:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

Okay, I'm back after having a snarf fest :munch::icecream: and visiting with DH after he got home, and now my brain is free to see what's up with everyone. :) (I just had a tab open from yesterday and clicked the ol' reply button at the top, and didn't see the exciting news until now!) Prepare for massive smiley abuse. :p


Wowsers, omg girls BFP this morning :) still faint but camera picked it up and hubby could see it, im happy but nervous and cant quite believe it, eek

I will upload pic later

Wow, congratulations, Claire!!! :happydance: :flower:

I know im now officially in the first trimester but im gonna stay on this thread if thats ok coz i would feel lost without it now i think and im intrigued about other peoples outcomes

Yay, glad you're sticking around! :thumbup:

It sounds weird just saying that im in the first trimester, i dont think ive actually relised whats going on altho one of the first things i said to hubby was 'oh no, now ive gotta give birth again!' thats the one thing that scares me as my 3rd was a horrid birth and ended up a crash c-section, if people wanna know more feel free to ask but i dont wanna freak anyone out thats ttc :wacko:

another thought do i go to the doctor or book straight in with a nurse or midwife? shall i ring my surgery and ask? last time i went to the doc and he didnt really do anything, didnt do test coz he said home ones are reliable enough and just said book in with midwife at ? weeks (cant remember) and that was it, seemed a pointless visit really

Curiosity compels me to ask what happened with that 3rd birth. Maybe you could put it behind a spoiler cut for those who don't want to risk freaking themselves out.

And, hm, I think I'd ring surgery and ask. Can't believe the doc didn't do any kind test or exam or something, last time. Hmph!

Heres my bfp, its only light, cant see it aswell in the pic, please say u can all see it coz im now doubting whether there was a line now, im being silly, i cant get my head round it, im still gonna test every day to see it getting darker and book docs/nurse next week


I definitely see the line! :thumbup: It's faint, but clear as day. :dance: So exciting!


Hey girls,

How is everyone? Its a bit quiet on here this morning.

I'm feeling a bit low today but I think its because my 9 month old had me up from 12am-4am last night so I'm kinda sleep deprived. Just having a day at home today in my jamies.

I'm not feeling very hopeful for this months cycle, I know I'm only 5dpo but i've no symptoms and I know we're pretty much out because we only DTD the morning of my temp rise.

So pleased for you Claire....is hubby excited?


Sorry your feeling kinda low today, Tizy! :hug: Hang in there! :hugs:


Congrats Claire!! Aaahhh great news!

Oh Tizy :hugs: you never know! Only time will tell. At least you know you Od and your cycles are alright. I still have no clue about mine! Im cd14 today, temp dropped to 35.97 this morning, lowest of the cycle yet. Opk was quite faint yesterday, so im going to do one soon and one later. Its a bummer not knowing my cycles. At least if i knew what they should be like then i would be left hanging! I hope its not another 16 dayer!

This thread seems to have good luck, all these bfps! Hope you ladies are goijg to stick around so u can keep us updated etc! (and also egg us on to get our bfps!)

im just back from toddlers with dd, she has just went down for her nap and oh is visiting his mums, and he will be back soon then is working 8-8 again tonight. So... Another quiet one for me! what are we all up to today? Xx

I know what you mean by it being a bummer not knowing your cycles. I just didn't keep track of mine and wished that I had when I started TTC. I didn't even keep track of AF properly on the calendar (I never actually marked it down), just knew that it came once a month around the same time and must have been regular enough that it never totally surprised me.

And yeah, I'm hoping the :bfp: good luck in this thread continues, and people stick around to keep us updated! :winkwink:

Show us that bfp claire!

I know!!!

Just done an opk, its the same as it was a few days ago. Not faint but not really that dark, although it looks like it is possible the darkest Ive had yet. anyway, (TMI ALERT) when I went to the toilet and wiped I noticed alot of cm, so I checked and it is in abundance, sort of eggwhite, a little stretchy. OH is on his way back, so maybe we can get some BD in before dd wakes up from her nap just in case this is leading up to my big O (I wont get my hopes up!)

Here is a pic of my OPK (not as exciting as a BFP, I know! but hey, its exciting for me haha)


Deffo looks like it's ramping up! Good luck with BD tonight! :dust:

Ooh lovely claire!
NDtaber.. You never know, dont count yourself until she shows x

Thats oh left for work and dd just went into bed, so i have the rest of the nigt to myself! I might get a cheeky chinese as a treat! But first... Im off to do another opk.

