How is everyone today?
Flyons - I did my OPK first thing today with FMU - but no change there is no line at all!! Can't believe I'm on cycle day 11 and I've not had any sort of a line maybe at best a very faint one! Lol. Good luck with yours.
LisaSmith - How was your temp this morning? did you get a dip? and rise?
Curvesasb - Oh no! How strange that she came so early, sorry hun. On a positive note at least you can get on for the next cycle sooner.
JennyBLove - Hello and welcome, yeh a + OPK means you will ovulate soon 12-24hours. I'll add you to the list, what is your testing date?
Blackbeauty - Don't worry hun, I'm on cycle day 11 and no O either. Feeling frisky surely thats a good sign?? Let nature run its course etc etc.
BerlinBetty - how was your temp? do you think you ovulated? Good luck.
NDTaber9211 - Welcome and good luck to you, I'll add you to the testing list for 13th september.
MrsMurphy2be - Oh poor you hun, you sound absolutely full of it, let me know if you get your O, we're in the same boat. Get well soon (QUICKLY!) lol.
Ok so quick update here, no +Opk today but I did it with FMU which I kn ow you're not meant to, just read about someone else using it and getting a positive! Haha! I'm not hooked on this POAS thing --- honest! On a better note today I have EWCM!! Only a bit but thats a good sign isn't it. Only problem is tonight is the only night this week when my OH is busy! Typical...not due to O till friday so fingers crossed we don't miss it! Its quite hard to schedule sex with a 9 month old, for example mornings are out of the question as he's up at 6am! Anyway I'm sure we'll work it out. It was bank holiday yesterday so I let me OH have a lie in and when Roscoe went down for his nap I snuck back to bed and we managed a all helps

to you all. X