A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Hi ladies. Hope you are all well. I am so very nervous because I am having my first ultrasound tomorrow (I will be 5 weeks and 4 days). With both my prior miscarriages I had no indication that anything was wrong until seeing the ultrasound. The first time I had a bad ultrasound off the bat - they knew something was wrong and had me come back two more times until it was gone. With the second miscarriage the first ultrasound went well with a great heartbeat and then the next one four weeks later was when we found out we were losing that one. Any words of advice?

Oh congrats so sorry about your previous losses I know how hard it is.:hugs: I bet this one is your sticky baby though. GL with your scan today.
Hi Beach and cupcake - I have been tested for antibodies, and the blood thickening condition, and even though it was normal I still took baby aspirin last time. And even though I have no reason to think I have a progesterone issue I stil took suppositories last time. But that didn't do the trick. One of my lovely BnB chums sent me a really good book about recurring mcs so I have written down all the possible issues, and will take my test results (which i find a little confusing!) when I go back to the consultant and ask her to explains exactly what they have tested for so I can see what's left on my list at the end. I will def pay for NK cell testing but have to wait for AF etc first. Ill get there!

You are right, I should look at the positive in that the 2 foetuses I had tested were normal. PMA and hopefully some answers one day x

That is good that you or you dh are not carrying and genetic problems. That is what I am worried about. I really hope you find out what is wrong. Knowing what it is is always better then being in the dark. Even though sometimes what you find out is not good. It is still better to know. I will be praying you find your answers ASAP and be on the rd to your sticky baby.
Monro - I just found where i had written down my beta hcg levels with this pregnancy and at 3w5d it was 23 and at 5wd it was 11,588. They thought forsure i'd be having twins or more...but nope, baby is a singleton. And growing like a weed.

I have always wonder that with ladies that have high numbers to start of with might start off with 2 or 3 if the numbers are high enough but if there is no early ultrasound to detect multiple sacs then it is like vanishing twin syndrom. Because I had an early ultrasound at 5 wks when I was pregnant with the twins /triplets and my numbers were 15000. They saw 3 sacs very close together in measurment but only one had a yolk. I went back a week later when I passed a huge clot and was bleeding and there was one heart beat left. So If I had never had the early untrasound then I would have never known. I really have some crazy theories. :wacko::dohh:

i had an viability u/s at 7w, then another one at 9w.
Monro - I just found where i had written down my beta hcg levels with this pregnancy and at 3w5d it was 23 and at 5wd it was 11,588. They thought forsure i'd be having twins or more...but nope, baby is a singleton. And growing like a weed.

I have always wonder that with ladies that have high numbers to start of with might start off with 2 or 3 if the numbers are high enough but if there is no early ultrasound to detect multiple sacs then it is like vanishing twin syndrom. Because I had an early ultrasound at 5 wks when I was pregnant with the twins /triplets and my numbers were 15000. They saw 3 sacs very close together in measurment but only one had a yolk. I went back a week later when I passed a huge clot and was bleeding and there was one heart beat left. So If I had never had the early untrasound then I would have never known. I really have some crazy theories. :wacko::dohh:

i had an viability u/s at 7w, then another one at 9w.

I just think that maybe if you had had one at 5 to 6 wks you might had see more then 1 but by 7 wks it was just one healty baby:flower:. Maybe not it's just a theory no one knows except for God. Atleast you have a health baby boy that you will soon meet wow almost 28 wks already. Not long now.:happydance:
Hi girls, Monro thanks for the opk brand, I'll take a look on
amazon when this batch runs out, although hoping I won't need
to! Your stats are amazing, really pleased it's all going

Notop, how did your scan go? I can't see me ever enjoying
one, like the girls say the process is somewhat tainted for
us all. But I hope it has given you some positive news, I
really do x

Hey Beach, hope you had a great time in NYC, it is on my
list, I need to go there one day!! I hope you didn't get ill
though, with the cold weather. Did you see and do lots out
there? I hope you get on ok with the ntnp type month lined up
for you and I hope we synch! Thurl is also in a similar place
this month, so 3 bfps please :)*

Thurl, yes def give it a go, I would recommend acu sessions
and am really hopeful that they are doing some good. What
with that and the health kick including the gym, in a month I
have lost 3 pounds...hoping the momentum has started and a
bit more comes off, I've got a Christmas dress to get into!
Please thyroid let me lose some :) I'm pleased your temps are
coming along so well! X