Doed anyone know how much it affects opk results when you have alot to drink? I havent really had anything but im always worried in case if i have a drink it will make my test less accurate

Thanks xx

They say it could dilute the urine, but when I got my bfp opk I'd had a regular amount to drink and got a big ol bfp, so having a bit to drink won't necessarily do you in, I don't think. Probably guzzling down a big gulp right before wouldn't be a good idea, but one drink is probably okay.


It's not a +ve hpt or even opk but..... my referral letter came through the post today! I am literally so happy I could weep! :dance: only two months to wait till I finally have some answers/help.

Is it acceptable to refuse to leave your consultants office until they prescribe clomid? This is my plan.

Glad you got your referral letter! :D

Hopefully they don't even fight you on the clomid (if you don't have a bfp by then). :winkwink:


BFN for me today 12 dpo expecting AF to arrive at the weekend, no more testing for me i'm so out this month! At least I get to per on my posh clearblue smiley ov kits this month, woo hoo!

Aw, sorry you got a bfn today. Wouldn't you test again if AF is late or doesn't come, though?


well AF arrived 1 hour after I wasted a perfectly good Frer. ordering some amazon cheapies to stop my habit of cb digital OPK and frer tests!

claire- your dh is so cute...POST THAT PIC!

Aw, bummer about AF! :grr::witch: <--Me kicking the red witch for you

Well wishes for next cycle! :hugs:


My ticker is wrong now, AF still hasnt shown up. I was originally going to test tomorrow but I think I will wait until the 14th. My temps are on a downward pattern though so AF might be on her way.

no no test 2moz, going dare ya, u may be pleasantly suprised even if its a faint line, least then u have some idea, saying that 14th is only 2 days away, good luck, uve got more patience than me

Don't tempt me! Lol I will be using my last FRER so If I wait, it gives me a better chance of either seeing that :bfp: or AF showing up. I could save myself a trip to the store. If I have to try another cycle, I am ordering those cheapy ones off of amazon so I can poas to my hearts desire :haha:

That's what I did, ordered the Amazon cheapie HPTs. :winkwink: Good luck testing when you test! :dust:


i just tested and bfn.. no line at all
im sooo confused right now

i feel like honestly crying

when i went to wipe i saw a little spotting not a lot i wiped and there was a little blood

and now its completely stopped

what do u guys think?? im i out our should i still trying testing tomorrow if af doesnt show ??
do u think i had implatation wrong ?? cuz i just had the same type of spotting i had a week ago ! im sooo confused someone type to me
what do u think that small blood was for ?? omg
so i just went to check and now its a brown discharge .. ugh maybe this isnt my month

Sorry to hear you got a BFN and confounding brown discharge, BlackBeauty! :( :hug:

I read that you can have spotting when your ovary switches over hormone production to the corpus luteum, so maybe the earlier spotting was that.

What dpo are you or how past due is AF?

If the discharge doesn't turn into AF, maybe test again tomorrow or in a day or two. Brown discharge is old blood. Some people do spot through out early PG, I read. Maybe you had a buildup of spotting, idk?

It isn't over till AF has definitely unpacked her bags.

Thanks hun will Defo test if i'm late but I get a 16 day LP so still a while to go yet, she's Defo on her way though! Good luck for your tww,when are you testing?

BB I'm so sorry to hear things didn't happen this month, try to look on the positive side hun and just remember that even if you get all the timings right with BDing & ovulation there is still only 20% chance you'll get pregnant. Big hugs none the less tho chick xxxx

Well I'm 6dpo today and have woken with a full on cold and headache, not reading too much into it as there's loads going round at the mo.

Off to baby group this morning so I'll catch up here this aft. Xxx
Yay! FF have fixed my ticker - really thought I was being stupid, even tho I'm not tech shy...thank goodness for that.
How are you this morning Claire? Have you done another test? Lol.

Quick question, does anybody know whether having a longer cycle affects the length of your luteal phase? Or should it just be around 14 days?

I'm having dull crampy feelings this morning too.

Thanks XXx
How are you this morning Claire? Have you done another test? Lol.

Quick question, does anybody know whether having a longer cycle affects the length of your luteal phase? Or should it just be around 14 days?

