A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

The clexane is to support the womb lining apparently. It's cos mine is quite thin. She thinks that could also be causing miscarriage.

Here's hoping the mixture of stuff does the trick :thumbup:
I have the worst krick in my neck in my life. It is on my right side from the base of my skull to where my neck meets my shoulder but it mainly hurts at the base of my skull. Is there anything I can do for it. Sometimes I accidently turn it and I am almost in tears it hurts so bad. :shrug:
Hi everyone :wave:

Monro so pleased all is progressing nicely for you, with regards to the pain in your neck all I can say is pain killers and a good sleep, I can really empathise with you that pain is awful, hope you wake up tomorrow and it's gone hun :hugs:

Nicki how are you doing? have you been doing yoga for long?

NTAT that's great that you have some options, it's all sounding really positive :hugs:

Soop, Wookie, Emme and Beach how are you guys doing? Haven't heard from you all in a while x

Lexi OMG you are like only a few weeks away now :happydance: Hope you're family are doing ok :hugs:

Just out of interest, is anyone still in touch with Kat? she popped in to my head the other day and I was thinking she must be due anytime now

So my cold disappeared almost as soon as I got it, but my temps have been quite high the last 2 days, would someone mind looking at my chart and letting me know if I could have had 2 day implantation? I know implantation is supposed to be a huge dip and then a huge spike, so I'm in now way getting my hopes up, I just wondered because my temps are so different to all my previous ones

Hope everyone is having a good week :hugs:
Nicki so sorry you asked me about my course and I didn't answer you! It's a bit of a mare at the moment, I'm still playing catch up on the weekly activities, and our TMA is due in next Thursday so I'm desperately trying to get that done, it's alot of work I will be so relieved when I've submitted it! x
Kat had a boy Grey, on the 11th. I saw her update on another thread id joined but i cant keep up with it, lol!

Your chart could be promising this month, good luck :hugs:
Ah bless her that's lovely news, thanks for letting me know :) Re my chart I think I'm out this month, took a dive this morning, I had a terrible nights sleep but did get my 3 hours sleep I think before temping so I think it's totally accurate, I'm expecting another drop tomorrow and then af either late tomorrow or Sunday :dohh: Thanks for checking out my chart though x
Thurl I hope you're not out this month....but if you are have a flippin fantastic boozy Christmas, make the most of it cus hopefully you'll get your new year bfp :)

I am sitting here sipping port and occasionally wrapping presents while DH is at his department Christmas party. Bliss!

Hope everyone else is well and looking fwd to the weekend x
I don't think I have ever tried port :haha: Hope you had a nice chilled evening Nicki, I'm just back from a works do, lovely meal but the music was so loud I have a headache now! Will definately make the most of the alcohol over the holidays :thumbup: Have a great weekend x
Not much to report here on my end...I'm creeping up on 27 weeks, feeling fat and happy, and my innards are beginning to feel quite squished! LOL! My next appointment is on Dec. 28th, and I get my gestational diabetes test...this needle-phobe is NOT looking forward to it, but, I will survive, eh?
Thurl -- thank u my neck is feeling a whole lot better now the heating pad helped out a lot. But man that one hurt . Hope af has not knocked on your door yet but if so the good thing ids you o'd the last three cycles have u tried taking supplements to shorten the cycles.:shrug: not sure what u can take maybe macca root. It also helps with thickening lining. But u might convieve a baby on newyears that would be neat. And before you get to dtd on new years drink a few for me. This will be the 3 rd new years in a row I will be sober and the last one I was not pregnant I had just had my septate surgery and had a few days of antibiotics left.

Nicki--sounds like so much fun.:flower: Hope your weekend has gone well so far.

Wookie--wow getting closer I believe when I joined the board u were either 10 or 15 wks time definitely flies.

Afm--Right now I am so excited. I am 8 wks today and my doppler came in the mail. I woke up kinda worried because my boobs and nipples were not sore at all but still felt nauseas. When it came it took me 30 min to an hr but I found the hb it was between 155 and 160. I found it a few more times today also the last time I letf dh hear it registered at 167. At first he was like don't push down so hard your suffocating him lol. It took me a while last time and I am pretty sure I will have a circle bruise right above my pubic bone. This has been the best $55 I have spent and it will save a lot more because of less dr visits lol. I got the sonoline b 3 mhz probe.*
Wookie the time is flying by :)

Monro that's great about the doppler, you were lucky to find a hb so early on! :)

AF is now arriving, so tomorrow is CD1, kind of ok with it because I would like to enjoy a few drinks over xmas and new year, but I am also disappointed that it didn't happen for me in 2012. The thing I don't understand is that the last 3 cycles I have been loosing weight, and yet my cycles have got longer every time, this one was 43 days! Not sure why that's happening but I guess I just have to be thankful I am ovulating.

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend x
monro-you're lucky you were able to find the hb this early! i couldnt find prestons until after 13w!

