A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Thurl--thank you.

Ayclobes-- thank you sorry about your GD thats great u get to meet your little one possibly a week early.

Emme --thanks so much sorry abour your GD too. Wow 30wks already how time flies you will meet him soon.

Nicki--thank you soo much. Glad u are feeling better now:flower:

Soop--thank you too. Can u get the wondfo opks on amazon they work great and no room temp pee. Very easy.

Wookie--thank you actually they will be able to get me in around 6 to 7 wks. :happydance:

Thank you every one so much for all the support everyone has given me. I really think this is it I had a calm relaxed feeling from the beginning not the doom feeling with all my others except my twin/triplet pregnancy. It was the only one I felt good about. Cannot wait to see you other girls Rainbow BFP. I know it will be soon. And to the ones that are going to have their rainbows can not wait for pics.
Hi girls - Sorry I have been MIA. DH and I took a 5 day vacation to New York City. It was fabulous but my Florida blood is not used to that type of weather :cold: and now I think I'm getting sick - booo!!

Anyway, I am away for a week and sounds like we've had some great news!!! :happydance: Let me try to catch up -

Lexi - Sorry about your Dad. :hugs: My thoughts and prayers are with you and hope he will have a successful recovery from this. Happy 34 weeks to you, so glad your scan went well, it won't be long for you now.

Mommylov - Welcome and so sorry you are going though this. There are lots of girls here who have been through the same situation that can provide support and many have gone on to be successful so they are here giving the rest of us hope. I think we will all get there eventually!! Hang in there! :hugs:

Nicki - How are you feeling?

Emme - Happy 30 weeks!!! Glad you had a nice shower, and it's nice to have it early, gives you more time to get things ready for your Little one. I love the bassinet. Did you buy it? If not, could you get someone in your family to buy it for you? Then DH can't reject it :winkwink: Sorry about the glucose test, I think with the diet changes everything will go great for you on delivery.

Notoopt - Congrats!!!! :yipee: That is great news!!! When do you see the doctor next?

Soop - I don't think there is any harm in taking the progesterone. Many doctors prescribe it as a precaution. Progesterone levels vary all the time also. I tested in the normal range when I was not pregnant but once I did get pregnant my progesterone was low for the pregnancy range. :shrug:

Monro - that's great news!!! I am so excited for you!!! :wohoo: ... and Happy Birthday! :cake: What a great present!! You're numbers are looking great!!!

Soop - we're close in CD's this month! :)

Wookie - so glad everything is going so well with your little girl!!!

KeliP - Welcome and so sorry for all of those losses! :hugs: We have a great groups of ladies here at all stages in this journey. I have had 5 losses myself. Have you gotten any reason for the losses? 3 in the second tri especially is just terrible!

Thurl, Lady, SATH, Cupcake, ayclobes, any anyone I missed :wave:
Beach--thank you so much. Glad u had fun in ny. I have never been there. Are we going to see a bfp from u this cycle or are you waiting a little bit. GL either way I know it will be soon and your forever baby.:hugs:
Emme that's great news :happydance: I have everything crossed that you can have a natural birth, not long to go now :thumbup:

Soop your acu sounds really good, I think I might look in to it myself when I have lost some more weight :)

Monro that's awesmone about your beta results, I have a good feeling about this time and really think this is your rainbow :hugs:

Beach nice to hear from you :hugs:, thumb down for getting ill though, I would love to go to New York city that's one of my dreams but I don't think I could handle the length of the flight :dohh: Hope you had a nice break anyway, what did you get up to?

Afm I am really really happy with my temps now, I can't believe how different and normal they are! :happydance:
Thanks girls,

We are going to give it a try this cycle but I am not pulling out the OPKs and stuff yet. I had a really light period, only 2 days really so I hope things are back to normal.

NY was great. I have never been either and its always been on my bucket list so we decided to go. We had a great time and saw a lot.