I'm having dull crampy feelings this morning too.

Thanks XXx

should be the same regardless of when you ovulate hun! They say on average its 14 days but anywhere from 12-16 is normal! I usually get my AF between 15/16 dpo and its pretty much consistent every month. X
Yes Han, I think it should be the same regardless of when you ovulate. I read something that said a womam will always have exactly the same length luteal phase, not sure if it is true but I thought it was interesting.

I am so sorry BB :( :hugs: hope you are feeling better today. it isn't much consolation but you are ovulating, you have a nice long luteal phase, you will get your BFP soon :hugs: and your little one will be worth all the tears and heartache and more.

Smalltowngal - what dpo are you? people keep saying that now I'll relax I'll get a BFP, I am not that hopeful really! I just have a lot of pain, no ovulation, no AF just pain. :growlmad:
BB dont give up just yet, some people do have light period at tge beginning of pregnancy, its all over when its bright read and lots of it, not spotting or brown discharge, ur not out yet, im sad if u are out coz weve been at the same stage the whole time, wanted u to be my bump buddy, hang in there ((hugs))

How are you this morning Claire? Have you done another test? Lol.

Quick question, does anybody know whether having a longer cycle affects the length of your luteal phase? Or should it just be around 14 days?

I'm having dull crampy feelings this morning too.

Thanks XXx

Hey, im fine thanks, did another test and line was abit darker, hubby asked me to test before he went to work and as soon as i poas he was asking if theres a line, i think he was expecting for me to say no and yesterday was a false alarm, he went off to work happy once he knew it was positive again. My mum is coming over today and i know i will end up telling her, ive decided to tell a select few family and friends and everyone else including my kids can wait

How r u today?
Morning all!

Cant reply to everyone as i dont know how to on my phone!

BlackBeauty - If your just spotting maybe it is IB? Aslong as its not bright red and lots of it id say it wasnt af?! Fx for you.

Im feeling a bit better today although im still spotting which is just a cruel reminder! Have done a bit of retail therapy this morning and stocked up on some vits for myself and the OH!
We have decided that we try again as soon as the spotting has gone been reading up on chemicals and apparently theres no reason to wait?
So i suppose i shall be testing 2nd or 3rd week of Oct... Ive decided not to test early just incase this happens to me again id rather test later! So ill say test date at 15th as af should be here by then if nothing happens this month :)
Omg im an emotional wreck, my son is away on his school trip till fri, the teachers are ringing around to let all the parents know that one of the kiddies have been picked up early coz her mum has died suddenly, the dads away with business, the mum waved her little girl off on monday morning and when the husband couldnt get hold of the mum he asked a neighbour to go round and tgey found her dead, ive gotta tell my son about it at the weekend after all the excitement is over anout tgeir trip, its so sad, i just cant stop crying :( i dont know who the parent or child is by name but sure i woukd if i saw them
Morning all!

Cant reply to everyone as i dont know how to on my phone!

BlackBeauty - If your just spotting maybe it is IB? Aslong as its not bright red and lots of it id say it wasnt af?! Fx for you.

Im feeling a bit better today although im still spotting which is just a cruel reminder! Have done a bit of retail therapy this morning and stocked up on some vits for myself and the OH!
We have decided that we try again as soon as the spotting has gone been reading up on chemicals and apparently theres no reason to wait?
So i suppose i shall be testing 2nd or 3rd week of Oct... Ive decided not to test early just incase this happens to me again id rather test later! So ill say test date at 15th as af should be here by then if nothing happens this month :)

You're so brave :) best of luck to you
Omg im an emotional wreck, my son is away on his school trip till fri, the teachers are ringing around to let all the parents know that one of the kiddies have been picked up early coz her mum has died suddenly, the dads away with business, the mum waved her little girl off on monday morning and when the husband couldnt get hold of the mum he asked a neighbour to go round and tgey found her dead, ive gotta tell my son about it at the weekend after all the excitement is over anout tgeir trip, its so sad, i just cant stop crying :( i dont know who the parent or child is by name but sure i woukd if i saw them

Oh boy :( that is heartbreaking
Morning all!

Cant reply to everyone as i dont know how to on my phone!

BlackBeauty - If your just spotting maybe it is IB? Aslong as its not bright red and lots of it id say it wasnt af?! Fx for you.