AFM - 3d u/s tomorrow! preston's been moving something crazy today! he'll randomly move like 6times in a row, like bam bam bam...but they say hes supposed to be sleeping alot now..since he's due in less than 8.5wks!
Monro, yay that is a great HB!!! :happydance: I have a doctor appt and ultrasound on the 20th as well, I’m getting weekly check-ups beginning this week. You can take Prevacid for acid reflux, that’s what my doctor prescribed me, I only suffered with it 3 days, I was lucky. It’s starting to come back though, but not bad yet, good thing that I still have lots of pills left if I need them. You have the same Fetal Doppler I had, I used that thing every day when I woke up and when I got home from work, it was so reassuring for me to hear bubs heartbeat. I found mine at 11 weeks 4 days, after the scare I had at 11+2, I went and purchased a Doppler right away.

BeachChica, sounds like you’ve been busy. Since you close on the day after Christmas, where you able to put up a tree? When do you move into your new place?

NTAT, how great that you have a plan of action! Good luck, sending you lots of baby :dust:

Thurl30, sorry you’re out, maybe try Vitex or Soy Isoflavones, that should help regulate your cycle so it’s not that long.

Nicki123, I’ve heard Yoga is great stress relief, plus it keeps you in shape, may have to look into it after bubs is born.

Notopt, it’s natural to be defensive, I didn’t get too attached to the baby until I reached 24 weeks and knew he was viable. But even then I still hope all will be ok when he is born… every day is a milestone though :hugs:

Lexi, you are getting closer by the day, how are you feeling?

Wooks, glad all is going ok with baby.

Ayclobes, mine doesn’t seem to sleep long, he moves constantly.

Whew, hard to catch up with everyone’s posts, I think I got them all in. Sorry if I missed ya :flower:

AFM, 35 weeks on Thursday and have an ultrasound and doctor appt back to back. They are trying to see how big bubs is since I have GD :wacko: I hope they don’t have to induce me, I’ve heard it hurts way more than going natural… I am going to start bouncing on the edge of my bed, walking more, having :sex: more than twice a week, nipple stimulation, anything and everything starting at 36 weeks to try to get baby to come on his own.
Thrul-- so sorry af arrived. But wouldn't it be fun to start out the yr with a bfp. And you would not be as big during the hot summer months either.

ayclobes--Oh wow so fun a 3D ultrasound better upload pics.:winkwink:

Emme-- I can probably take it but I did not have the sheet in front of me that they gave me for medicine I could take so she stated spouting off names and I was writing some down but probable left off some. But Pepcid ac and mylanta were ones that I wrote down. However I did actually buy it b/c I left the piece of paper I wrote eveything down on at the office but then I read it and it said I had to take first thing in morning so I took it back and got some Pepcid AC. But that did not work so I got some mylanta it kinda works for a little while. :shrug: OMG not long for you now. :happydance:
Emme - He moves when he wants, there is no specific time of day everyday that he moves, he'll be super active at like 6-7am when im at work..then he'll be quiet/sleep for a couple hours and start being active again at like noon, then he'll be quiet/sleep until like 8pm!

Monro - I only got like 3 pictures, but they werent very good b/c hes burried into my uterine wall! but here's the 2 pictures i did get!

love the little foot but have no clue what the top pic is of:blush:
Think the baby dust helped.... Look what I got this morning....


Been to the FS and have started on the prednisalone and the cyclogest.

Fingers crossed everybody :hugs:
Congrats Newtoallthis!

I havent been on here for a while but I wanted thank those of you that wrote back to me with your kind words. I was told that I have MTHFR which is a genetic issue that prevents my body from processing folic acid :( Has anyone heard of this or dealing with this?
Emme only a few weeks to go hun :happydance:

Lexi how are you doing? Any signs yet? :)

Monro hope all is going great still x

NTAT congratulations hun, I'm so chuffed for you, awesome news :yipee: x

Afm I'm on CD2, the witch arrived with avengeance yesterday! So I went to Waitrose on the way home from work and bought a bottle of Mozart, going to open it on Friday to mark finishing work for xmas :)
NTAT, awesome news!!! Great early Christmas gift!!! Hoping you have a happy & healthy 9 months :dust:

Thurl, yup, just a couple more weeks. I'm eager to get my body back, I am aching all over LOL. Sorry to hear AF got you, but at least you can drink during Christmas holidays! :thumbup:

Mommylov, no sorry, I've never heard of that :( hope you can get some answers.

AFM, today is my birthday, kinda bittersweet, I lost my first baby this time last year at 6weeks 4days, I'm happy at least I'm almost due with this baby but the memories won't stop coming :cry: It sucks that we can't have totally blissful/happy pregnancy's without the pain and worry after our losses.
On another not so sad note, I think my work peeps are planning on surprising me with a cake or something because I all of a sudden got a meeting request... Only thing is I can't eat cake cause of my GD :( so I hope I get fruit or something healthier.

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