance.

ND how you feeling? Only a few days left until testing, how long is your LP usually?

Hi to all the ladies who are nearly at the end of your pregnancies, can't believe its gone so quick, but I guess a lot has happened in that time. Can't wait to see the pictures of the first Baby Dancer babies.

Waiting to O is so boring probs another 12 days or so until then for me......yawn!

Just wanted to offer some :hugs: to the ladies feeling down! Keeping my fingers crossed you all get you :bfp: soon!
My lp is usually only 12 days and I and feeling out this month. The only sign I have is tender bbs u get that before the witch. Blah I felt so optimistic this month.
Hi ladies!!

Sorry - been silently stalking for a while, trying not to spend too too much time on B&B. I've massively cut down on the number of threads I'm part of as well (the more obsessive I get with TTC the more threads I join!) so now only on 2 TTC threads, Baby Dancers being one of them of course! :thumbup:

So excited that we have some babies nearly here, can't wait to see piccies :happydance: Robinson looks like you're the soonest, doesn't time fly! :haha:

Lizzie - hope you get some definite reassurance soon, I've got a good feeling that's it's nothing more than a glitch so everything crossed

And Proudarmywife thanks so much for your support, really helps :flower:

Tizy so sorry AF got you - 2014 is DEFINITELY going to be the year we get our little rainbows :hugs:

ND - sorry you think AF is on her way though I have heard of lots of people who feel that way when they get their BFP so still keeping everything crossed for you

Smalltowngal - glad you and DH have had a heart-to-heart. I'll never forget the first time I had to explain to DH that there's actually only a small window to conceive each month and he has to live up to his side of the bargain when I say it's time! :haha:

SIL had a beautiful baby boy last week. Was very privileged as she asked me to come straight up (she has an 18 month old as well so needed help!) so got to help her DH bring her home from hospital and spend a lovely few days with them and get lots of baby and toddler cuddles! She has an amazing story - they were NTNP for 12 whole years (had never felt ready to go for testing) and had pretty much given up when they fell pregnant. Then when first little one was 7 months they got a big big surprise that number 2 was on the way! Gives me lots of hope to see them with their little family after all that time - not so keen on waiting 12 years though!

I am having ovulation signs - EWCM, bloating and pain. Pain from endo has been really bad this month and it's ramping up as I get towards ovulation. It's hard because I don't really fancy BDing in pain with a swollen belly (I have in the past been asked when my baby is due around O time!!!). But on the positive side if I do O in the next day or so it'll be on track for my third 31-32 cycle in a row. Pre miscarriage my cycles could be anything from 28-68 days so looks like my little angel has got me back on track which I'm very grateful for and makes the future more positive.

Tizy - AF is due 30th April but will try and hold out until May to test if she stays away [-o&lt;


Right girls I've FINALLY updated the front sheet. As far as I can remember we've not had any :bfp: since February!!!! when Ciara got hers so......... ND Taber and Smalltowngal you two are still in for this month (April) lets see some lines on tests please!

Smalltown you're not out yet, don't be despondent and great that you have something to look forward to at the end of the summer. How long is your LP Smalltowngal? Are you testing or just waiting to see if AF arrives, your temps look great X

:hugs: Thanks Tizy :hugs: I feel like AF is definitely coming, but thanks for the encouragement (helps keep the brain hopeful even if the heart is all jaded). :thumbup: And still being in for a chance for Cedar Point is giving me some comfort, too.

My LP is almost always 13 days and there's always been spotting by day 13. If I don't spot tomorrow I'll be suspicious. I may test tomorrow, esp if I don't spot by morning, but usually I wait to see if AF gets me. Do my temps look great? I've been feeling negative about them because they are spikey and have dipped below the cover line a few times, but maybe I'm not seeing the forest for the trees, or something.

I did just check my CP, and my cervix feels different than it normally does by this point (normally when it feels like AF is coming on, the cervix is sensitive in a hurty way, and it felt totally all right today). Ah, but my body has trolled me so often, with what seem like hopeful signs, that I don't have much hope for any hopeful signs any more. I'll still eat my hat if I don't spot tomorrow. It sure would be nice not to spot tomorrow and get a bfp with this cycle, though!