Im feeling a bit better today although im still spotting which is just a cruel reminder! Have done a bit of retail therapy this morning and stocked up on some vits for myself and the OH!
We have decided that we try again as soon as the spotting has gone been reading up on chemicals and apparently theres no reason to wait?
So i suppose i shall be testing 2nd or 3rd week of Oct... Ive decided not to test early just incase this happens to me again id rather test later! So ill say test date at 15th as af should be here by then if nothing happens this month :)

Glad you are feeling better Jadey :) and also glad you are continuing to TTC!

Omg im an emotional wreck, my son is away on his school trip till fri, the teachers are ringing around to let all the parents know that one of the kiddies have been picked up early coz her mum has died suddenly, the dads away with business, the mum waved her little girl off on monday morning and when the husband couldnt get hold of the mum he asked a neighbour to go round and tgey found her dead, ive gotta tell my son about it at the weekend after all the excitement is over anout tgeir trip, its so sad, i just cant stop crying :( i dont know who the parent or child is by name but sure i woukd if i saw them

Oh Claire, this sounds awful, I'm so sorry. Life is so cruel sometimes.
Yes Han, I think it should be the same regardless of when you ovulate. I read something that said a womam will always have exactly the same length luteal phase, not sure if it is true but I thought it was interesting.

Thanks hun, thought so but just wanted to check. Still no sign of O or AF for you hun? How you doing?

Morning all!

Cant reply to everyone as i dont know how to on my phone!

BlackBeauty - If your just spotting maybe it is IB? Aslong as its not bright red and lots of it id say it wasnt af?! Fx for you.

Im feeling a bit better today although im still spotting which is just a cruel reminder! Have done a bit of retail therapy this morning and stocked up on some vits for myself and the OH!
We have decided that we try again as soon as the spotting has gone been reading up on chemicals and apparently theres no reason to wait?
So i suppose i shall be testing 2nd or 3rd week of Oct... Ive decided not to test early just incase this happens to me again id rather test later! So ill say test date at 15th as af should be here by then if nothing happens this month :)

Hey Jadey, glad to hear you're gonna keep trying, I don't see why you can't and I know that once something is fixed in your head and you really want it, its very hard to put it on hold, if that makes sense.

Omg im an emotional wreck, my son is away on his school trip till fri, the teachers are ringing around to let all the parents know that one of the kiddies have been picked up early coz her mum has died suddenly, the dads away with business, the mum waved her little girl off on monday morning and when the husband couldnt get hold of the mum he asked a neighbour to go round and tgey found her dead, ive gotta tell my son about it at the weekend after all the excitement is over anout tgeir trip, its so sad, i just cant stop crying :( i dont know who the parent or child is by name but sure i woukd if i saw them

Oh gosh Claire, no wonder you're upset that is terrible, I wonder what happened to her and how traumatic for the child. Really feel for you and your son, it will be hard explaining it and its so hard for kids to comprehend too. Good luck hun Xxx

I'm ok here. Been doing well by trying to take my mind off the 2WW but I'm starting to get that itchy feeling of wanting to POAS!!! I know its way to early so i'm going to contain myself. I just can't help thinking about the difference in dates...it could be two days ahead you see. If i put a +OPK into FF it says I ovulated on the 5th not 7th. I do think I would have had a +opk then but as I didn't test I can't be sure...the lines were dark on the 6th but faded out over the day. Who knows! So tomorrow I could be 9dpo.....OH SOMEONE TELL ME TO STOP!!!!!!

Fertility friend is also a fickle friend!!! BFN's are crushing, hold out a few days longer!

I am happy, very happy about my referral letter. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I am a failure because I don't seem to ovulate, hubs wants a baby so much and we literally don't have a chance if there are no eggys. But at least now there is hope :)

I thought AF was coming, because I am bloated and have major cramps, but now I have fertile CM again??! So I really don't know anymore, my body is :wacko: I am just going to carry on temping, BD'ing and not worry so much :)
I caved and tested this morning... BFN... I'm only 12dpo though so still hoping. Also I am on my 4th day of cervical checking and finding brown cm on my finger after... ??? No AF... No sore breasts... No idea what's going on!!!
Fertility friend is also a fickle friend!!! BFN's are crushing, hold out a few days longer!

