NTAT--Alexander that is what mines middle name is going to be b/c I guess I will give in for him to be a Jr.

. This is going to be confusing lol. I think Ethan Alexander sounds pretty good.
mommylov--thats what test I swear by the wondfo mine are the pink handle with hcg on them. They have detected very low amounts of hcg like under 10 and I hardly get any evaps from them. I see your chart has not switched over have you still not started yet?? Have yout tested again?
ayclobes--Hopefully that is what happens to me not wishing for HB but not wanting a bald baby either

. But whew being big and having hb in the third tri and being I am in the south and 3rd tri will be when its going to start getting hot oh no.
Soop--Any new news??
Kmp--Wow so great your team pink glad test came back normal.
Nicki--I know how you feel about being poked an proded. It would not be as bad either if they could find a defenitive answer about what is wrong to. Hoping you get yoru answers soon.

and may's not far away anymore
AFM--I had a cervix ck yesterday. The fist time at 16 wks it was 3.48 at 19 1/2 wks 3.5 and yesterday at 21 1/2 wks it was 3.2 so it did shorten a little bit the OB just said to not over exert my self or strain to pick up anything. He told me to act like a premadonna lol.

which is so not me.