A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Thanks ladies just back from hospital. Soop im not sure if they gave him anything and i think it could have happened several hours prior to him getting to hospital. He has speech therapist coming to assess him mon. Hes getting so cross with my mum, his mind seems with it though, but when she doesnt get what he said hes shouting at her and it just makes his speech worse. His right arm is very bad too. I feel sorry for her shes up there 12 hours, we came home and had a break in between.
I kinda thought it would be a long road and no one can tell you how long, or if it could happen again. Thanks for info on epilepsy i didnt know that, tbh we havent been told much. Thats what happens when you are admitted on a weekend! :growlmad: Ill keep u posted x
Lexi - If you need anymore info about epilepsy or just want to talk about it--i may be able to help. My sister is 23 1/2 and she's had epilepsy since she was in the 5th grade (11-12yrs old or so, i cant remember exactly). So, i did have to watch a video on what to do incase she had a seizure and my mom wasn't home. Epilepsy is genetic, but for our family it skips generations.
Hi girls. First off, so sorry for. Everyone's losses and congrats to those that are expecting. Yesterday, my dh and I found out that we are in the process of mc for the second time and my heart is just aching. We tried for the first time in may of this year and fell pg right away. Everything was great, we saw our baby's heart beating away at 6 weeks. Went in at ten weeks and the baby's heart stopped beating and stopped growing at 8 weeks. I had no symptoms of mc and we were shocked. He a d&c two days later on july 19th 2912 and waited until we got cleared fom the dr to try again. Got cleared and fell pg right away again. This time I started bleeding and cramping on wed and dr confirmed yesterday that my body was miscarrying but naturally this time. I was 5.5 weeks pregnant this time. I changed drs last week because we weren't happy with our last dr. This r did all they can to make this pregnancy happen but just couldn't. She is determined to help us and find out what is causing my to mc but my heart is just shattered. Has anyone gone throug this and then gone on to have a successful pregnancy? My dr said that since I fell pg right away both times that she is confident that I will be pregnant with a healthy lo and will go full term but I just feel so defeated at the moment. Any help and advice is much appreciated. :(
Lexi, so sorry that your dad's poorly :hugs:, I can't imagine how worried you are. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery, I'm sure the Drs will be doing everything they can for him. My thoughts to your mum as well, it must be so hard to see your husband so ill and frustrated. Take care of yourself and bump as well - you really are in the home stretch now :flower:

Welcome Mommylov, sorry for your losses :hugs:. In answer to your question, there are several members of this thread who are now pregnant or who have had babies in the last year, me included :thumbup:. My losses were similar to yours, a MMC at 12 weeks (baby died at 8-9 weeks) and an earlier MMC at 9 weeks (baby died at 6 weeks) - I believe that they were simply bad luck and both my babies died due to different random chromosomal issues. With 'only' 2 losses there's still very much the chance that your losses are not connected and that you will have a healthy pregnancy next time so please do not give up hope. This thread is full of lovely, strong, supportive, positive ladies and I hope they can give you the support you need :hugs:
Hi everyone :wave:

Soop that sounds good if your acu lady thinks she can help your pulse, I have never heard of that before I think it's really interesting, how did you find your acu lady? Where abouts are you in your cycle at the moment?

Hi Nicki, congrats on the course that's great news, it will really give you something to focus on and then fingers crossed your healthy rainbow will surprise you :) Is Prof Q in London? that's typical it will fall right on xmas! I guess if you are having reasonable cycles then it's only a few more weeks to wait :)

Beach hope you're doing ok, atleast af signals your cycles are regulating again, I completely understand waiting a cycle for everything to get back to normal, it's a bit of a dilemma really isn't it, perhaps ntnp for a cycle and then what will be will be :hugs:

Cupcake how are you feeling hun? I use pre-seed, I have heard really good things about it, I find it particularly handy for those I can't be bothered quickies :rofl: I hope your af stays away for your wedding anniversary :hugs:

Never lovely to hear from you, hope all is well with your little family? I will pop along to your journal :hugs:

Lexi I am so sorry to hear what's happened to your dad, my mum had a major stroke, and has had a number of smaller ones (the last one being January this year), the major one was in 2001 and it wasn't an easy recovery, it took about a year until she could mobilise and talk properly, and her memory is still a bit dodgy now but that's the part of the brain that was affected during the stroke, it's a really tough thing to deal with, I know every case is different but the medical staff are great and can do amazing things now, if you need any help or advice please message me, I'm wishing your dad a speedy recovery :hugs: Congrats on your scan though hun, I'm really pleased to hear that your little lady is doing so well x

Mommy sorry you have found yourself here, but welcome to the group x
Lexi, so sorry to hear about your Dad. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for him if people don't understand him, and yet so upsetting for you and your mum when he gets angry. I hope he is being well cared for and recovers as quickly as possible. Take care of yourself x

