A Little About Me A Little About You

A Little About Me

Name: Esther

Age: 24

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Occupation: Assistant Nurse & Student

Short Personal Description: I am currently studying Bachelor of Nursing full time, whilst working in community and aged care assistant nursing. I have been married for 18 months.


Hobbies: Friends, socialising, wine (not for another 9 months now), travel, beach, shopping, dining out, reading, movies, music, art.

Color: Blue

Food: Ceaser salad, eggs benedict, thai green curry extra chilli, anything with chilli.

Hang-out: Uni, home - pretty boring

Music: Good mix of anything

Books: Bio's, crime novels.

Movies: Heaps - love mobster movies, sci-fi, anything with a good story and acting cast.

TV Shows: The Office, Kath & Kim, Two & Half Men, Seinfeld.

Authors: Bryce Courtenay

Cartoon Character: Wall-e

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Anywhere in Europe

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: To be successful in my career and studies, raise a healthy and happy baby and have a good marriage.

Biggest Achievement: This baby

Grandest Wish: To have a safe and happy pregnancy

What You Can't Live Without: My mobile phone
Ok so I've been here for months but never filled this in- here goes!!

Name: Amy

Age: 28

Location: Northampton, UK

Occupation: Full time Mummy! Part time football league coordinator

Short Personal Description: Living with Mark and Chloe. I am 4'11", glasses- heck you've seen the pictures!


Hobbies: The internet, taking pictures of Chloe, football, playing musical instruments, TV/Films

Color: purple

Food: veggie burger

Hang-out: at the footie

Music: anything from classical to heavy metal

Books: Biographies of serial killers

Movies: let him have it, one flew over the cuckoos nest

TV Shows: soaps, quizz shows

Authors: colin wilson, christopher berry-dee

Cartoon Character: Eeyoore

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Kenya

Most Influential Person in Your Life: spike Milligan and Stephen Fry

Greatest Ambition: To prove them wrong

Biggest Achievement: Having Chloe

Grandest Wish: To win the lottery

What You Can't Live Without : My baby
A Little About Me

Name: Sarah

Age: 22

Location: Wolverhampton

Occupation: Student training to be a primary school teacher

Short Personal Description: Currently studying to be a primary school teacher in Birmingham will be taking a year out from January to have a little girl. Live in Wolverhampton with my boyfriend Jon. Also working part time in a local pub to pay the bills! =D


Hobbies: Hanging out with friends and family.

Color: Green

Food: Chocolate or Pizza

Hang-out: My living room

Music: Anything really?

Books: PS I Love You

Movies: Peter Pan, PS I Love You, Toy Story =D

TV Shows: Hollyoaks, Friends, Katie and Peter!!

Cartoon Character: Tinkerbell

Digging Deeper:

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My boyfriend Jon

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life
A Little About Me

Name: Shannon

Age: 34

Location: San Diego, CA

Occupation: happy housewife

Short Personal Description: I just got married almost a year ago, my husband and I are TTC our first. We have only been trying for a month or so, but I'm 34 so I'm pretty anxious to get the show on the road!

Hobbies: Bikram yoga, photography, swimming, internet

Food: Chocolate or Pizza

Hang-out: My house

Music: Indie rock, chick rock

Books: currently reading What to Expect When You're Expecting

Movies: filmmakers are easier: Scorsese, Wes Anderson, Coen brothers, anything on IFC or Sundance

TV Shows: The Office, Pushing Daisies

Cartoon Character: Sleeping Beauty

Digging Deeper:

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mom

Greatest Ambition: To be the best wife and mother I can be!
Name: Charlie

Age: 25

Location: Kent, England

Occupation: Science teacher - Secondary School

Short Personal Description: Err well, like it says 25, teacher a bit of a dork, I have around 25 hours of tattooing and am collecting more, I'm engaged to a fantastic guy and we want to start a family.

Hobbies: Tattoos, cooking, sci-fi books, anything astronuat related (i'm such a dork), going to gigs

Food: mmmm chinese nom nom

Hang-out: home/hobgoblin (pub)

Music: punk/metal/pyschobilly/bluegrass

Books: Frank Herbert, Peter F Hamilton, Arthur C Clark

Movies: Too many to metion (sci-fi is always good though)

TV Shows: I'm a sucker for sappy soaps.

