A Little About Me A Little About You

A Little About Me

Name: Stacey

Age: 18

Location: Glasgow

Occupation: Junior Stylist

Short Personal Description: I currently work in a small salon in my village, myself and OH have been TTC since we lost our angel last october


Hobbies: Internet, ice skating, babysitting

Color: Pink

Food: sausage sandwiches

Hang-out: usually online somewhere or another

Music: anything really

Books: lol American Psycho

Movies: anything Disney

TV Shows: Big Brother

Authors: JK Rowling

Cartoon Character: ScoobyDoo

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My best friends

Greatest Ambition: to be a mother and wife :)

Biggest Achievement: plucking up the courage to face my fears

Grandest Wish:
To conceive and have a succesful pregnancy
A Little About Me

Name: Rachael

Age: 24 and 3 years

Location: West Midlands at the Mo - Padderborn, Germany from August 07

Occupation: Process Analyst (Yawn, yawn)

Short Personal Description:
I have long awaited son, Kyran who is 2 in October and am pregnant (for the 5th time) with my second child, due September 29th 07 - which we think is a Little Girl!
I'm currently living in the West Midlands and in the middle of buying a house in Shropshire. Hubby is based in Germany, so I go out there with him when I start maternity leave.


Hobbies: Internet,shopping, eatting out, reading, holidays!

Color: Pink today

Food: Sunday Roast

Hang-out: With my Son - He gives me no time for anything else - But he's a dude so its ok!

Music: R&B, Pop, 70's music - Much to my Hubby's distaste!

Books: Thrillers or Biographies

Movies: Top Gun!

TV Shows: Greys Anatomy - Its THE best!

Authors: Jodi Picoult

Cartoon Character: Bart Simpson

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: America

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mom

Greatest Ambition: ......er............not sure....I go with the flow far too much!

Biggest Achievement: Catching my Hubby and marrying him lol

Grandest Wish: For my Children to think I did a good job!

What You Can't Live Without: My Son
A Little About Me

Name: Colleen

Age: 22

Location: Melbourne, Australia. (Eastern suburbs)

Occupation: Jewellery designer. (I work for myself, handcrafting jewellery)

Short Personal Description: I'm 22, got married to the love of my life in February this year. I work from home, owning my own business. I've been doing this fulltime for about a year and a half, but making jewellery with the intent of selling it for about 3 years. Been making jewellery for fun for about 10. We have a puppy called Eddie that we absolutely adore!


Hobbies: Internet, shiny things, shopping, and shoes!

Color: Green.

Food: Vodka cream pasta. Mmm.

Hang-out: Online! Or around the house with hubby and friends.

Music: A bit of everything.

Books: Memoirs of a Geisha would be my fave. Currently reading Bill Clinton's autobiography. Love biographies more than fiction. Favourite bio would be "Get Happy" the story of Judy Garland. (Love Judy, Marilyn and the gang!)

Movies: I am Sam, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Some Like it Hot, A Star Is Born, and The Notebook would be right up there. Along with the classics such as Forrest Gump, Shawshank redemption etc.

TV Shows: Big Brother *blush*, Neighbours, Biggest Loser, Spicks and Specks, The Chaser's War on Everything, The Catherine Tate Show are ones I don't miss.

Authors: *shrug* Not really partial to authors.

Cartoon Character: Jessica Rabbit. *wink*

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband. He's my best friend.

Greatest Ambition: To be able to tell my children that whatever they want to do in life, we can make it happen. And be able to live up to it.

Biggest Achievement: Overcoming an eating disorder that almost killed me.

Grandest Wish: To live a long and fruitful, happy life.

What You Can't Live Without: Sunshine.
Food: Vodka cream pasta. Mmm.

Is there a recipe? :rofl:
Food: Vodka cream pasta. Mmm.

Is there a recipe? :rofl:

Is there ever!


