A Little About Me A Little About You

thank you emie i will work it all out i hope but not to sure how to thank you lol
its ok ive worked it out (im a bit slow kids tv has fried my brain)
A Little About Me

Name: Michelle

Age: 23

Location: Crawley, West Sussex, Uk

Occupation: Morning Manager in a guest house.

Short Personal Description: Have a lovley partner who i have been with since 2006, with our first bump who is about 9 weeks.


Hobbies: Cars, Shopping,

Color: Lilac (if thats how you spell it ?? lol )

Food: Love all food, but then since ive been preg ive not been in to food so much.

Hang-out: @ Home, Out with Smokintyrez,Net

Music: All Sorts

Books: Dont realy read

Movies: Comidy

TV Shows: Most things


Cartoon Character:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Not sure

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad

Greatest Ambition: To live happily

Biggest Achievement: My pregnancy

Grandest Wish: Its a secret

What You Can't Live Without: Love
Wow ladies I did not realise how this would take off.its been great and still growing:hugs:
I am a mum of a 5 and a 7 year old and i am looking to get support from other mums and share ideas.

It seems I got to the right place.
A Little About Me

Name: Lorien

Age: 34

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Occupation: Insurance Broker and student

Short Personal Description: My husband and I have been married about a year and a half and just found out we're expecting in July sometime. We caught on our first month trying! so I'm still a little shocked.


Hobbies: Hiking, camping, writing, cooking, interior design, reading

Color: some days blue, some days orange.

Food: ethnic foods, mostly: sushi, indian, thai plus whatever my husband cooks

Hang-out: internet, coffee shops

Music: old-time, folk, pop, rock... whatever

Books: travel, fantasy, mystery, good novels and some bad ones too, and kid lit

Movies: 'Princess Bride', 'Monsoon Wedding', 'Amelie', 'Shrek'

TV Shows: 'Iron Chef', 'Mantracker', any interior design show, 'Amazing Race', 'Lost'

Authors: Mary Stewart, Dick Francis, Robin McKinley, Thomas King... too many to list

Cartoon Character: Shrek?

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: I am desperate to return to Turkey, where we had a month-long honeymoon last year -- I adored it there

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my husband, who is also my best friend

Greatest Ambition: to live an authentic, meaningful life and raise a happy, creative, critically-thinking child

Biggest Achievement: in the future, I'm sure it will be raising this child, closely followed by getting my degree and maintaining a happy, functional relationship

Grandest Wish: right now, to have a safe and successful pregnancy

What You Can't Live Without: my family

About me

Name: Kayla

Age: 21

Location: AZ, United states

Occupation: paraprofessional specialist with autistic children

Short Personal Description: I am a marine wife and I am currently transitioning into civilian life getting a normal life back...me and my DH are WTC until we have a house and are financially stable to tend to a childs needs without me working.

Favorites: chocolate covered strawberries, and dogs

Hobbies: dancing and being silly

Color: pink green black and chrome ... but not all together

Food: just can't get enough seafood or chinese food

Hang-out: my parents house till i get my own house lol

Music: pop rap and country

Books: anything that has to do with a dog.... from baghdad with love

Movies: comedy too many to name... bad boys 2 is one good one

TV Shows: greys anatomy and desperate house wives and The unit and Boston legal


Cartoon Character: NONE

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: United States lol ilike it here

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my Parents

Greatest Ambition: to be happy and a good mommy

Biggest Achievement: none

Grandest Wish: To never have finnancial worries

What You Can't Live Without : my hubby and my family and my car and puppies

A pic of me:
A Little About Me

Name: Shannon

Age: 18 (almost 19)

Location: BC canada

Occupation: Stock girl at The Great canadian super store

Short Personal Description: I live in a city, i work at a store. i am short not even 5 feet tall:blush: i have a loving OH who i hope to marry. i have had 2 m/c.. one when i was 16 one when i was 18.. i have a kitty. well used to hehe. i love to go out skidooing snowmobiling and quading and love to camp.


Hobbies: eating out, my laptop (lappy) hehe, texting on celly, quading, skadooing,snowmobiling, camping.

