Aw, Lizzie, what a sweet DH you have!

The wriggle story is adorable
Too bad you couldn't get baby girl to move so they could confirm it was a glitch, but at least they said it's very likely to be a glitch, so that's good. Hopefully the 4D scan will confirm. You've got a great attitude to the whole situation, and she's sure to be loved and well taken care of and will be a valuable new part of your family and the world, regardless.
Thanks for the well wishes

RE means Reproductive Endocrinologist aka the Fertility Specialist.
AFM: I've been having a really tough day. I found it hard to finally call and change that gyno appointment to a slightly later date, because it was like admitting that there is no hope for this month and I'd better adjust the appointment for when AF arrives to leave it time to go away for the exam. I burst out crying before even making the call, barely made it through the call without sounding weepy, then cried some more. I'm having a very toady hope day, today. I'm feeling a definite lack of faith that I and others are reading God right on the whole "I'll eventually get PG if I keep trying" thing, today. I feel like my husband continuing to worry about what happens "when I'm PG" is akin to worrying about what happens when hover cars and jet packs are a common mode of transportation. I feel like it's a question for science fiction writers. Might as well hope for the invention of a time flux capacitor and a flying Delorian to go with it. I just haven't been able to shake the "if it hasn't happened yet, it won't" feeling, today. Cycle #9 is going to be even harder, because if I don't get PG that cycle, I won't be able to even say "well, it took my mom and grandma 9 months, maybe I just take after them" because I'll be past that.
And I'm very bloaty in the thighs today. And my temp dropped right back down. And I'm tired. And emotional. And I haven't even spotted yet.
I wish there was a test I could take that would tell me if I keep trying it will definitely happen. I wish I was younger, so time was more on my side.
On the bright side, tonight, google giveth (and maybe God is telling me to take it as a sign to not lose hope, because I think I felt the touch of God about it, just now), because I just found this blog (, and it (and some of the other blogs in the blog's blog list) helped me feel better. I guess I'll just do what that lady did and keep on truckin', because it's reasonable to do so, even when my heart is not hopeful at all. Honestly, I think even if I could take that test that could tell me I'd definitely get PG if I keep trying, I might still go "shyeah, right! - I'll believe it when I see it!", right now. I want proof in the form of a BFP.
The lady and her tiger are still way too happy for my mood right now, though. Oh, well.
Thanks for letting me vent, everyone.

Hugs and dust to all as needed