Thurl - your temps are looking great! :thumbup:
Monro - thank you! GD isnt that bad, but im terrible at either forgetting to take my insulin at x time or forgetting to check my blood sugars//leaving it at home! ughh! but, since i havent really gained much (i've gained 10lbs in almost 26wks--or so they said at my last appt)
Thanks Beach, another day today with stable temp :yipee: So pleased you had a good time, you definately desevered the break after everything that's happened, hope you recover from you cold soon :hugs:
Monro, Hooray for tripling beta’s!! :yippee: I’m so happy for you! Now take things easy and drink lots of water.

Wooks, that’s great that Hannah is making her presence known :thumbup:

Beach, how great that you got to go to NYC, was it ok after Hurricane Sandy’s rendezvous? I know there was lots of devastation up there around NY and NJ. I hope to go one day, not in our budget yet but we plan on saving for a trip there since he has a nephew in NY and a half-brother in Boston. In regards to the bassinet, we did buy it! I convinced him it was the best idea, so we went to Babies R Us and picked it up, it’s already set up and waiting on Jonathan. I love the sounds it makes, and the light is so soothing, not too bright, and kind of blueish. As to the GD, the doctor said she hoped it could be controlled with diet alone and from the lbs I dropped she thinks I have a high possibility of avoiding medication or insulin shots, I hope she is right.

Thurl, yeah time is flying! I’ll be 31 weeks Thursday! I’m very excited about your temperatures! I am sending you baby :dust:

Ayclobes, is there a reason you had to do insulin? My doctor said she hoped I could handle GD with diet alone and no medications/insulin.

:wave: Hi to anyone I missed

AFM, I meet with my dietician tomorrow at 10 and afterwards with the diabetes instructor. I need to go purchase my glucometer, lancets and strip tests today. I thought my insurance would cover it but they do not, I got a call from the pharmacy and I was informed the testing strips were $129 :shock: glucometer $29.99 and the lancets were $19.99, so um yeah I am not getting them. I am going to Wal-Mart to pick up something else. Hope everyone has a good week :flower:
Beach how great is NYC i love it best city in the world. We're off to chicago mid dec 8 dpo now so who knows i could be a little queasy bit worried if i would b okay to travel.

How is everyone. Soop how is the accu going i dont have to go back till end of nov
Hi ladies. Hope you are all well. I am so very nervous because I am having my first ultrasound tomorrow (I will be 5 weeks and 4 days). With both my prior miscarriages I had no indication that anything was wrong until seeing the ultrasound. The first time I had a bad ultrasound off the bat - they knew something was wrong and had me come back two more times until it was gone. With the second miscarriage the first ultrasound went well with a great heartbeat and then the next one four weeks later was when we found out we were losing that one. Any words of advice?
Beach I am so jealous of your break. I love NYC, went there on our honeymoon and we are saving to go back on our 5thh anniversary (it's our 3rd anniversary on Wednesday <3 ) GL to you this cycle

Thurl so glad your temps have evened out

Emme, hope you're coping ok with the GD and all the testing it involves. Well done on the healthy diet.

SATH i would live to go to Chicago but haven't made it yet. So many places to go, too little time (and money!)

Notoptimistic - GL tomorrow. I totally feel for you, having scans after a loss is just scary and nerve-wracking. I'm not sure I can give you any advice to make it any better, scans are just tainted for those of us who have had losses. All you can do is try to keep positive. I am sending you lots of good vibes and a big :hugs: and look forward to hearing the good news tomorrow.

Afm, am feeling a little low after a wonderful weekend. I've been feeling so happy and upbeat recently, my mum was just here for the weekend and we had the best time. Lots of vino and shopping. I have been feeling good about life and enjoying the short ttc break while wait for AF to arrive. Then today when I got home I had a letter from the hospital with the Karyotyping results from the last mc, it was a 'male foetus with no chromosomal abnormalities'. I felt so sad reading that.... Another baby that seems to have gone for no reason, with no explanation.
Oh well, I have a few things to look forward to, we are going to Copenhagen on Friday for our anniversary weekend, which im so excited about, nd then next week I have an appointment with the consultant to discuss what to do next. So onwards and upwards x
Emme - NYC seemed fine after the hurricane. We really saw no evidence of it except for around the historic seaport area (under the Brooklyn Bridge) most of that area was closed and they still has mobile power trucks there. We were mostly up in the Manhattan area and everything was normal there. Typical hustle and bustle of New York City! I am so glad you talked DH into the bassinet! :happydance: It has to be getting exciting for you now!