Color: Black&pink

Food: pizza

Hang-out: haha BNB :happydance:

Music: all

Books: harry potters

Movies: harry potters

TV Shows: trading spounces (meet ur new mommy), reba, friends, futurama, simpsons

Authors: *Laughs*

Cartoon Character: mickey mouse

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: italy (any european country really)

Most Influential Person in Your Life: OH

Greatest Ambition: i am unsure

Biggest Achievement: getting clean, starting my life over, not being afraid to tell OH i love him with out feeling i am goina get hurt

Grandest Wish: BFP

What You Can't Live Without: Laptop and cell phone:hug:
A Little About Me

Name: Laura

Age: 20

Location: Chester, UK

Occupation: Student

Short Personal Description: My boyfriend and I have recently decided, after 18 months together, that we want to try for a baby. We are both very excited by it all! We are on our 2nd month of TTC now!


Hobbies: Watching Football, Shopping, and Spending Time with family and friends!

Color: Blue,Pink or Green

Food: Spaghetti Bolognaise [but it depends on how I feel when you ask me!]

Hang-out: Internet..Random Football Stadiums!:happydance:

Music: Most things. I like a bit of everything to be honest. From Old Classics, to Modern R&B..Dont like anything too dancy though!!

Books: Anything by Cecelia Aherne and Autobigoraphies!

Movies: "Mamma Mia", "Shrek"[all 3], "High School Musical!!":blush:

TV Shows:'X-Factor', 'I'm A Celeb!'..Basically any rubbish!:happydance:

Authors: Cecelia Aherne mainly..!

Cartoon Character: Spongebob Squarepants LOL!

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: USA..I really want to go to Florida

Most Influential Person in Your Life: I have a couple: My Gramps! He was physically disabled in the second World War, yet I really couldn't have asked for a better Gramps. He passed away 10 years ago now, but not a day goes by when I don't think about him. :cry:Also, My best friend in the whold world. She has been there for me through a heck of a lot, and I can't imagine no having her..!

Greatest Ambition: To have a happy and healthy future, and to have, and to raise a wonderful little child

Biggest Achievement: So far, passing all my A-Levels, despite what everybody thought, I didn't let anybody down with my results. My only wishes are that my Gramps and Grandpa could have been here to celebrate with me [You will get used to me, Im very soppy!!] :blush:

Grandest Wish: That all my friends and family can be happy and healthy, and that me and my boyfriend will soon be blessed with a healthy and succesfull pregnancy, and baby!:happydance:

What You Can't Live Without: My Family and Friends! Plus, materialistically, my Laptop and Mobile Phone!
A Little About Me

Name: Callandra

Age: 25

Location: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: I am a theatre performer (musicals) and also between shows, district manage a chain of bridal salons.

Short Personal Description:Got married to my DH Sep 13, 08. We have a little Morkie, named Tux. I sing and dance for a living when I can. In between I district manage bridal stores which is a huge headache lol


Hobbies: knitting, online scrapbooking, playing with our pup, watching One Tree Hill lol

Color: green
Food: chinese, and sushi

Hang-out: anywhere with my DH

Music: country and pop

Books: Shopaholic series haha

Movies: romantic comedies and old school horror

TV Shows: one tree hill, wedding shows, baby shows, grey's

Authors: Sophia Kinsley, Wally Lamb

Cartoon Character: not a cartoon, but the Muppets

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: hmmm....France or Greece

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my parents

Greatest Ambition: to be happy

Biggest Achievement: marrying my love, and professionally I played the lead role (Sophie) in the Toronto production of Mamma Mia when it was in town.

Grandest Wish: to have a happy, healthy family

What You Can't Live Without: macbook, my family

Here's a pic of my DH and I:
A Little About Me

Name: Melissa

Age: 26

Location: Broomall, Pennsylvania

Occupation: Administration

Short Personal Description: I have 2 children a little girl and a little boy. I have been ttc for the last year I found this website and loved it so far. Im hopeful to meet other women going through the sames things as me. I have no pets my fiance wont let me and the kids get anything besides a fish and were tired of the gold fish. (hopeful for a dog). Im very out going and a good listener.

