Monro, yay that is a great HB!!!

I have a doctor appt and ultrasound on the 20th as well, Im getting weekly check-ups beginning this week. You can take Prevacid for acid reflux, thats what my doctor prescribed me, I only suffered with it 3 days, I was lucky. Its starting to come back though, but not bad yet, good thing that I still have lots of pills left if I need them. You have the same Fetal Doppler I had, I used that thing every day when I woke up and when I got home from work, it was so reassuring for me to hear bubs heartbeat. I found mine at 11 weeks 4 days, after the scare I had at 11+2, I went and purchased a Doppler right away.
BeachChica, sounds like youve been busy. Since you close on the day after Christmas, where you able to put up a tree? When do you move into your new place?
NTAT, how great that you have a plan of action! Good luck, sending you lots of baby
Thurl30, sorry youre out, maybe try Vitex or Soy Isoflavones, that should help regulate your cycle so its not that long.
Nicki123, Ive heard Yoga is great stress relief, plus it keeps you in shape, may have to look into it after bubs is born.
Notopt, its natural to be defensive, I didnt get too attached to the baby until I reached 24 weeks and knew he was viable. But even then I still hope all will be ok when he is born
every day is a milestone though
Lexi, you are getting closer by the day, how are you feeling?
Wooks, glad all is going ok with baby.
Ayclobes, mine doesnt seem to sleep long, he moves constantly.
Whew, hard to catch up with everyones posts, I think I got them all in. Sorry if I missed ya
AFM, 35 weeks on Thursday and have an ultrasound and doctor appt back to back. They are trying to see how big bubs is since I have GD

I hope they dont have to induce me, Ive heard it hurts way more than going natural
I am going to start bouncing on the edge of my bed, walking more, having

more than twice a week, nipple stimulation, anything and everything starting at 36 weeks to try to get baby to come on his own.