Thanks for thinking of me and wishing me well, ladies!

The surgery went great, although there was a lot more endo in there than the FS thought there would be and it took an hour and a half to get it all out, but he was able to remove all of it. Amazingly, my tubes and inside the uterus were totally clear. The endo was all on the abdominal walls, ligaments, and uterus (there was a big endo cyst hanging off the uterus), and there was some adhesion of my right kidney and uterus, and there were some fibroids to be removed on the outside of my uterus. Thankfully, my ovaries were completely unscathed, as the FS thought they would be, as well as my tubes were completely unscathed.
I still couldn't help but be nervous about the being knocked out part, and they did put an oxygen mask over my face while they were administering the knock-out juice, but the anesthesiologist and nurses and intern docs and FS were all very nice and reassuring, so I wasn't too freaked out. And once they gave me the juice, I was out pretty quick.
Recovery from the anesthesia was really rough on me, though. As suspected, I take after my mom and get really, really nauseous and it takes me a while to fully wake up. They had to give me three rounds of anti-nausea meds, and I was loaded up on pain meds like dilaudid, so I was there till 5 PM recovering before I could go home (my surgery was around 10 AM and ended around 11:30 AM, so I was recovering for a while). I was also so dehydrated that they had to give me a total of 3 bags of fluids (and I drank a whole bunch before the no-food-and-drink cut off point the night before, to try and prevent that). I felt like death warmed over while recovering, it was awful. The nurses were all very nice and helpful though. I never vomited, but once my body woke up enough for me to have to finally pee and I finally did that with the help of the nurses, I was able to belch and feel much better. It took till today until I was able to pee normally (it was a slow stop and start after surgery), due to the catheter they'd had in me during surgery, and my throat is still a bit sore and cough-y from the tube that was down my throat.
Luckily, the pain hasn't been so bad. The FS prescribed motrin and vicodin, but I only had to take the motrin for the first few rounds of feeling like I needed something for the soreness, but then around noon today it started to hurt enough when coughing that I added the vicoden and then that made me very sleepy and I've slept since then until now. It still hurts when I cough, but not as bad now.
My DH was with me all day yesterday and today, and my mom came to visit at the hospital before my surgery and stayed till I recovered enough to be able to carry out some conversations (and gave me a get-well present, a cute cat nightshirt).
The FS had to use non-dissolvable stitches on my incisions (I have four little ones covered by bandaids: one at the bellybutton, one at the bottom of my abdomen, and one each on both sides of my abdomen), so I'll have to have them removed at my post-op visit (I guess since the surgery was more intense I needed the non-dissolvable ones). Although, I just changed my bandaids and I don't see any stitches and neither did my DH (it looks like they glued me) so maybe we misheard and he just wants to check my incisions. And also, since the surgery was more intense, my healing time won't be so quick, so I can't BD or have anything up the vag (like tampons) or even bathe (although I can shower) till I see my FS again at the post-op on June 3rd. So, I'll have to take cycle #10 off, for TTC, after all. But maybe I'll call tomorrow or Monday to double check about the stitches and about no BD until post-op.
On the bright side, my FS is very hopeful about our fertility to the point that he wants us to try natural at least one more time before moving on to IUI.

I'm happy to try as many times natural before moving on to IUI, that the FS thinks is prudent.

So, I'll at least have one more natural try. I'll have to ask him how many more tries after that he thinks would be ideal. I'm hopeful that maybe I'll get my natural BFP after all.
PS: Glad you got your u/s exam booked, Tizy!