Cartoon Character: hmmm I was always partial to the Transformers (Gen 1 of course)

Digging Deeper: I have a genetic eye condidtion called Aniridia...I'm scared I'll pass it to my children.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Grandad

Greatest Ambition: To see the Earth from space....or failing that experiance weightlessness.
A Little About Me

Name: Kitty

Age: 22

Location: Crawley, West Sussex

Occupation: Information Officer in a Children & Family Centre

Short Personal Description: I have recently moved to Crawley from Bolton due to my partner being offered a job down here. We're getting married in December and were going to start TTC on our honeymoon but we had an accident in August and I got MAP and since then I realised how broody I was and convinced h2b to start trying now! Hehe. I hate my job and eventually want to be a teacher one day!


Hobbies: Travelling, walking, cooking, arts & crafts, internet, gaming, horse riding, ice skating.

Color: Pink

Food: Melanzane parmigiana! I love Italian!

Hang-out: Zoos or nature reserves

Music: Anything! Although more alternative stuff as a rule.

Books: Harry Potter, His Dark Materials.

Movies: Bring It On, anything by Studio Ghibli, POTC, LOTR, HP!

TV Shows: All the soaps, reality things like Wife Swap, Supernanny, The Family etc. and comedy shows like Harry Hills TV Burp, Mighty Boosh, Nevermind the Buzzcocks etc.

Authors: Philip Pullman

Cartoon Character: Hello Kitty

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Finland for Aurora Borealis or Australia for the wildlife. I really want to go to Madeira and Greece too!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: No-one

Greatest Ambition: To have a nice little family and us all to be happy

Biggest Achievement: Still being here!

Grandest Wish: To be happy

What You Can't Live Without: H2b and my pets!
A Little About Me

Name: Shelly

Age: 22

Location: Leighton Buzzard

Occupation: Assistant Engineer (yes it's as boring as it sounds!)

Short Personal Description: I am 5' tall, black hair, blue eyes, more to love lol. I live with my husband, 2 cats and 3 rats and am expecting my first baby.


Hobbies: Reading, music, seeing films, hanging out with friends, surfing the web.

Color: Turquoise

Food: Pizza and garlic bread!

Hang-out: Our flat mostly lol and our local pubs

Music: Almost anything, mainly rock and metal though!

Books: Crime fiction, science fiction, and pregnancy magazines!

Movies: Sin City, Hellboy I and II, Leon, The Big Blue, V for Vendetta, too many to list them all!

TV Shows: Girls of the Playboy Mansion, Friends, Scrubs, Las Vegas, Merlin

Authors: Patricia Cornwell, Iain Banks

Cartoon Character: Woodstock

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: to raise a healthy and happy baby, be a good wife and get out of debt.

Biggest Achievement: Marrying my husband and conceiving our child.

Grandest Wish: To have a safe, healthy and happy pregnancy

What You Can't Live Without: My husband
A Little About Me

Name: Kaz

Age: 29

Location: Southsea

Occupation: University Welfare Officer

Short Personal Description: About 5'6'', red hair (currently), brown eyes and freckles. Been TTC with DH for 1 year and have just been referred to the Infertility Clinic (why the hell can't they call it the Fertility Clinic?!). Possibly PCOS but tests inconclusive :o(


Hobbies: Reading, cinema, cooking, making jewelry & travelling.

Color: Pink

Food: Rare fillet steak, dim sum, scallops and crispy bacon sandwiches

Hang-out: Home, pub etc

Music: Most things really. Love anything live but particularly liking Pendulum, Kings of Leon, Ting Tings and Sam Sparro at the moment.

Books: Too many to list but recently read and loved The Kite Runner, The Book of Lost Things, We Need to Talk About Kevin and the 'Babylon' books by Imogen Edwards Jones.

Movies: Particularly love 80s classics (Staying Alive, Footloose, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, St Elmo's Fire etc) but also love Hitchcock, Luc Besson, Tarantino, Christopher Nolan.

TV Shows: The Hills, Heroes, Lost, ANTM, The Restaurant, So You Think You Can Dance, Lipstick Jungle, Sex and the City, Friends, Family Guy.............................

Cartoon Character: Smurfette

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: To make a difference to the world, however small and to keep my wedding vows.

Biggest Achievement: Becoming the sort of person I want to be rather than the person I was always told I would be.

Grandest Wish: To have no regrets (none so far!)

What You Can't Live Without: My inhaler, my husband and my sister.
A Little About Me

Name: Kate

Age: 25

Location: Ireland

Occupation: music teacher

Short Personal Description: Long brown hair,brown eyes,5ft7


Hobbies: Reading and music

Color: Pink

Food: chicken curry with brown rice

Hang-out: Home

Music: everything!!