Notoopt - Ugh, I wish I could offer some advice for your scan tomorrow but all I can offer is a :hugs: I would tell you not to stress but you will, like Nicki said, scans are tainted for us after losses. You go into them fearing the worst. But I am glad for them now. After the first loss of being about 11 weeks before I knew something was wrong I would rather know now sooner than later. I've been having scans every 2 weeks since then and it does help keep me more calm than wondering what's going on. Let us know how you make out tomorrow. I am praying for the best for you!!

Nicki - your results are so frustrating aren't they. I feel the same way with mine but I think it should give you hope that you are able to have a chromosomally normal baby. I think that's great news. Sorry, but I can't remember if you are on any progesterone or any other things? Hopefully your problem is something that can easily be fixed.
Niki so sorry you are feeling blue. I don't know whether it's better to find out whether there was sonething wrong with your baby or not? Unexplained mcs are so hard to come to terms with. Have you had the test for the anti phospholipid antibodies and stuff? I really want that even though I can't get it as the thought of suffering another mc for the sake of not taling baby aspirin. I hope you have a good week and look fwd to ur weekend away. We have just got back from visiting my SIL in north Yorkshire this weekend and getting away has do e me some good for def xxxx
Hi Beach and cupcake - I have been tested for antibodies, and the blood thickening condition, and even though it was normal I still took baby aspirin last time. And even though I have no reason to think I have a progesterone issue I stil took suppositories last time. But that didn't do the trick. One of my lovely BnB chums sent me a really good book about recurring mcs so I have written down all the possible issues, and will take my test results (which i find a little confusing!) when I go back to the consultant and ask her to explains exactly what they have tested for so I can see what's left on my list at the end. I will def pay for NK cell testing but have to wait for AF etc first. Ill get there!

You are right, I should look at the positive in that the 2 foetuses I had tested were normal. PMA and hopefully some answers one day x
Yes thats the one, I've read it twice now, once all the way through and the second time making notes! My poor consultant when she seems me and my list of questions, heehee
I'm sure you won't be the only one that's done that! I need to reread as I read it really quickly as I just wanted to know everything I could ASAP. If I have a 3rd ill reread again properly as the testing and stuff will become more relevant, at the mo I've had some basic bloods and that's it xxx
Got my beta back yesterday.As I was posting updates from my phone on the forum I fell alseep.

So all three are
11 dpo 22.4 progestrone 43.98
13 dpo 80.5 doubling time 24.7 hrs.
16 dpo 406.07 doubling time 32 hrs

So higher side of normal betas, higher side of normal pregesterone, levels that are tripling and almost tripling. Does this mean maybe 2, or a girl or is it just a very sticky baby. Either way is fine with me.:happydance:
Monro - I just found where i had written down my beta hcg levels with this pregnancy and at 3w5d it was 23 and at 5wd it was 11,588. They thought forsure i'd be having twins or more...but nope, baby is a singleton. And growing like a weed.
Monro - I just found where i had written down my beta hcg levels with this pregnancy and at 3w5d it was 23 and at 5wd it was 11,588. They thought forsure i'd be having twins or more...but nope, baby is a singleton. And growing like a weed.

I have always wonder that with ladies that have high numbers to start of with might start off with 2 or 3 if the numbers are high enough but if there is no early ultrasound to detect multiple sacs then it is like vanishing twin syndrom. Because I had an early ultrasound at 5 wks when I was pregnant with the twins /triplets and my numbers were 15000. They saw 3 sacs very close together in measurment but only one had a yolk. I went back a week later when I passed a huge clot and was bleeding and there was one heart beat left. So If I had never had the early untrasound then I would have never known. I really have some crazy theories. :wacko::dohh:

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