Ladies i just wanted to drop by and wish you all a Merry Xmas!!
I hope those of you that are not preggo can enjoy the hols with a

or 5 and those of you that are pregnant can rest and let everyone else wait on you!

Emme big congrats on your wedding and happy belated birthday
Nicki happy belated birthday to you too
Was dhs birthday on 21st too.
Lady and Nsn i hope you enjoy your first xmas with your little ones.
Ntat congrats hun and your lines look perfect, fx those meds will do the trick.

to everyone else.... Havent seen soop on here in a while anyone heard??
Afm no BH, no mucusplug/show..... she's staying in!!
Had midwife last tues, said her head was still only just touching the brim so same as 2 weeks before. When she did fundal measurement and plotted it she said growth has tapered off a bit, she said it's fine but if it was static at next visit she would send for growth scan and in the meantime keep an eye on movements.
Of course the next day and night she didnt move as much and the movements werent as strong, i was stressing out..... it just doesnt get any easier, said to dh i just want her out now and at least i can check on her. I had visions of her being slowly strangled by the cord!
Anyway shes been moving plenty the last couple of days so i think it was just a quiet day plus prob not much room now. Scary though x
We are going to my parents Xmas day although we had Xmas dinner a couple of weeks ago as mum thought i might miss it, and we have dhs family/kids coming to us Boxing day.... really cant be bothered but nevermind. As much as i wont little lady out i hope she stays put til after 27th now. I want her bday to just be about her iykwim. x