Blimey - its all happening in here isn't it
Will take me a while to recap (baby brain is a terrible thing!)
Lady - lovely to hear from you and so so glad that Elsa has now had her op and is on the other side. Glad she is doing so well and boy - she's cute!
Thurl - nice to see you in here too, sorry your head isn't on the TTC, but sometimes that can be a good thing
Soop - sorry you're still so sicky. I'm afraid to say mine didn't leave til 17 weeks - hope it eases for you soon. Have been thinking of you, I think your decision to wait til the 20 week scan is a good one, cos as you say - that can pick up so much more than the earlier dating scan. Hoping the next 6 weeks or so go quickly for you
mommylov - congratulations hunny on your

that's amazing news. Sending you lots of sticky dust for 3rd time lucky
Wookie - haha, Hannah pulls some funny faces eh - but she is adorable. can't believe she is 9 weeks already, its going so fast. I laughed at your comment around her knowing her own mind - that's definitely a girl for you
Patiently - of course I remember you!! Congratulations on the birth of Indie Mae, she's a stunner, so dark! I'm really pleased to see you got your rainbow baby as I know you went through a heck of a lot to get her. Gives comfort to us all. Hoping you'll stick around now?
Monro - 3lb, that sounds fabulous and great news about your cervix

Bet you were pleased to see baby again, shame DH missed out really.
Beach - hi guys

and to anyone else I missed.
AFM - 25 weeks now, time is flying! Had midwife appointment yesterday, all good. She measured my bump at 26cm and on the graph is half way between the 50th & 90th centile - hoping he's not going to be big!!
I have submitted my date for finishing with work too, 26th July so 9 weeks today

although the first 3 and a half weeks will be holiday with the mat leave starting on 22nd August - five days before DD
Ordered baby furniture too, so its all happening now