Hi mommylov, sorry you find yourself here but welcome :hugs: It's very hard when you've had two mcs because you are desperate for answers and yet most Drs won't do tests at this stage. Sounds like you have found yourself a lovely helpful Dr though. I can just echo what Lady says, after 2 mcs there is a high chance it was just awful bad luck caused by random issues that won't strike again. I know it's easier said than done but as this stage you have to try and stay positive, and there are lots of lovely ladies on this thread who have gone on to have successes. Fx for you and feel free to vent here whenever you need to, we know how hard it can be :hugs:

Hi Beech, Soop, Ayclobes, thurl, cupcake, Wookie, Lady, Monro, NSN, Emme, NTAT, SAtH and everyone else :hi:
Hi girls. First off, so sorry for. Everyone's losses and congrats to those that are expecting. Yesterday, my dh and I found out that we are in the process of mc for the second time and my heart is just aching. We tried for the first time in may of this year and fell pg right away. Everything was great, we saw our baby's heart beating away at 6 weeks. Went in at ten weeks and the baby's heart stopped beating and stopped growing at 8 weeks. I had no symptoms of mc and we were shocked. He a d&c two days later on july 19th 2912 and waited until we got cleared fom the dr to try again. Got cleared and fell pg right away again. This time I started bleeding and cramping on wed and dr confirmed yesterday that my body was miscarrying but naturally this time. I was 5.5 weeks pregnant this time. I changed drs last week because we weren't happy with our last dr. This r did all they can to make this pregnancy happen but just couldn't. She is determined to help us and find out what is causing my to mc but my heart is just shattered. Has anyone gone throug this and then gone on to have a successful pregnancy? My dr said that since I fell pg right away both times that she is confident that I will be pregnant with a healthy lo and will go full term but I just feel so defeated at the moment. Any help and advice is much appreciated. :(

Mommylov, I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. So far, it seems that I'm third-time lucky...I'm 22 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. I've had two previous losses, very similar to yours. I had a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks with my first, and discovered the baby didn't make it past 6 weeks. My second pregnancy was a chemical pregnancy, meaning that I was only 4-5 weeks along, and lost the baby almost immediately. After my second miscarriage, my OB put me on a 1 baby aspirin (low-dose aspirin, 81 mg or less) a day, along with a B-50 vitamin complex, to take with my prenatal vitamin each day...my folic acid intake was about 1200mg a day. Once I became pregnant a third time (this time), I was put on progesterone vaginal suppositories that I took each night before bed, and I remained on the baby aspirin until I was 20 weeks along. I have since stopped the B-50 complex also. Since I only had 2 losses, my doctors refused to do any recurrent miscarriage testing on me, as so many women go on after 2 losses, to have a normal third pregnancy. After 3 consecutive losses, the doctors will begin to do testing to get to the bottom of why it may be happening.

I hope this helps!

Lexi, I'm continuing to pray for your Dad. :hugs:
Thank you ladies so much for your kind words and advice. Your stories give me hopes in having a healthy lo myself. With the holidays coming up and hen just s coupleongbs adter that would be my due date for my first pregnancy, this has all been so very hard. I'm going to try and stay positive and have faith that it will happen. Hope everything is great with you ladies and thanks again so much! :)

Lots of :dust: to you all !
Hi everyone. How are you all? I am so sick, have been a right vomitty Vera today. Have honestly never felt this ill. Started puking at 2am, am just thinking that I might survive now (so dramatic of me but I am not usually a sicky person and this is something else). Am lying in bed now with stomach cramps and incredibly achy legs, feeling very sorry for myself. Am sipping water to stay hydrated.

Just thought I'd share the joy :)
Hi Everyone, I apologize for being MIA, I've been swamped at work. I haven't really had time to read all the posts, I just skimmed through them.

Wooks, congrats on team :pink:!!

Lexi, sorry about your dad, glad he is doing better though. And yay, already 33 weeks, not long now!! 4lbs 10oz already, wow she is a nice size baby!!

Mommylove, sorry you are going through a mc, this thread is full of wonderful women that support one another. Welcome aboard :flower: I hope you get your rainbow soon!

AFM; lots of things going on, I had my baby shower on November 3rd, it was really nice. The food was great, the games played were lots of fun and Jonathan got many gifts. He is one spoiled baby already :cloud9:

This week I went to get my glucose tolerance tests done, bottom line I failed both tests. At first I was so depressed, I could not believe I was diagnosed with GD :( The first thing that crossed my mind is my natural birth plan is out the window :cry: I’ve heard when someone has GD doctors usually want to induce or do C-Section, latter preferred. I did research and found as long as you watch what you eat, and exercise, the doctor can allow natural birth if the baby is not too big and there are no other problems. So here we go, healthy eating as much as possible…

This weekend, I went to get the stroller and car seat at Babies R Us, I'm out $284.00. Now we need a bassinet/crib, I wanted a bassinet first, already had one in mind but OH does not like the bassinets, sigh. I want a bassinet so I could keep him close by without having to keep him in the bed with me, but I may have to get a Moses basket or Cot kind to put in the bed with me. Hmm, maybe I can try convincing my OH to let me get the bassinet… I really want it and it would be much better, sigh men!! He either thinks it’s too girly, or that it’s a waste of $ since the baby will probably only use it 3 months... this is the one I want to get; https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3997259

