Hi girls, Monro thanks for the opk brand, I'll take a look on
amazon when this batch runs out, although hoping I won't need
to! Your stats are amazing, really pleased it's all going
Notop, how did your scan go? I can't see me ever enjoying
one, like the girls say the process is somewhat tainted for
us all. But I hope it has given you some positive news, I
really do x
Hey Beach, hope you had a great time in NYC, it is on my
list, I need to go there one day!! I hope you didn't get ill
though, with the cold weather. Did you see and do lots out
there? I hope you get on ok with the ntnp type month lined up
for you and I hope we synch! Thurl is also in a similar place
this month, so 3 bfps please

Thurl, yes def give it a go, I would recommend acu sessions
and am really hopeful that they are doing some good. What
with that and the health kick including the gym, in a month I
have lost 3 pounds...hoping the momentum has started and a
bit more comes off, I've got a Christmas dress to get into!
Please thyroid let me lose some

I'm pleased your temps are
coming along so well! X
Lexi, how is your dad? And your mum? And you...? Lots of hugs
to you x
Nicki happy anniversary for tomorrow!

I'm sorry the testing hasn't conclusively given you any more of an idea but I hope this means that next time it can work out for you. I hope af hurries up for you so you can have the nk testing. X
Emme, hope you are getting on ok

Cupcake, how are you? Sath the acu was good, I had needles in the lower ab area to help a good ovulation. One under my chin, hand and foot...I felt really calm and chilled out after. Hoping it's done some good! How are the newer girls here? I hope you are all well x
Afm, I'm pretty sure I got my pos opk this eve, have been bding every day, so another one tonight! Have been using preseed, so hoping that it happens this month. :babydust: to all ttcers! X