Lexi, how is your dad? And your mum? And you...? Lots of hugs
to you x

Nicki happy anniversary for tomorrow! :) I'm sorry the testing hasn't conclusively given you any more of an idea but I hope this means that next time it can work out for you. I hope af hurries up for you so you can have the nk testing. X

Emme, hope you are getting on ok :hugs: Cupcake, how are you? Sath the acu was good, I had needles in the lower ab area to help a good ovulation. One under my chin, hand and foot...I felt really calm and chilled out after. Hoping it's done some good! How are the newer girls here? I hope you are all well x

Afm, I'm pretty sure I got my pos opk this eve, have been bding every day, so another one tonight! Have been using preseed, so hoping that it happens this month. :babydust: to all ttcers! X
thanks monro and soop! The scan went fine although it is too early to really see anything. The purpose of the scan was to confirm that the pregnancy was in the right spot (aka my uterus). Well, it is in there - one gestational sac with a yolk sac. Too early to see anything else. The gestational sac is measuring 5 weeks 5 days which is on target. Of course, I'm still nervous something will go wrong because my last miscarriage didn't happen until I was about 11 weeks. My next ultrasound is Dec 7th.
Notop, one step at a time...and so far this box can be ticked. I'm really pleased for you! X
Monro - I just found where i had written down my beta hcg levels with this pregnancy and at 3w5d it was 23 and at 5wd it was 11,588. They thought forsure i'd be having twins or more...but nope, baby is a singleton. And growing like a weed.

I have always wonder that with ladies that have high numbers to start of with might start off with 2 or 3 if the numbers are high enough but if there is no early ultrasound to detect multiple sacs then it is like vanishing twin syndrom. Because I had an early ultrasound at 5 wks when I was pregnant with the twins /triplets and my numbers were 15000. They saw 3 sacs very close together in measurment but only one had a yolk. I went back a week later when I passed a huge clot and was bleeding and there was one heart beat left. So If I had never had the early untrasound then I would have never known. I really have some crazy theories. :wacko::dohh:

i had an viability u/s at 7w, then another one at 9w.

I just think that maybe if you had had one at 5 to 6 wks you might had see more then 1 but by 7 wks it was just one healty baby:flower:. Maybe not it's just a theory no one knows except for God. Atleast you have a health baby boy that you will soon meet wow almost 28 wks already. Not long now.:happydance:

Yes, i spotted for a week before my 7w u/s and they kinda thought that maybe a twin was there, but can't be certain. He's growing like a weed, and so active! sometimes I wont feel him, so i'll use my doppler and there he is moving away!

I went to the hospital last night because of some pressure i wanted checked out, and everything is fine. I see my dr in a couple hours. My next appt is 12/3, then i'll go in at 32w to get monitored again, then at 34/35 for a growth u/s, then at 37/38 for another growth u/s then we'll see if he comes a week early or not
Hey guys, sorry I've been away. Been keeping a low profile from here, just needed some time away. Me and DH are having issues and I'm trying to work through them.
One of his issues was the amount of time I spend on my phone/laptop so I'm sure you'll forgive me for my silence :blush:

Monro - congratulations, hope this is your forever baby :thumbup:

Lexi - sending you lots of love, thinking of you and your family at this tough time :hugs:

Thurl - well done on the weightloss. Fantastic, you're catching me up quick! I've managed to lose what I put on (5lb in total) after hols and eating because of holiday blues! So I'm back to 26lb, need to get to that elusive 2 stone!

Hello to everyone else and sorry for my absence :hugs:
Hey notoptimistic. One step at a time, you got through this scan which is great and things are on target. 7th Dec isn't far away. Hope you're feeling good :hugs:

Monro, how are you and bean doing?

Soop, sounds like you got your BDing in at the right time, yay for ov! Fx

Ayclobes, so glad everything looked fine when you got checked out. Take it easy!

NTAT, I hope you and DH sort things out, im sure you will :hugs: Ttc can be a real strain on relationships so it's good to take some time away and look after yourselves. Nice to hear from you but we understand if you need a BnB break.

Hi everyone else. AFM it's my :wedding: anniversary today, and these turned up at work for me today from DH <3 Love that guy <3 (oh, excuse my messy desk :) )
Thanks Nicki, we've been quite busy this week with all the bding! I really hope it has paid off. Come on Christmas bfps!!