Books: Marley and Me

Movies: too much to say

TV Shows: Big Brother,The Hills,Hollyoaks,Eastenders,Grey's Anatomy,Private Practice

Cartoon Character:????

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: To raise my children well.

Biggest Achievement: Having my baby

Grandest Wish: To have another good pregnancy

What You Can't Live Without: my baby and my husband.
i've just realised i've never done one of these either or actually properly induced myself:blush:, so here goes:
A Little About Me

Name: Carly

Age: 23

Location: Essex, UK

Occupation: Stay at home mum now, used to teach in higher education

Short Personal Description: 5.4" blond hair, green/brown eyes


Hobbies: Shopping, swimming, visiting family and friends

Color: Pink

Food: Chinese

Hang-out: At home i suppose!

Music: RnB, James Blunt

Books: I love a good chick-lit, been reading a lot of pregnancy/baby related the last year or so :)

Movies: I really like a good hostage situation! so i suppose action'y movies and i love christmas films

TV Shows: Neighbours, Lost, Simpsons

Cartoon Character: Tigger

Digging Deeper:

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: To learn to ski

Biggest Achievement: Gaining my degree: 2:1 BA Sociology and Criminology

Grandest Wish: For Maddi to have a happy and healthy life

What You Can't Live Without: Maddi, James (OH) and my beetle (car)
So here goes, a little about me....

Name: Jo

Age: 28

Location: Switzerland

Occupation: Vet & German Language Student

Short Personal Description: Been in Switzerland for OH's job and lucky enough to find work with another english vet. trying desperately to learn the language as quick as I can. Got married earlier this year. Blonde, 5'7" sometimes glasses


Hobbies: Pubs, Sightseeing, visiting new places, socialising, eating out, cycling, skiing, running

Color: Pink, metallics.

Food: Lebanese

Hang-out: mostly my apartment! or at a friends place!

Music: most

Books: Harry Potter, The Labyrinth, Dan Brown, Anita Shreve, and more and more

Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, Silence of the Lambs, 4 Weddings

TV Shows: Anything in English now I live in Switzerland! Footie

Authors: See books

Cartoon Character: Lisa Simpson

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Croatia, Greenland, Australia, Greece (island hopping!)

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my family

Greatest Ambition: To be happy, healthy and fulfilled

Biggest Achievement: graduating as a vet

Grandest Wish: to make a difference

What You Can't Live Without: my husband, family and friends
Name: Samantha Jayne Wright

Age: 22

Location: Shepherds Bush London

Occupation: Prison Officer at Wormwood Scrubs as of May 09 - Temping now, not allowed to work in the prison while preggers.

Short Personal Description: I live with my boyfriend for 2.5 years and my puppy beagle mowgli in a poxy one bed garden flat. Im 5ft 4 inches normally 8 stone up to 9 now. Brown hair (naturally dark blonde) blue eyes.


Hobbies: Baby and Bump. Dogs and reading.

Color: white/black

Food: Dominos Pizza! Garners Pickled onions

Music: Underground house

Books: The Time Travellers Wife - Audrey Niffenegger and We need to talk about Kevin - Lionel Shriver

Movies: The Lives of Others

TV Shows: Desperate Housewives, Simpsons, Sopranos

Authors: Jodi Picoult although not since she found god.

Cartoon Character: Stewie Griffin/Bart

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: America

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Dunno

Greatest Ambition: To move to the country and have a pack of beagle and 4 children, oh and get married to Ben!

Grandest Wish: To not have to worry about money.

What You Can't Live Without : Mowgli
A Little About Me

Name: Kelly

Age: 23

Location: Toronto, ON

Occupation: Administration for a real estate company


Hobbies: Shopping, photography and painting, ejoying time with my husband

Color: Black and Pink

Food: Lobster anything.. lol

Music: I listen to everything

Books: Well recently mostly pregnancy books lol, I'm currently ready "Skinny bitch - bun in the oven"

Movies: My Girl, The Little Mermaid, Dirty Dancing, American History X

TV Shows: Any Reality tv shows

Cartoon Character: Eeyore (love him!)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ibiza

