A head count for May Mummies! The last stretch!

If Rose is having trouble with her poops I lay her on her back and bring her knees up to her tummy and out it all comes! lol

I love natural methods, would much rather at least try something like that than immediately reach for something medicinal. Funnily enough I have stolen her cognac amber bracelet today and my aching prolapse is nowhere near as bad. Coincidence maybe, but I think there's a lot in it. especially when you read what the Mums on the NP forum have to say about how it changed their teething babies moods :thumbup:
I took all you said on board. I fed T at 21:45 sat her up, bicycled her legs and brought them up to her chest, burped her properly...and then did something very naughty. I put her on her front to sleep....she woke me up at 0500, thats 7 hours!!!!! she was absolutely starving and for the first time ever cried at night, but it was from hunger! fed her (she was feeding like an animal, made me giggle the amount of noise she was making) and then she fell asleep again until my husband was concerned and woke her up at 0830!

Not a single grunt or groan all night...I feel great but concerned that some of her sleeping may have been down to being on her front?
I took all you said on board. I fed T at 21:45 sat her up, bicycled her legs and brought them up to her chest, burped her properly...and then did something very naughty. I put her on her front to sleep....she woke me up at 0500, thats 7 hours!!!!! she was absolutely starving and for the first time ever cried at night, but it was from hunger! fed her (she was feeding like an animal, made me giggle the amount of noise she was making) and then she fell asleep again until my husband was concerned and woke her up at 0830!

Not a single grunt or groan all night...I feel great but concerned that some of her sleeping may have been down to being on her front?

I know Wilf will sleep better on his tummy at night but haven't been brave enough to try it yet!

It sounds like the winding helped too.
Congrats on the sleep Jessica!

We let James sleep on his tummy for the third night in a row and he sleeps so much longer and better... Plus he was happy to just move around his craddle for almost an hour this morning as opposed to crying pretty soon after he wakes up if he were on his back.
I think I'm going to start putting wilf on his tummy at night (in his crib) and see if we can get a bit more sleep.
James slept for 9 hours last night (8.5 hours of it in his CRIB). We're letting him sleep on his tummy and his arm kept going through the slats on the craddle in our room and he'd wake up, I'd move him, he'd go back to sleep. Since his crib in the nursery is a lot bigger he didn't get close to the rails to put his arm through. I can't believe he slept in the other room like a BIG BOY!! :cry: So wonderful to sleep so many hours straight though!!
Hey, how are we all doing?

Rose and I had our first baby massage class today! Much fun! :thumbup:
So there is where all the May mums went! I've been looking for you! It's nice to see some familiar folks. I hope everyone is doing well. I dropped off the 3rd tri board a little too early to see how it "ended" for some of you. My little man decided to make an early (3 weeks) appearance on May 5th. He is so amazing! Very strong and active little guy and growing and eating like a champ. Breastfeeding was VERY challenging for us to start. But I'm proud to say I stuck with it and it's gotten much better. Now we are tackling Colic an Reflux. Dylan will be 3 months old tomorrow!!! He is still a little love bug and booby monster who just wants to be held 24/7. He doesn't particularly like being put down for naps/to sleep unless it's in his swing. Otherwise he'll nap on the go in the car seat/stroller or while I'm wearing him. He is 11lbs 9 oz so has doubled his birth weight!! Oh and he started rolling at 5 1/2 weeks!! He also loves to sit up and stand on my legs now and his latest thing is putting his fists together and sucking on them.

Hope it's okay I join in here! Hope you and all you'r LO's are doing well! Isn't being a mom he coolest thing in the world?!!
midnightsun - sounds fun! I'll have to look into that!

Hi 1sttimemama2b!

James is still sleeping 7 hours a night straight! LOVING it! Feel like a sane person! He's been feeding non-stop the last few days, must be the 6 week growth spurt! My nipples are SORE!!! BF was finally not painful for a few days, and now it's hurting again. BUT he was attached to me the past couple of days. Yesterday he'd wake up everytime I pulled my boob out of his mouth and scream. Got in a lot of reading and watching TV htough. My newest tv guilty pleasures: My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and Project Runway!
James is still sleeping 7 hours a night straight! LOVING it! Feel like a sane person!

You are so lucky! My DS sleeps only about 4 hrs before wanting to nurse, at 8 weeks old! But, he seems to be on a good sleep schedule, bedtime 8:30 pm and sleeping til 8 am. He wakes up about 4 times a night to eat, but usually goes right back to sleep.

He's grown so fast, and has almost doubled his birthweight already (weighs over 15 lbs)! If I hold his hands, he can pull himself up from sitting to standing. He's been smiling loads, rolling over a little, and starting to make spit bubbles. It's amazing how fast things change!

I'm going back to work in about a week, and dreading it! I just want to stay home and watch my little guy grow!
Hey Spunky :flower:

We are both really good, my prolapse seems to have calmed down, and although I don't think it's actually any better it doesn;t actually hurt me so much anymore, which is a blessing.

Rose dropped off the 50th percentile last week and had gone down to about the 30th. She is sleeping through the night though, goes down at about 9pm and wakes up about 7am at the moment, so I think she's dropped slightly as she's missing out feeds in the night suddenly.

She's in her cot now and has slept through the night ever since I put her in it, fabulous!!

She can turn onto her belly now and sleeps on her left hand side most nights.

Friday she actually laughed at me, properly laughed - so wonderful :)

Her eyes are changing from blue to green too... like mine :cloud9:

Her reflux is all under control with the Dr Brown's bottles and SMA Staydown still :thumbup:
Hello Spunky!

How are you and your LO doing?

