A head count for May Mummies! The last stretch!

Hey ladies!! Nice to see this thread is still going, I couldnt find it for a while?

Spunky..oh no! I didnt realise your LO has possible liver problems? Livers are pretty robust things so I doubt it will be any sort of issue in a few years. And pregnant..nooooooooooooo Lol!

Tabby is just gorgeous, she is incredibly engaging and has been grinning since about 5 ish weeks and now cackles with laughter randomly which I love. Shes standing well now, incredibly sturdy little legs and rolls around everywhere so I am constantly having to watch her...she managed to crawl off her playmat while I was downstairs and I came up to find her grinning at me almost a foot away on the carpet!! sooo nice being able to give her a toy and leave her for 20 minutes while she plays with it, and if all else fails, she LOVES baby einstein!
She's still not sleeping completely through the night, usually goes to bed at 8pm and wakes once at 4am, so not too bad but I would LOVE an uninterrupted night!! Had to start expressing and using colief and also low lactose formula as she gets terrible gas but being on this has almost completely sorted it! She jumped from 25th-70th percentile and now she's steadily following the curve.
Been in and out of hospital due to her large strawberry birthmark on her lower back as doctors were concerned that in some cases it can tether the spine, lots of ultrasounds and failed MRI's and weeks of being anxious but finally told that its just superficial and it should completely disappear within 5 years. PHEW! So all is well :)
We are still co-sleeping but sometime around her 5th month I will move her into a cot, not looking forward to it!!
I've stopped feeling pregnant now that I think the minipill is out of my system. Stopped it about a week and a half ago. Don't feel nearly as crazy!!!

Yeah, James has had issues since the 20 week scan. I cried so much pregnant worrying. Now that I see how wonderful and healthy looking he is I'm not as worried, but since they mentioned things like monitoring his liver to see if there's any more damage and biopsy, now that scared me!

So glad her birthmark is just that! I bet you feel so much better about that!!!

James has been in his crib/cot since he was 5.5 weeks old and sleeping through the night. He seems to sleep well in there and I sleep well in my own space. My husband will take me in his room when he's sleeping and have me looko at him when I'm sad and miss him!
Hi everyone! Charlottes had some weight problems as well. She's gone from 95%ile to off the bottom of the chart. Shes also had repeat UTIs (which is where the weight loss happened) so has been in hospital for this. She has to have some further tests to find out what's causing the UTIs. Other than that she is the happiest most contented child you have ever met. She's started commando crawling!!! Which is funny as she's sooo tiny! We're probably weaning her from next week on advice from the paediatrician we'll have to see what her weight gain is. But he said that weaning is a developmental thing and she's very advanced for her age and thinks she's ready not sure if I agree fully but we will see how we go.
Hello :) Not sure you remember me but i was a due in may mummy! Doesnt time just fly in! Cant believe Eibhlin will be 9months on the 24th of this month..where has my baby gone. She is sitting up but making no effort to crawl atm. How is everyone elses lo doing?

Been ages since I have seen this thread! Awwww, good times!

LO will be 9 months in 2 days! eeek! That went fast. She's been a speedy crawler quite a while and is a devil at cruising and walking using her push-along walker so nothing is safe! Taking baby proofing to the extreme as she seems to get everywhere!
Only have 1 tooth through at the moment, awaiting a 2nd which is about ready to pop through, she hasn't been too bad with them at all which is great but apparently the top are worse so I hope those don't come through for a while! She's a good little sleeper and likes her lay ins so I am incredibly lazy these days but not looking forward to going back to work. (end of March) Yuck!
Currently am trying to stop her shouting "GAY" loudly all the time..no idea why she shouts this!! Hilariously timed sometimes!!
On 3 meals a day + 3-4 bottles. Generally a very easy-going content child (unless I take something she wants off her lol)
Exciting to see this pop up again!

James is 8.5 months old. 6 teeth! And has had them since January. Not a fan of solids at all. He's a boob man all the way. Moves tons, not quite crawling yet, but I expect him to anyday. Pulled himself up to standing in his crib yesterday (a first!) Still sleeping great! Wakes up maybe once a night while teething, but usually sleeps through. Very happy easy going baby!
LOL @ James being a boob man! Do they ever change?!!

And Jessica... 'GAY' ?!?!?!!! What kind of things are you teaching her in your household? lol

I remember you Mumoffive :thumbup:

Rose is doing well, loves her food and loves her milk. Still on 3 bottles a day and 3 meals, although at the moment she has such a rotten cold that I am tending to replace 'dinner' with a bottle as she's just not that fussed about solids at the moment.

We are a slow, leisurely crawler, sit up beautifully and have the two lower centrals through, nothing else has appeared yet. She has only stood up once, and after reading what you're having to do with Tabby Jessica I am hoping it'll be a while before she walks lol

I know newborns are lovely, but I think our babies are just such fun. 4 months + are just the best :thumbup:

Hello everyone! How are you all?!

Sorry I disappeared for a while, has been busy and I've been up and down (slight PND for a while and had to hide!).

Wilf is now 9 months old and happily sits and plays but had absolutely no interest in moving himself around, which is actually quite nice!

I have also just found out I'm expecting baby number 4 so things are going to get busy around here!

Hope you are all well and happy, I've missed you all xx
Can't believe it's been a year! Anyone still subscribed to this thread?
Hello :) I am!!! My girl turned 1 on the 26th May!!! Cant believe it. Not walking really, just cruising and crawling xxx
Love how this thread pops up in my email occasionally! Tabs turned 1 on the 21st and now is becoming more and more a competent walker, I am still in that amazed stage of watching her trundle around and the realisation that we have a toddler! eek!

I am 10 weeks or so pregnant so there will be a 19 month age gap which I am quite excited by!

How is everyone doing?
Love how this thread pops up in my email occasionally! Tabs turned 1 on the 21st and now is becoming more and more a competent walker, I am still in that amazed stage of watching her trundle around and the realisation that we have a toddler! eek!

I am 10 weeks or so pregnant so there will be a 19 month age gap which I am quite excited by!

How is everyone doing?

Congratulations on your new bump! I remember how neat you were with your first! x
James is turning 1 on June 9th (Due Date was May 27th, so I stayed with May Mommies!). He's still cruising and crawling. Doesn't seem to have an interest in walking, and I'm not pushing it. Cute as a button though! Eating lots, talking (but no real words besides the occasional Mama) kind of, tons of personality! Playing peek-a-boo! Such fun things! I say no and he shakes his head no and smiles. So much fun!

I'm also about 10 weeks along and James and Jingle Bell will have an 18-19 month gap.
Lovely to hear about these new babies coming along! Wilf has just turned one and we are trying for baby number 4 x
WOW! Baby #4 good luck! How do you handle more than 1? I'm nervous!
WOW! Baby #4 good luck! How do you handle more than 1? I'm nervous!

You will be fine! It is harder, you have much less time and you can't get the rest you did with one but it's great fun! To be fair my eldest is 13 so it's not like I have 3 little ones to look after at the moment!
Scuffer - I forgot how much I loved looking through your blog! Thank you for having it in your siggy!
Scuffer - I forgot how much I loved looking through your blog! Thank you for having it in your siggy!

Thank you! I'm glad you like it still. I've not been very good at keeping up with it recently, decorating is taking over.
Decorating what?

I haven't looked at it in a while so there was new stuff! You're looking good :winkwink:

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