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My wonderful husband <3

Grandest Wish: To be comfortable in my life with my family

What You Can't Live Without: My husband
Name: Heather
Age: 21
Location: Warwickshire
Occupation: Nursery Assistant
Short personal description: I come across as a shy person but once people get to know me I'm not :muaha: . I'm engaged to my gorgeous boyfriend who I have been (back) with for 4 and a half years. Desperately wanting a baby since stupidly having an abortion nearly 5 years ago. But I have 2 'babies' now jimi the hamster and me cat zak!!
Hobbies: Music-love seein live bands, swimming, drag racing, sewing-making clothes, off roading
Colour: Purple
Food: Lasagne, chinese, mexican, good old roast!
Hangout: Local pub with a live band
Music: All sorts really but mostly rock - bon jovi, nickelback, whitesnake, ac/dc, sandi thom, pink, zz top etc etc (cud go on for hours!!!)
Books: Read a few good books but no real favourites
Movies: Dirty dancing, grease
TV shows: Hollyoaks, Coronation street, fonejacker (did like lost before it was only on sky 1 so cant watch it now! :cry:
Authors: ??? used to like jaquline wilson and beatrix potter when was little
Cartoon character: postman pat
Country you wish to visit the most: New Zealand/Australia
Most influential person in your life: My dad
Greatest ambition: To be a midwife (and to have kids of my own!)
Biggest achievement: Passing driving test first time, getting 10 GCSE's
Grandest wish: For my OH to tell me he's ready to start trying!
What you can't live without: My OH, music, malteasers!

Will add a photo soon x x
Name: sarah

Age: 19

Location: dublin ireland

Occupation: temporaly unemployed

Short Personal Description: ive been with my partner nearly two yrs love him more then anythin hes my best friend and lover this is my first pregnancy came as a bi of a shock but were both really excited now

Favorites:walking my dog chilling watchin films with mick being out with friends

Hobbies: reading relaxing dancing heh

Color: baby blue

Food: potaotes veg chicken and stuffing nothing better hehe

Hang-out: micks r mine or in town

Music: like a bit of everything

Books: Harry Potter

Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, dirty dancing

TV Shows:skins scrubs shameless family guy

Authors: See books

Cartoon Character: dunno

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: america

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Mick

Greatest Ambition: to go back to collage and become something better

Biggest Achievement: dunno think its still to come lol

Grandest Wish: to be ale to raise a smart understanding caring child

What You Can't Live Without: Mick my family and friends
A Little About Me

Name: Lynda

Age: 27

Location: Warrington, Cheshire

Occupation: Currently not working


Hobbies: Internet, pubs, clubs, the zoo (softy), eating out, scrapbooking.

Color: Pink

Food: I eat most things lol - wuld say fave is Sticky toffe pudding though

Hang-out: My House

Music: R&B, Country, Rock, Dance - Quite open really

Books: Marley & Me

Movies: Anything Disney, Dirty Dancing, Grease - any chic flick - Musicals.

TV Shows: Hereos, Supernatural, TV Burp, Supernanny (getting tips lol), Ghost whisperer & Lots more - just can't think at the minute

Authors: Would give anyone a go

Cartoon Character: Winnie the Pooh

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum or Fianceé

Greatest Ambition: To go to Australia, just be happy & hope my children are happy.

Biggest Achievement: Getting Pregnant :-)

Grandest Wish: To win the lottery lol

What You Can't Live Without: My other half.
A Little About Me

Name: Kim

Age: 31

Location: Ohio, USA

Occupation: Computer Programmer

Favorites: My 8 yo daughter, my incredibly sexy husband and our 2 beautiful dogs (Collies)

Hobbies: Remodeling / Designing our home room by room, spending time with my family, relaxing, watching movies, working out, reading, hanging out with friends, scrapbooking, sewing, baking

Color: Brown, Green, Red, Blue

Food: Blackened Chicken Broccoli Alfredo

Hang-out: My House

Music: Country, Pop, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Classical

Books: Stephen King books, books about serial killers (yikes, right!)

Movies: Romantic Comedies and Comedies - Elf, Napoleon Dynamite, Wedding Crashers, 40 Year Old Virgin, etc... I love Steve Carell!

TV Shows: The Office, Friends, Everyone Loves Raymond, SuperNanny, Mad TV, the Presidential Debates.

Authors: Stephen King

Cartoon Character: Ummm... can't think of any...

Digging Deeper: I believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we don't understand the reason at the time but God always has a plan for us. We just have to have faith and trust in his guidance.

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Bahamas and Mexico

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband and daughter

Greatest Ambition: To be an inspiration to my children and husband and to always be there for them.

Biggest Achievement: Surviving child abuse, breaking the cycle of abuse, and actually turning out "normal"... well mostly, lol...

