Hey, I have a question for you ladies...so, my second miscarriage bleeding began on February 8th, I began taking my B-50 complex then, I got my first AF after that on April 9th, and I am still waiting for my 2nd AF!!! I am 17 dpo...my usual luteal phase is a textbook 14 days long. I am not pregnant...I tested on 12 dpo, and also this morning, and I've gotten BFN's. I always have a 30 day cycle, and now I'm on CD 33!!!! What the heck??? I did not temp, or use my CBFM, or OPK, as my doctor wanted us to wait 2 cycles before trying again, as she's going to put me right back on Clomid. I expected AF to show up on Sunday, and so far she hasn't. I stopped taking my progesterone cream 13 dpo.
Do you think the combination of the progesterone cream in my luteal phase and the B-50 vitamin complex has extended my cycle? Or maybe I haven't ovulated at all? I've taken my temps, and they aren't as high as my normal post-ovulatory temps usually. If I haven't ovulated...will I not get a period??? I don't know what to do. Please help.