Happy anniversary, those flowers are v sweet. I hope you had a nice celebration. X

Ntat ah I'm sorry you are having a tough patch. Big hugs and we are here when you need us x
Ah yeah Soop I really hope you get a Xmas BFP :xmas6:

I'm off to Copenhagen tomorrow morning so probably won't be back online til my return on Monday. Have wonderful weekends everyone and I'll catch up on all your news when I'm back. X
Thank you, love the icon!
Have a wonderful and romantic time in Copenhagen xxx
Hi everyone :wave:

Nicki sorry to hear about your results hun, I can't imagine how difficult that was to read :hugs: Hope you had a lovely anniversary though, the flowers were boootiful :) Look forward to hearing all about your trip :hugs:

Monro everything is looking good hun :thumbup: very excited for you :hugs:

Notoptimistic that's fab news about your scan, fingers crossed this is your rainbow :hugs:

Soop well done on the weight loss that's awesome :thumbup: I definately find that when some has come off that's when I get really motivated to keep going, it's definately nice heading towards christmas getting healthier and losing weight instead of munching on chocolate throughout Nov & Dec which is what I normally do :haha: I don't know much about thyroid problems, can that make it difficult for you to lose weight? Did you O when you thought you did? Good luck this cycle :hugs:

NTAT sorry you are having some difficulties, hope you're ok hun :hugs:

Beach, Lexi, Emme, Cupcake and anyone else I have missed hope you're all doing ok :hugs:

Afm I have been having a mare of a couple of weeks but that's life! CD22 today and so I'm now eagerly awaiting O, I'm so hoping it comes a bit earlier this cycle but it's so unpredictable :shrug: Temps are still heaps better than they were though :happydance:
Hi all. I hope you are all well.
I had to take a break from this place as I was counting down the days to what I could only imagine would be the next loss and it was all getting a bit much. Now I just wanted to pop in to tell you that miraculously, it hasn't happened. I am 10 weeks pregnant and still pregnant. There's a baby in there with a heartbeat and everything!!

I have been on 5mg folic acid, baby asprin and daily injections of blood thinners, which I will have to keep up for the nine months but if it works out, it'll be worth it. :)
NOPT, sorry about your losses, it’s hard once you’ve had a miscarriage, it’s like every time you have an appointment you expect something to go wrong. Like Nicki said, just take things one step at a time. Try to relax and enjoy the fact that you are pregnant. I’m happy your ultrasound went well and baby is snuggling in. Happy and healthy 9 months to you :dust:

Nicki, well happy anniversary to you, I hope you enjoy your time away!!! I’m doing ok with the GD, I was a tad bit bad what with the Thanksgiving holidays, but not too bad I think :blush: I am so sorry you felt down reading the report about the miscarriage. I really hope they find out why you are miscarrying, it’s great that it’s not chromosomal but there has to be something to let you carry to term :hugs:

Beach, how are you doing? :flower:

Monro, my levels where more than doubling as well and I only have one in there LOL, your levels are great :thumbup:.

Soop, PreSeed is great, it keeps the acidity level down and helps the little :spermy: along their way. I hope you catch that egg! :dust:

Lexi, how are you doing? It’s getting super close for you! How’s your dad doing?

Ayclobes, what kind of pressure was it? I am feeling him down more each day and have been having pelvic/groin/inner thigh pain since around 28 weeks, it gets worse as time passes but it’s just his weight pushing on stuff.

NTAT, we all understand, like Nicki said TTC is hard and can strain any relationship, hope all works out for you.

Thurl, sorry to hear things have been a bit rough, I hope all is ok :flower: Have you thought about taking Soy Isoflavones to make you O earlier?

Ambi, thanks for the update! I’m so happy your baby is thriving!

:wave: Wooks, Lady Fog, Andrea, anyone else I may have missed, hope everything is ok.

I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving holiday was good. I went home and had a great time with family and friends. The trip is getting harder on me though, I found my pelvic/groin/inner thigh area was more sore the day following the drive :nope: I guess sitting for 4 hours is getting a bit much now. I have my next appointment on Thursday, will see bubs again, they want to check his growth and then I’ll meet with a doctor’s aide since my doctor didn’t have any late day appointments that day. At home we are ready for bubs arrival; we just purchased a glider and ottoman at Babies R Us yesterday. I am SO loving it! I could sit there and rock, well glide for hours LOL. Bubs is very active, which I am very happy about, sometimes I'm at the desk and I'll feel a thump, I guess he doesn't like me sitting too close to the desk :haha:

Edit: Added my bump picture 31 weeks!! I am huge!! LOL


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Soop--Thats awsome I bet you will see an early Christmas present soon. :happydance:

Notop--Thats great you saw a yolk:happydance: I was way to early to see that I had one done at 4 wks 3 days only saw ges sac, and had a corpus luthum cyst on left overy apparently its hard to see my right overy because there is a blood vessel in the way.:shrug: I have another scan this Fri I wil be 5 wks 6 days hopeing for HB but I know still early. But number yesterday were 9988.4 at 5 wks 2 days. Your next scans is not long now.