We're still trying to crack breastfeeding and we both currently have thrush again at the moment so it's super painful at feeding time. Also, my LO is having reflux problems too and has dropped from 25th percentile to 6th. I've concluded that having a newborn is the hardest thing I have ever done as my days seemed to have been full of sleep deprivation and worry!

Midnight sun - glad to hear your feeling a bit better and hoorah for your LO sttn. Mines still a wake up every two hours bubba.

I can't wait for my LO to laugh!

Hope your all well :hugs:
Hello everyone lovely to see updates!

Charlottes doing well, she's lost some weight so I'm keeping an eye on her but she seems fine to me so I'm not worrying. She's still BF, but sleeps so well, she sleeps 5.30pm-9am everyday so I imagine that's why she's dropped a bit of weight. I honestly never thought a bf baby could sleep that well! Before you all shoot me though my toddler is still getting up every 2 hours so no sleep in this house, how could I have two such different kids!!
Midnightsun - Sounds like things are looking up! How wonderful that you're feeling better and she's giving you a break a night. Scary that she's below the 50th percentile now, but you're probably right about missing the night feeding. I hope the doctor is ok with it. Great that she's in her cot and reflux is better! What a great update! :thumbsup: SO cool on the rolling! James has rolled front to back 3 times now but not back to front...yet...

tuppance - Breastfeeding continues to be a pain (literally) over here too! 6th percentile? How scary! I can't believe how much worry newborns come with! I have been worried about him since I found out I was pregnant! LOL It seems to never end. I hope things start getting better soon :hugs:

pinkclaire - 5:30pm-9am?! WOW! That's insane! You said your toddler still gets up every 2 hours? Can I ask if he's still BF? I never would have imagined ANY baby sleeping from 15 hours! I can't even sleep that long! (not that I get a chance, :haha: )

AFM - James has been sleeping on his tummy since 5.5 weeks and since then he sleeps 7-10 hours a night, usually out by 10pm then he'll sleep until about 7-8am usually. So wonderful. Breastfeeding is going better. This week the pain is almost gone! I can't believe he's over 10 weeks and BF still hurts. He eats all the time since that's the only way I can keep him happy for extended periods of time. We're looking at houses to move (need more room). And he's been to his specialist appointments. He's had liver problems. They think it's due to me having lots of cold sores while pregnant with him (his TORCH test showed he had antibodies for herpes simplex). They think he'll be fine, but they are going to repeat tests and ultrasounds for a while and talked about doing a biopsy later which is scary, but one step at a time. He's putting on weight and healthy and happy. He smiles at me, but has only laughed in his sleep and at his dad (once). Things are getting happier with him interacting more! Glad to hear from you ladies!
Nice to see every one is still about, though huge :hugs: for those of you who are still struggling....especially with BF, you've been real soldiers that's for sure! I appreciate how lucky I have been every time I pop on to the BF forum.

Paige is still tracking the 91st centile for weight and was 13lb 8 last time I had her weighed at 9 weeks. She was also on the 98th centile for height back then. She has no real feeding pattern so just on demand as and when she wants it, but she rarely goes more than 3 hours unless we are out or at night. At night she now goes to bed at 7:30pm, she literally brought her bedtime forward from 10pm over two weeks and of her own accord. She is usually up for 10 minutes between 3:30 and 4:30 for a feed and then sleeps until between 6 and 7:30am before her next feed. She will often stay awake after this one for a couple of hours but having discovered the joys of thumb sucking can be left in her cot quite happily so i can go back to bed.

About a week ago she started to cry if we tried to co-sleep so she has weaned herself out of our bed already. I'll admit this made me a bit sad. :cry:

We have lot's of giggles, smiles and new noises and she will grab at and play with toys. She is also fascinated with older babies who can crawl at the moment and likes to lay on her tummy and watch them. I bought her a bubble machine last week which gives hours of amusement too!

I've been signed off by the physio and just have my Trauma Clinic appointment to go now.
Spunky- no he's not, he weaned himself at a year, probably because I was pregnant. He's always been a nightmare with his sleep think it's just something we have to deal with! Well it proves it's not my parenting considering how different my two are!

Sooz that does sound scary! I never even thought that would be able to happen. Hopefully everything will be ok with the scan next time xx
Hello May Mums! Just wondering how everyone is since the last update?

Hope your all well and your LOs are smiley little chaps / chapettes xxxx
Hi tuppance!

Not much going on here. James is being more and more fun! He's still STTN about 10 hours. He's laughing regularaly and smiling a lot! His specialist says the cold sores I had while pregnant did some liver damage to him, but as long as it doesn't get worse then he'll be fine. He'll be monitored every three months by blood work and ultrasound for a little while (not sure for how long). I'm tired all the time for some reason. I'm sleeping 8 hours a night and trying to nap when he does and I'm still exhausted! I'm quitting my mini-pill as I think it might be doing it to me (along with all the random spotting. Starting to wonder if I'm pregnant, but tests say negative).

That's it for me! How are you guys doing?
Hey Spunky!

Is he on medication for his liver problems or will it just get better with time? Poor you and James, that must be a complete worry. Have you had things like your iron levels tested for your tiredness? Don't want to sound like your mum but, are you drinking enough liquids?!

I can't WAIT for Ru to laugh (he did it once and hasn't ever again), he is a really smiley chappy though so I will settle with that for now :thumbup:

He is still waking up every 1 - 2 hours, I think I would actually give away my car away for him to STTN at the moment as I appear to have lost the ability to actually make conversation that makes sense! But, night-time cuddles are always nice (I keep telling myself!)

Ru has also fallen down to the 2nd percentile in weight due to his reflux problems so I have to take him back to the GP. Scary mary. He also appears to have a giant head and his head circumference is 75th percentile! Wopper!

Lovely to hear from you Spunky, and I hope you get a splurge of energy soon :hugs:

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