Hi ladies

Haven't been on for a while because after my fertility consult I felt I needed to take a step back so I wouldn't obsess and stress during the time I was waiting for some results (even though the results I had on that day were mostly good). Here's what's going on with me:
My basic fertility consult went great (aside from getting lost at the tale end of my trip, but I got there) - I feel very confident with the doc and he and the staff were super nice. I also loved how he let me see the ultrasound for myself (and it was a top of the line u/s machine) and how he explained everything to me and he even went over what happens during IUI and did a dry run with an empty IUI catheter, so I could see it didn't hurt. The good news is my ovaries and uterus look great and I am no longer in fear of needing a surrogate and I'm feeling confident that I can at least carry a baby. My FSH was apparently good or good enough he didn't mention it as a worry (and my hormone specialist had said it was good/fine earlier) and my AMH results, that just came back today, were excellent, so I'm feeling more confident about my eggs/ovaries. And DH's SA came back with a good prognosis for fertility (he even has swimmers to spare)! So I'm feeling pretty hopeful that the worst case scenario is going to be a few rounds of IVF. At the very least my uterus should be fine for donor embryo if the endo fluids are hurting my eggs (or something) and they can't do anything about that. And the doc was talking like after the lap we could possibly start with clomid. Which brings me to the not so great news - as suspected, the doc is confident I have endo (my symptoms, family history, and the fluid found in my abdominal cavity around my uterus on the u/s indicate endo). However, I don't have any lesions visible on u/s and ovaries and uterus look great. Who knows about the tubes, though, and all that fluid has to be coming from somewhere (so either a bunch of little lesions or maybe some bigger lesions somewhere not on my reproductive organs). So, I will definitely be having a keyhole lap done to explore and see if my tubes are blocked or not, and unblock if they are, see what the lesions situation is and remove them and scar tissue if present, check out the inside of my uterus and clean anything needing cleaned up there, etc. The surgery scheduler should be calling me back on Tues to sched my lap and the pre-op appt. I should be having the lap at the end of May or the beginning of June. Also, I have a slightly elevated prolactin level (25.5 when the normal is 4 - 23), but that should be easily fixed by medication if need be (my mom has my same symptoms which led him to suspect elevated prolactin in me and she never got treatment for it and she had me just fine). So, I've got some trials ahead of me, although I'm much relieved to know my uterus is good to go (I had good lining) and it and my ovaries looked great (I could see three follicles on the one that didn't just ov and two on the one that just did) and my FSH is good and my AMH is excellent. And apparently the lower end of normal estrogen didn't alarm him. Basically, I now feel confident that it is just a matter of time before I get my bfp (with probably the worst case being IVF and no worst case than donor embryo). Don't know how long it's going to take to get there (I doubt I'm PG this month) but I figure it will happen eventually and at the moment I'm feeling content to just be on my way to an eventual bfp. Of course, it would be nice not to need any surgery at all, but I'm glad it's minor surgery (unless he should find a load of endo to remove in there) and I'm hopeful that if my tubes are blocked they are able to be cleaned out and returned to good condition. I'm a bit nervous, though, as I don't like being knocked out and it's still surgery. But I should be fine.
Also, unless there is time for one more natural TTC before surgery (which there won't be if I have it on sched), I won't be having acupuncture until after I'm healed up and ready to start TTC again. The acupuncturist rec'd that course of action and asked me to call her with results and when my surgery is scheduled and keep her up to date.
In other news, DH and I are going to Kings Island tomorrow so I can get in some ride time before surgery takes me out for a month (it'll take me out for a month of TTC too). I really don't think anything has implanted, my gyno is unconcerned with rides in the tww, and it's going to be too early to tell if I'm PG, and from what I've researched it shouldn't have an effect if it's too early to even get a bfp. I'll take a test tomorrow (it will only be 10dpo) and if it's bfn I ride the rides, and if it's bfp...well, yay I don't have to have surgery! But it's going to be bfn and AF is going to get me as usual, and I'm going to have that surgery. I'm reserving my hope for after surgery.
Tizy congrats on your


Good luck with your delivery, robinson!
Congrats on a girl, Ciara!