Ayclobes--oh so exciting 3 tri now:happydance:. 12 more weeks unless he is early are you goin to induce or let him come when he wants.

NTAT--Thank you I know the feeling my DH thinks I spend to much time on the internet period. We use to have fights about it :dohh:

Lexi--Hope your doing good with everything that is going on:hugs:

Nicki-- so far so good Scan was fine only saw ges sac (he even said that is what looks like a possible pregnancy even though you could see the sac clearly but it was so tiny. Going back Fri for another scan will be 5 wks 6 days hopeing for HB but I know its ok if there is not one but I don't think I will be able to have another scan till I am 7 wks 2 days b/c of work. So I am really hopeing for HB. Happy late anniversary how many yrs?

thurl-- was yesterday O day for you I saw you had spotting that might be O spotting I have that sometimes. Usually means strong O GL. :flower:

Ambivalent--Wooo Hooo congrats I bet this is your sticky baby so close to the 2nd tri.:happydance:

Emme--Thats great you really don't have long now. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. I want a glider also those thing are nice.

AFM--Numbers yesteardy was 9988.4 doubling time of 33 hrs thought it is suppose to slow down when it gets in the 1000's. I got another blood test Wed. And then appt Fri for Ultrasound I will be 5 wks 6 days hopeing for HB but I know still might be to early. Saw a sac in the last scan could not measure it still way to small I was only 4 wks 3 days so thats all I expected to see.
Emme - It was pressure, like his head was right on my cervix, i had to breathe thru it and i ended up going to L&D just to make sure i was not contracting, dilated or anything. baby was fine!

Monro - I have 11w1d til hes here (lol thats what my tracker thing on my phone says anyways). Since i have GD, they will either induce me a week early, or on his due date. I won't go over my due date, so thats good. I am kinda hoping he'll come on his own, or i'll go in labor on my own. But whatever is best for lil man is what we're rooting for!
Soop - how you doing - are you SS this 2WW or trying to ignore? :ignore:

Nicki - hope you and DH had a fantastic time in Copenhagen - can't wait to hear about it.
I missed your post about the report but :hugs: it must have been hard. :hugs:

Thurl - hope O comes soon for you and WELL DONE on the weightloss, you're doing amazing!

Ambiv - a huge congratulations, you must be elated - really hoping everything is smooth sailing from now on :thumbup:

Emme - you look lovely, you're blooming :cloud9:

Monro - those numbers sound high, but hoping that can only be a good thing (not too well versed on numbers). Will be thinking of you on scan day - stay calm and I hope you see a lovely beanie with a great heartbeat :hugs:

Ayc - 29 weeks, you're trucking along nicely :thumbup:

Lexi - thinking of you hun. I really feel for you and hope that your dad is making a good recovery :hugs:

AFM - not much to say really. Waiting for my NK cell results, they said 5-6 weeks and it'll be 5 weeks on Friday so hopefully I will hear early next week.
I am very nervous about the results to be honest, not sure why - but I think it might be because this is it for me, no more tests, so if this comes back clear I have nowhere to go. Part of me wants it to be an issue, then I can be treated for something at least, but part of me doesn't want to have an issue - if that makes sense!?
FS nurse recommended me to go on 5mg Folic Acid but has failed to send the prescription through so I called their office weeks ago and left a message telling her and asked her to call be back - she never did and I today thought I'd just ring the docs to ask if it was there....and it is - dated 12th November. Nice of her to let me know.

Honestly I feel a bit let down by the FS, they have done the tests and basically dropped me like a hot potato. They will not acknowledge that my thin lining is an issue and won't give me anything for it as the only drugs available are those for the priviledged 'under 30 BMI' category. It makes me so angry.
Prof Q who did my biopsy thinks its an issue and wants something done about it so she said she's ringing Dr Haddad when my results are through and wants to speak to him about doing something. I really hope that between them they can come up with something.
I drank raspberry leaf tea last month, AF not any heavier really so who knows if it made a difference. Forgotten about it this month so far so will have to start now but its vile :sick:

Gosh, sorry - didn't come on to rant honest :) on a plus note though, me and DH are getting on lots better since I stopped being surgically attached to my iPhone :haha:

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