This week I have my 30 week appointment, OMG! 30 weeks!!! Eeek, only 7 more weeks and baby is considered full term!!! I get to see bubs on Thursday at 3:00 p.m. they are going to check to see how big he is, then at 4:00 p.m. I have my doctor appt. I am looking forward to seeing my :baby: again :cloud9: I may get to meet with the dietitian and diabetes instructor this week as well, but so far I don’t have an appointment for that.
Hi ladies. After not being able to get pregnant since my last miscarriage in January 2011, it has finally happened! My first IVF cycle failed late August, but this FET cycle worked. I just found out I am pregnant! Beta 915 at what would probably be considered 17 dpo (12dp5dt). I can't believe it. I broke out in tears - actually sobs of happiness when I got the call from the nurse.
Wow notoptimistic, Congratulations that is great news!! Bet its not sinking in.

How is everyone, I'm finally 1 dpo hoping miracles are happening as I sit here.

Sorry soops the tablets she has me on are Zuo Gui Wan. They are tiny little pills full of goodness apparently. Its certainly stopped my hair falling out but more than I don't know. She was definitely off with bringing ov forward bang on day 19 again so now to see if a longer LP or even a BFP that would be great.
Hiya, Mommylove welcome and sorry for your losses :( :hugs:

Emme oh no! Sorry to hear about GD and I hope your birth plan is unaffected, I know how important the natural labour is to you. See how the diet changes work out, it might still be ok? :hygs: I think you should have the last say on the furniture, if you can see a benefit that is going to make things easier in the early days then that has got to be good?

Lexi how are you? I hope your parents are both holding up xxx

Wookie a girl, hurraaaayyyy! Love love the name.

Notop that is AMAZING news! Many many congratulations, you deserve this so much. Here's hoping for a h&h 9 months for you!!!!!! Xxx

Thanks Sath for the pills advice and I hope you have a miracle taking place too :hugs:

Beach how are you hun? Nicki, that's not good you aren't well! I think a bug is doing the rounds, I hope it huggers off for you!! Xxx

Ok I have acu this Thurs, yay. My blood results have been playing on my mind, in that I did have a good progesterone. I am starting to wonder if it has been like this every month and have the suppositories been too much to take at ov? Wookie was there a reason why you took progesterone at bfp and not before? Is there a chance I am inhibiting something and preventing implantation? Is there harm by taking progesterone if you don't need it? I'm also scared as they said before that my levels were low on mc 2....I'm not sure what to do. I had to convince the doc to prescribe it again for me. Any thoughts welcome! Xxx
Hi ladies. After not being able to get pregnant since my last miscarriage in January 2011, it has finally happened! My first IVF cycle failed late August, but this FET cycle worked. I just found out I am pregnant! Beta 915 at what would probably be considered 17 dpo (12dp5dt). I can't believe it. I broke out in tears - actually sobs of happiness when I got the call from the nurse.

That's wonderful news, notoptimistic!!!!!!!

Congrats to you, and tons of sticky dust headed your way!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
Congratulations notoptimistic! That is wonderful news. You have waited so long, I really hope this is your sticky bean :)

Emme sorry to hear about the glucose tests, I hope you get to go down the natural childbirth route still, I know it's what you really want.

SaTH good luck for you this month.

Soop, I am pretty sure I don't need prog either but I took it on the last pg as I was told it wouldn't hurt, but I took it from bfp. I know the trials they are doing at my hospital involve them asking ladies to try it from bfp without ever testing your prog levels so they must be pretty sure too much can't be harmful. But I've no idea about taking it after ov I'm afraid.

Thurl, how is your course going?

Hi everyone else x
Notopt, congratulations! I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!

Soop, I convinced him LOL we are getting the bassinet tonight. I told him we can purchase the crib when the baby is a month and then set it up once he outgrows the bassinet, win/win situation :thumbup: about GD, yeah if I make a change in diet; more protein and vegetables, less carbs. I should be ok.
Regarding progesterone, as long as you take it 3 days past confirmed Ovulation you will not inhibit anything, progesterone helps a fertilized egg implant and sends a signal to the brain to not shed the uterine lining.
Tons of baby :dust: to you!!!
Cupcake-- Hope you are doing good.:flower::hugs:

Thurl--Temps look totally different Hope taking your temp the right way pays off lol. :winkwink:

Soop, SATH-- How is accu going? never done it myself I don't really llike needles.

Lexi--OMG how is your dad doing? Will be praying for you? Try not to stress to much its not good for the baby. :hugs:

mommy--so sorry for your loss. We know what your are going threw you are in good company here.:hugs: I bet the next one will be your sticky baby.

Nicki--Hope you feel better?

Emme--Oh not long now sorry you faild your GD test but your still going to do fine. :hugs:

notopt--contrags :happydance: HH9M.

AFM--I got an email to give me orders of a blood test and progestrone test this morning b/c. I believe I got a bfp on a wondfo at 9dpo (I am 10 dpo today). I guess we will see if it gets darker.:happydance:
Monro amazing news!!!

I'm doing ok, thanks Hun, a bit up and down (a lot down) but now my pain and bleeding has stopped I'm starting to think we may try again after AF x

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