I am happy, very happy about my referral letter. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I am a failure because I don't seem to ovulate, hubs wants a baby so much and we literally don't have a chance if there are no eggys. But at least now there is hope :)

I thought AF was coming, because I am bloated and have major cramps, but now I have fertile CM again??! So I really don't know anymore, my body is :wacko: I am just going to carry on temping, BD'ing and not worry so much :)

LJ, don't give up hope, I'm sure there is a simple solution to the problem. Had you been on BC prior to the 4 months you've been trying??

I caved and tested this morning... BFN... I'm only 12dpo though so still hoping. Also I am on my 4th day of cervical checking and finding brown cm on my finger after... ??? No AF... No sore breasts... No idea what's going on!!!

Still early days, its annoying when you don't have a clue about things. I think sometimes AF can get delayed when we're waiting for it. Are your temps still high? If so thats a good sign. Fingers crossed hun.

So after a hopeful morning, cold like symptoms, I'm now having a bad feeling and think AF will get me, today I've had mild cramps but also some **sorry bit tmi** diarrhea, which I do sometimes get before AF, I hope she doesn't come super early as it will mean a very short luteal phase and something else to worry about next month! Also I googled (evil!) it and apparently diarrhhea can be a pregnancy symptom! CAN'T EVERYTHING ;-P X

Diarrhea in very early pregnancy is a result of the rising hormone levels, predominantly progesterone. Since extended periods of diarrhea can cause weakness and dehydration it is best to seek medical advice if it persists. These very same hormones can also cause constipation in some women. Countdowntopregnancy.com
Congrats on your referral letter LizzieJane!

Sorry about your upsetting news Claire, *hugs*

So sorry BlackBeauty, you will get your BFP soon, don't be disheartened. Use this cycle as a learning tool to help you recognize what is normal for your body.

It's my birthday today and I'm on my flight back to New York at the moment. Still no sign of AF I went to pee right before we boarded and now I'm desperate to go to the bathroom again less than an hour later. I'm also very emotional. Cried at the airport saying good bye to my in-laws. Cried last night when my mother in-law gave me my birthday gift. I'll probably cry when I see DH when I land. If all these symptoms aren't pregnancy symptoms I will be so angry at my body.
Thanks hun will Defo test if i'm late but I get a 16 day LP so still a while to go yet, she's Defo on her way though! Good luck for your tww,when are you testing?

I'm going to do the first test early this Sat (not expecting a bfp then even if PG) and then try not to test again until the 17th or 18th.

...Well I'm 6dpo today and have woken with a full on cold and headache, not reading too much into it as there's loads going round at the mo.

Off to baby group this morning so I'll catch up here this aft. Xxx

Sorry to hear you've got an icky ol' cold, Tizy (or do you prefer Han)! Feel better soon! :hugs2:

Smalltowngal - what dpo are you? people keep saying that now I'll relax I'll get a BFP, I am not that hopeful really! I just have a lot of pain, no ovulation, no AF just pain. :growlmad:

I'm only 7dpo, but I've always been very sensitive to hormones, so I figure either fertilization occurred (maybe implantation at this point) and caused a larger progesterone production than normal or my corpus luteum is just trolling me this cycle, lol.

I'm such an Eeyore, I know what you mean about not being hopeful (for myself at least - I find it much easier to be hopeful for other people).

I hope you O or get AF to reset things or at the very least the pain subsides! Bummer to be in unproductive pain. (Not that productive pain is a party, either).

BB dont give up just yet, some people do have light period at tge beginning of pregnancy, its all over when its bright read and lots of it, not spotting or brown discharge, ur not out yet, im sad if u are out coz weve been at the same stage the whole time, wanted u to be my bump buddy, hang in there ((hugs))

...Hey, im fine thanks, did another test and line was abit darker, hubby asked me to test before he went to work and as soon as i poas he was asking if theres a line, i think he was expecting for me to say no and yesterday was a false alarm, he went off to work happy once he knew it was positive again. My mum is coming over today and i know i will end up telling her, ive decided to tell a select few family and friends and everyone else including my kids can wait...

So AF hasn't totally unpacked until it's not only bright red but a lot of it? I'll have to keep that in mind too, then.

Aw, your hubs sounds like a sweetie! :awww:


In light of the new info, FX'd that you aren't really out BlackBeauty (esp. if the spotting was still only brown, I was picturing red for some reason)!