Thanks baby1 :hugs: My DH is so stubborn, sometimes he needs multiple heart to hearts before one sticks. :haha:

I'm glad you are having O signs! :happydance: Except for the pain, the pain sucks. :hugs: Hope it gets better soon!

I'm glad it looks like your little angel got you back on track, God bless! :kiss: Maybe they are your guardian angel now.


In other news for me: I aggravated my wrists today and finally had to break down and buy wrist supports/braces. I can still type and use the mouse with them on, but it's a little difficult. But my wrists feel better being splinted. Hopefully now they will heal soon.
I went ahead and took an hpt and it was bfn, as expected. :nope: Still no spotting yet, but I predict I'll get some by the end of the day.
Awww STG - what time if day was it? Maybe try with FMU if no spotting. Lets us know, I'm rooting for you!

ND how's things? Any more symptoms? Xxx
Nope nothing on my end besides tender bbs. I really think I'm out. Af is suppose to be here in 2 days.
Thanks, Tizy! :kiss:

It was the wee hours of the morning, before I took my nap, with possibly diluted urine, but still...I know the odds of getting a bfp after a bfn at 13dpo are only 9% or 10%, so I'm not very hopeful.

On the bright side, still no spotting, and it's late in the day, and the cervix still feels fine, which, if nothing else, my acupuncturist (saw her today) says is a good sign for my health. So even if AF comes (and I'm still expecting it), I've still got a win in not spotting beforehand, if I don't spot. But my acupuncturist did think I had enough of a chance to be cautious and not do the ab points and said I'll just have to wait and see to know for sure, so there's hope. But I'll still be shocked.


Hope you aren't really out NDTaber, fx'd for a surprise bfp :dust: But I know the feeling.
Well, shoot, just got a teeny bit of pink spotting. Phooey! :dohh:
False alarm on the spotting! I'm pretty sure I just scratched myself with my nail again when checking, since there is absolutely no more spotting, and when I check now it hurts a little bit on one side but not the other (like last time I scratched myself, and I know for sure I scratched myself that time, this cycle). I really need to trim my nails, but they are so pretty I hate to. But this is the second time I've had to mark down spotting because of a nail scratch. Ah, maybe one will break soon and I won't feel so bad about cutting them. :wacko:

In other news, my temp shot up real high even after only 4 hrs of sleep and no covers (usually I wake up chilled when I only nap and have no covers)! Now I'm back in limbo, wondering if I'll spot or AF will show up today, or if AF will show up tomorrow. Still planning on testing again on the 18th if no AF.
Gah, just scratched the opening to my vajayjay while wiping and drew blood! :wacko: After blotting up the blood and making sure it stopped, I carefully doubled checked inside with a q-tip to make sure it wasn't coming from my cervix, and nope the q-tip was crystal clear, so I must have nicked the opening. I then very very carefully checked CP and the cervix is closed, which is a good sign, and medium high and medium firm/softness (which is unusual for this late in the game, as it's either LFC close to AF time, and HSO if AF is starting that day).

I'll either need to cut my nails, or be much more careful.

I've heard before that the cervix can be easier to scratch (or even make bleed during BD) when near O time (and I've found that to be true) and when PG, and I just googled to see if the same could be true of the vagina, and yep, more blood flow to that area as well, so maybe it's easier to nick. But there's also increased blood flow as AF approaches, too, so, still a toss up.

But at least it's still not real spotting, which is still good even if AF comes later today or tomorrow. :thumbup:

In spite of all these hopeful signs, I still feel like AF could come any moment. :|
Im rooting for you girls!

What i day i hsd yesterday!!! Was admitted to the hospital by my gp as ive been really unwell for 4 weeks now and ive come out in a huge rash on my face :-(
To cut a long story short ive gotna really bad viral infection! Ive been given some anti bs so hopefully it will clear up soon as im getting fed up with being poorly!
If it hasnt gone within the week i need to go back so fingers crossed!!
Hi ladies, have been stalking for a while now! Cant believe some of you ladies are so close to having your babies!

Smalltowngal, have my fingers and toes crossed for you!! Dont count yourself out yet!

Tizy, I have a positive feeling about this month, just make sure to get your BDing in :D easier said than done, I know :dohh:

Hoping all the ladies ttc get tgeir BFPs very very soon :flower:

afm, ive had an easy pregnancy so far, which is almost indentical to that with my dd. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

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