Hi Everyone, I apologize for being MIA, I've been swamped at work. I haven't really had time to read all the posts, I just skimmed through them.
Wooks, congrats on team

Lexi, sorry about your dad, glad he is doing better though. And yay, already 33 weeks, not long now!! 4lbs 10oz already, wow she is a nice size baby!!
Mommylove, sorry you are going through a mc, this thread is full of wonderful women that support one another. Welcome aboard

I hope you get your rainbow soon!
AFM; lots of things going on, I had my baby shower on November 3rd, it was really nice. The food was great, the games played were lots of fun and Jonathan got many gifts. He is one spoiled baby already
This week I went to get my glucose tolerance tests done, bottom line I failed both tests. At first I was so depressed, I could not believe I was diagnosed with GD

The first thing that crossed my mind is my natural birth plan is out the window

I’ve heard when someone has GD doctors usually want to induce or do C-Section, latter preferred. I did research and found as long as you watch what you eat, and exercise, the doctor can allow natural birth if the baby is not too big and there are no other problems. So here we go, healthy eating as much as possible…
This weekend, I went to get the stroller and car seat at Babies R Us, I'm out $284.00. Now we need a bassinet/crib, I wanted a bassinet first, already had one in mind but OH does not like the bassinets, sigh. I want a bassinet so I could keep him close by without having to keep him in the bed with me, but I may have to get a Moses basket or Cot kind to put in the bed with me. Hmm, maybe I can try convincing my OH to let me get the bassinet… I really want it and it would be much better, sigh men!! He either thinks it’s too girly, or that it’s a waste of $ since the baby will probably only use it 3 months... this is the one I want to get; https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3997259
This week I have my 30 week appointment, OMG! 30 weeks!!! Eeek, only 7 more weeks and baby is considered full term!!! I get to see bubs on Thursday at 3:00 p.m. they are going to check to see how big he is, then at 4:00 p.m. I have my doctor appt. I am looking forward to seeing my


I may get to meet with the dietitian and diabetes instructor this week as well, but so far I don’t have an appointment for that.