Grandest Wish: To be a stay-at-home mom.

What You Can't Live Without: My family.
About Me

Name: Keniesha

Age: 24

Location: kgn, jamaica

Occupation: Cust care rep

Hobbies: hanging and eating out with family and friends, listening to music and watching tv

Color: red

Food: i had stopped eating chicken but since pregnancy its spicy chicken...

Hang-out: My House

Music: dancehall, r&b everything...

Books: Favourite is From My Whispers, my uncle wrote it...

Movies: everyrthing.......

TV Shows: The Hills, csi, law and order, real houswives and anything on tlc and discoveryr health

Authors: Kevin Mills

Cartoon Character: spongebob

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom

Greatest Ambition: To accomplish my career goals and retire early

Biggest Achievement: rite now being pregnant. best experience ever

Grandest Wish: To be rich and have a safe delivery..

What You Can't Live Without: My friends and family
I'm usually a bit private/shy.... but here goes

A Little About Me

Name: TigerLady (This is a true nickname a close friend gave to me)

Age: 32

Location: NE, Nevada, USA

Occupation: Many things in the past - currently work for local gov't.

Short Personal Description: I'm tall, average build. I tend to shyness with strangers, but am light-hearted with friends. Definite type A personality. Graduated college and will be paying for it until I retire. :wacko: I'm a scientist at heart (biology degree from big research U). My family is spread all over the US, all far away from me, so I have adopted a new family where I live. I'm an adreniline junkie and thrill seeker whenever possible!

Favorites: My DH, our pets (1 dog, 6 cats, soon (hopefully) to add a couple of horses), my nieces (2 girls, 10,12), and my two next door neighbor girls who have an absent mom and have adopted me to fill in a lot (12 and 16).

Hobbies: snowboarding, snowmobiling, horses, pets, reading, crochet

Color: Mood dependent - red, burnt orange, purple

Food: Indian, esp. chole

Hang-out: our garage, gathering place for friends

Music: varied

Books: classics mostly with a little of everything thrown in

Movies: Independants

TV Shows: Dexter, Sarah Connor, True Blood, Tudors

Authors: Jane Austen

Cartoon Character: Calvin & Hobbes

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: UK

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Dad (if you take all 32 years), DH for the last couple

Greatest Ambition: Has changed recently to include being great parents to one or two good kids and having a loving, supportive family with DH

Biggest Achievement: Living my dream job for 6 years b4 I had to leave for other pastures.

Grandest Wish: Right now... to see the look on my mom-in-law's face when we tell her she finally gets to be a grandma!

What You Can't Live Without: Pets.
Name: Kerri

Age: 39

Location: Napa, California

Occupation: Student of meditation and basic Ayurvedic medicine

Short Personal Description:
I have one biological son, Ethan who was born Jan 4, 2000. I was a single mom until I met my husband Eric in March 2007. We were together from minute one and married April 8, 2008. He has 3 children from a previous marriage (Girl 12, Boy 10, Boy 8), the 12 year old girl, Beryl, lives with us. I adore her. His other two kids live with their mother and we have them every-other weekend.
We thought his kids would live with us, so I agreed for him to have a vesectomy, as 4 kids were an out-there idea for me. We ended up with only our two. We have such a blast with them, and we love eachother so much that we decided we wanted to try for our own. He is 42, I am 39 and he had his vasectmy successfully reversed a month ago. I think I may be pregnant now! CD 21...lots of symptoms I'll put in another post!


Hobbies: Reading, organizing, playing music, traveling, adventuring, obsessing over this baby...

Color: Red

Food: Organics

Hang-out: the ocean, the mountains, in nature, and LONDON. When I'm there, 1-2 times a year...

Music: It's all over the place.

Books: Environmental and non-fiction

Movies: I have a wide interest base...I would obsess if I tried to get it all straight right here.

TV Shows: Dexter (my shadow side), Clean House, Kitchen Nightmares

Authors: Banana Yoshimoto, Deepak Chopra, Anne Rice, Dalai Lama

Cartoon Character: Pooh

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My son

Greatest Ambition: To live in sustainable housing with great schools, to treat my body and my families bodies the best I can learn how, to travel endlessly, meeting and connecting with people the world over.

Biggest Achievement: Getting through the welfare system in one piece and coming out a better person able to help others.

Grandest Wish: Beautiful nature surrounding me and my home, safe schools, healthy family.

What You Can't Live Without: fresh foods

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