Morning all!

Cant reply to everyone as i dont know how to on my phone!

BlackBeauty - If your just spotting maybe it is IB? Aslong as its not bright red and lots of it id say it wasnt af?! Fx for you.

Im feeling a bit better today although im still spotting which is just a cruel reminder! Have done a bit of retail therapy this morning and stocked up on some vits for myself and the OH!
We have decided that we try again as soon as the spotting has gone been reading up on chemicals and apparently theres no reason to wait?
So i suppose i shall be testing 2nd or 3rd week of Oct... Ive decided not to test early just incase this happens to me again id rather test later! So ill say test date at 15th as af should be here by then if nothing happens this month :)

:hugs: Glad you are feeling a bit better, Jadey. So many well wishes for this month for you!

Omg im an emotional wreck, my son is away on his school trip till fri, the teachers are ringing around to let all the parents know that one of the kiddies have been picked up early coz her mum has died suddenly, the dads away with business, the mum waved her little girl off on monday morning and when the husband couldnt get hold of the mum he asked a neighbour to go round and tgey found her dead, ive gotta tell my son about it at the weekend after all the excitement is over anout tgeir trip, its so sad, i just cant stop crying :( i dont know who the parent or child is by name but sure i woukd if i saw them

That poor family, what a nightmare! I'm welling up and I don't even know them at all. Sorry to hear such an upsetting event happened in your community! :(

...I'm ok here. Been doing well by trying to take my mind off the 2WW but I'm starting to get that itchy feeling of wanting to POAS!!! I know its way to early so i'm going to contain myself. I just can't help thinking about the difference in dates...it could be two days ahead you see. If i put a +OPK into FF it says I ovulated on the 5th not 7th. I do think I would have had a +opk then but as I didn't test I can't be sure...the lines were dark on the 6th but faded out over the day. Who knows! So tomorrow I could be 9dpo.....OH SOMEONE TELL ME TO STOP!!!!!!


Resist! Resist! (I know it's hard, I'm itchy to POAS too).

Fertility friend is also a fickle friend!!! BFN's are crushing, hold out a few days longer!

I am happy, very happy about my referral letter. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I am a failure because I don't seem to ovulate, hubs wants a baby so much and we literally don't have a chance if there are no eggys. But at least now there is hope :)

I thought AF was coming, because I am bloated and have major cramps, but now I have fertile CM again??! So I really don't know anymore, my body is :wacko: I am just going to carry on temping, BD'ing and not worry so much :)

Aw, even if you don't O you aren't a failure, LJ! :hugs: You aren't your ovaries and you can't control them (if only we could have that superpower). But I'd feel exactly the same way, so I understand.

I have a good feeling the docs will be able to help you. I just read an inspiring story here (https://www.fertilityties.com/post/...cause-anovulatory-cycle-and-irregular-periods) that sounds a lot like what you are going through.

...So after a hopeful morning, cold like symptoms, I'm now having a bad feeling and think AF will get me, today I've had mild cramps but also some **sorry bit tmi** diarrhea, which I do sometimes get before AF, I hope she doesn't come super early as it will mean a very short luteal phase and something else to worry about next month! Also I googled (evil!) it and apparently diarrhhea can be a pregnancy symptom! CAN'T EVERYTHING ;-P X

Diarrhea in very early pregnancy is a result of the rising hormone levels, predominantly progesterone. Since extended periods of diarrhea can cause weakness and dehydration it is best to seek medical advice if it persists. These very same hormones can also cause constipation in some women. Countdowntopregnancy.com

I know what you mean - I just want AF to wait until at least 11dpo (10dpo at the very earliest). I'll feel some relief even if I get bfn and AF, if AF waits that long.

It is truly maddening how all the PMS symptoms are also early PG symptoms and visa versa.
Tizy, I had horrible diarrhoea too last week. Hopefully it's a good sign for both of us!
Just listing all the symptoms I've had in my TWW:
Severe headache
Joint aches
Mild back pain
Copius creamy CM
Yeast infection (clearing up now)
Extreme stabbing pains in breasts
Nipple sensitivity
Mild nausea
Constant hunger
Mild cramps
Late AF
Heightened sense of smell/smelling things others can't
Very emotional

I will cry so so hard if I get a BFN when I test or if AF comes after all these signs

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