Favorites: Cold Roast Beef, Pizza and water

Hobbies: Shopping, internet

Color: Black

Food:) Cold Roast Beef, Pizza and water

Hang-out: Online mostly or in front of the tv, or bed

Music: Dance, R n B

Books: taking charge of your fertility (very insightful)

Movies: Saw I want to see The Bpoy In The Striped Pajamas


Authors: NONE

Cartoon Character: the road runner lol or roger rabbit

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Germany

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Children

Greatest Ambition: Concieving Right Now

Biggest Achievement: My Children

Grandest Wish: BFP

What You Can't Live Without : TECHNOLOGY LOL
Name: Lindsay

Age: 27

Location: Canada

Occupation: Education

Short Personal Description: Married for a year, loves spending time with my husband, and likes to have fun!!


Hobbies: movies, the computer, going out with friends, reading

Color: red

Food: pasta

Hang-out: with my husband watching a movie

Music: pretty much anything

Books: Sophie Kinsilla, Twilight Books, Jodi Picault (to name a few!!)

Movies: Dirty Dancing, How to lose a guy in 10 days,

TV Shows: Lost, Fringe, 90210, Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives

Cartoon Character: Mickey Mouse

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Europe and Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mom

Greatest Ambition: To live a long, healthy and happy life with my husband!

Biggest Achievement: being extremely successful at my job

Grandest Wish: to live a long healthy life with my husband

What You Can't Live Without : Diet Coke, eating out in restaurants and lately... spending money!
Name: Amy

Age: 21

Location: gloucstershire

Occupation: Retail Sales at o2

Short Personal Description: Work for o2 selling mobile phones, i love my job i honestly do! got an angel of a daughter who is 4 going on 30 and im expecting twins! yay!!! also getting married on my birthday next year.


Hobbies: My pc, shopping, lunches with my girlies and spending one on one time with my daughter

Colour: Black pink and red

Food: My Oh's saute chicken with peanut butter sauce *drool*

Hang-out: With my girlies at lunch, with my daughter or more often at the moment, vegged on the sofa with ben n jerrys and jeremy kyle!

Music: anything from ozzy to the jackson five!

Books: Sci-Fi and horror

Movies: all the star trek films (not the new one!) and anything disney

TV Shows: desperate housewives, ugly betty, merlin and xfactor:dohh:

Cartoon Character: catdog

Country You Wish To Visit The Most:kenya

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my grandad's

Greatest Ambition: To be able to balance everything when the twins arrive! eep

Biggest Achievement: bagging my man!

Grandest Wish: to go back to work and contiune my sucesses there

What You Can't Live Without : right now, ben and jerrys phish food :happydance:
i just want to start of with a little bit about my self then id like to ask a ? i hope can be answered lol
My name is Tona i have 3 children im a single mom dating this some what decent guy he has his moments or his bad days...my children are as follows
Natalie born 9~21~99
Bryce born 9~18~01 &
Emily born 3~3~06
and im 26years old i have been with my guy since DEC of last year but he is in deed the father of my oldest child let's just say it's a love story that was broken apart by some jealous people and we were meant to be because after 7yrs he landed on my door step! he is in nursing school right now but we plan to marry when he graduates we thought that would be in 2011 and it will be just not when i wanted :cry: but all good things are worth waiting for right? so any ways my partner and i have intercourse with out protection because we are at if it happens we will be happy either way but we are not trying to conceive on purpose i feel every thing happens for a reason :happydance: well we do want another baby after we are married for sure so in the future if i do not end up pg now then ill be in the ttc group lol...
my question is i was wondering if any of you ladies have ever tryed a opk digital in an hcg digital and if it worked or vice vrsa?
this would def be a neat experiment to try! and because im in the if it happens were happy category i have to test at least twice a month lol my mom and sis both had periods with there pg's as did i with my last! im just looking for new ways to test too! i like to pee on a stick and see the two lines....so that's me lol if there's anything else you'd like to know then feel free to ask..ill have to up date my profile more later as i can't do signatures or anything until ive posted 5 times?? any who i hope to get to know alot of you...thanks in advance to my?...
A Little About Me

Age: 26

Location: Surrey

Occupation: Office Bod

Short Personal Description: I am an easy going person who likes to spend time with both our families and love nothing more than chilling out with my gorgeous man.


