Sooper, I agree with Lexi, a test done at 7DPO will tell if you've Ovulated. I would take the BBT calendar with you to the appointment to assist.
Lexi, love your bump pic!! I need to add mine, I am huge though

lol. As to your arms hurting, I am so sorry to hear that. They offered the flu shot here at work for free, but after doing research and weighing the pros and cons, I decided against it, so I did not take one. I hope your arms feel better soon.
AFM, I went to my ultrasound appt on Friday, so they could finish the anatomy scan on the baby. Well when the tech started he was sleeping so she got some cranial shots and also saw the 4 heart chambers as well as the heartbeat, and kidneys. But then he woke up, I guess due to the prodding of the probe. So she had a hard time getting him to cooperate, the baby literally flipped and gave her his back, so she pushed harder trying to get him to turn, which he would not, so she basically made my abdomen hurt from all the probing

She was able to get more pictures of other areas like the abdomen, fluid etc, but I was ready for it to be over. When I went home I was in pain, so laid down for a couple hours and then took the trip to visit my OH's cousin in Tennessee, I was not looking forward to the long drive but I did have lots of fun. We got back yesterday afternoon and were able to relax a couple hours before we went to bed. OH wanted to

but I declined, I was TOO tired and to be honest, I feel so tired and worn out now, that it's the last thing on my mind. My belly has been hurting more today, not sure if it's from the round ligaments or the trip, or both. I have my maternity belt on but I still hurt when walking around or standing/sitting. I hope my body gets with it and gets used to the extra weight, if not I may have to take maternity leave before I am ready to go into labor...