Hobbies: Photography, Internet, shopping, eating out, spending time with our family

Color: Black

Food: Roast dinner

Hang-out: At home with my man and our kittens

Music: All sorts

Books: All sorts

Movies: Grease, Dirty Dancing, Walk the Line, Clerks / Clerks 2, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back!

TV Shows: Friends, Desperate Housewives, Miami Ink, Match of the Day

Authors: Douglas Coupland, Christopher Buckheimer

Cartoon Character: The King from Madigascar!!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australie!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum and man for different reasons

Greatest Ambition: To be happy and healthy and make the most of what I have

Biggest Achievement: Being at the lowest and coming out of it a different, and better, person

Grandest Wish: To be happy

What You Can't Live Without: My man and my family
A Little About Me

Name: Natasha

Age: 19

Location: Hamilton Ontario.. CANADA!

Occupation: Full time student, part time at McDonald's doing a bit of everything

Short Personal Description: I'm young & I haven't been with my boyfriend for very long but I'm veryyyy in love with him. I'm a VERY lucky girl! Baby was not planned but has been the best surprise of my life:) Not sure what exactly I'm going to do with my life just yet, but it will definitely not be accounting.. too boring for me!


Hobbies: Shopping & clothing, baking, origami, hair & make up, music, dancing (poorly), soccer, swimming, tanning

Color: I'd have to say purple.

Food: Big Foot.. seriously I love candy so much ATM.

Hang-out: Anywhere with my boyfriend, bonus points if it's comfy for cuddling.

Music: Bits of everything.

Books: Not sure.. I've loved many a book, lol.

Movies: I have WAY too many to ever list.

TV Shows: ER, Jon & Kate Plus 8, Reba, Hope & Faith.. and lest I forget, the woman herself, Oprah :)

Authors: Edgar Allan Poe.. mmm!!

Cartoon Character: Hello Kitty!!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Frick, USA I guess, been there, but want to get to Hawaii and Alaska.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Baby I guess!!

Greatest Ambition: To learn to run in heels. Nooo.. I guess to get a job and home and live comfortably :)

Biggest Achievement: Training my boyfriend :)

Grandest Wish: To win the lottery & get everything I need to live comfortably, maybe not a RICH extravagant life, but an average life where I don't have to worry about whether or not bills will get paid, etc.

What You Can't Live Without: ketchup, internet, lemons & water, boyfriend:)
Name: Jack

Age: 37

Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Occupation: IT/Admin for a construction company

Short Personal Description: Broken down old warhorse that loves his wife very much.


Hobbies: Drawing, comics, movies, music, gaming (especially HeroClix and other strategy games), and wrestling.

Color: Blue

Food: Japanese

Hang-out: With my wife doing whatever.

Music: Lots of stuff...from traditional Japanese music to metal to bluegrass to funk.

Books: Any encyclopedia.

Movies: Seven Samurai, Ghostbusters, and anything comic related.

TV Shows: Cartoons, wrestling, Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters.

Cartoon Character: Wile E. Coyote

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Greatest Ambition: To be a good person.

Biggest Achievement: Living through things that I probably shouldn't have.

Grandest Wish: To make my wife happy.

What You Can't Live Without : My brain.
A Little About Me

Name: Laura

Age: 32

Location: Harrison Twp, MI

Occupation: Billing Manager

Short Personal Description: I just got married October 11 and we are both ready to be parents! We have been trying since November 1st and are anxiously awaiting to get pregnant.

Favorites:Scrapbooking, reading, girlie movies.

Hobbies: Shopping, Scrapbooking.

Color: Green

Food: Mexican

Hang-out: With my hubby

Music: Country

Books: The Twilight Saga

Movies: The Sweetest Thing, Never Been Kissed, The Notebook

TV Shows: True Blood, Heroes, The Office, 30 Rock


Cartoon Character: Mickey Mouse

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Paris, France

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Family

Greatest Ambition: To be a mom and be happy.

Biggest Achievement: Working on that...haha.

Grandest Wish: To be a momma and be happy in my family and life.

What You Can't Live Without: My husband

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