Use spaghetti instead of penne, and make sure you have some crusty bread on hand as its quite "liquidy". YUM! You won't go back!
Ohhhhh haha now why have I never known about that before :rofl:

1 cup though I'll have to pass for noe Grrrr
It's totally worth it. :P

And the alcohol burns off in the cooking if you're worried about that. Totally safe for kids and pregnant ladies. ;)

*tempts you some more*

Come to the dark side, Wobbles!
Well I think I'm sold ... easy really :rofl:
A Little About Me

Name: Terrie

Age: 19

Location: North Wales

Occupation: Internet researcher from home

Short Personal Description:
erm... i have a little boy called John-Rhys and i live with my OH in North Wales. i like scrapbooking and all things crafty. i 'wear' Rhys which means i carry him in a sling or carrier most of the time. i use cloth nappies and make my own baby food.


Hobbies: scrapbooking, going to the gym

Color: terracotta

Food: Fillet steak, medium rare with plenty of veg... hmmmm

Hang-out: theres a coffee shop where we hang out, they know us by name and give us things for free!!

Music: pink floyd, elton john, guns n roses, queen

Books: the shopaholic series is ACE

Movies: anything child like!!

TV Shows: fraiser, ally mcbeal, extreme makeover home edition, grand designs

Authors: patricia cornwell and kathy reics

Cartoon Character: thats a toughie... donkey from shrek?

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Canada (where my family is from)

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Brigitte (my step mum)

Greatest Ambition: to own a nice, clean, tidy house lol

Biggest Achievement: my son

Grandest Wish: for Rhys to love and respect me

What You Can't Live Without: my family
A Little About Me


Age: 30

Location: Chalford, Stroud, Gloucestershire

Occupation: Qualified Veterinary Nurse

Short Personal Description: Currently a full time mum, helping to market my hubbies business, hope to back to nursing in the future.
Am quite lacking in self confidence, and self esteem, find it hard to make friends but can chat happily on line.!

Hobbies: Boating, Cars, drawing, writing, Music, playing music. reading.
radio controlled cars - none of which i have much time to do lately!

Color: Red

Food: Curry

Hang-out: Charter band www.charterband.org.uk

Music: anything

Books: lots - terry pratchett

Movies: Dinseny, comdies - too many to mention

TV Shows: Neighbours , srubs, hollyoaks

Authors: dunno

Cartoon Character: South Park - Kenny

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: New Zealand or Canada

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My old music teaher from secondary school.

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life & family surroundings, living comfortably but happy (Same really)

Biggest Achievement: Grade 8 trumpet, passing my nusring exams and C&G certificate.

Grandest Wish: GEt clear of Dept.

What You Can't Live Without: Playing Music, animals, and my family.
A Little About Me

Age: 21
Location: Farm with 32 acres in Falkirk Scotland

Occupation: Self employed breed and bring on competition horses/ponies

Short Personal Description: Caring hate to see people hurt sensitive, lack confidence due to sexual ,mental & physical abuse from family member from age 4-12 sorry if TMI

Live with: OH, stepdaughter, 6 dogs, 13 horses/ponies, 6 cats,parrot & rabbit :wacko:

Color: Baby blue/ baby pink

Hang-out: Here now ;)

Music: Depends on my mood

Movies: Disney, Lucky number Sleven, Harry Potter etc

TV Shows: Neighbours , Home & Away, Ugly Betty, Eastenders, Simpsons, Family Guy etc

Cartoon Character: Winnie the pooh espec eeyore

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Africa would love to go on safari

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Mum (sometimes).

Greatest Ambition: To have my own :baby:

Biggest Achievement: Learning to live with (as you never forget) my abuse

Grandest Wish: To be as we are with our babies .

What You Can't Live Without: Oh, stepdaughter animals, mum, friends

Me & Oh sorry bad pic always are with me :rofl:

Today 11:10 AM
A Little About Me

Name: Chantal aka Tilly (I prefer the latter, real life nickname :) )

Age: 20

Location: Farnborough, Hampshire at the moment.

Occupation: Stay at home mum

Short Personal Description: Erm, don't really know what to say! I try to be a good, honest person and treat others as id expect to be treated. I like to help people with their problems and be a friend to anyone. I had my first baby in December 2006 and she is my main priority, I stay at home with her full time but am hoping to do something else from home in the future as well.

Hobbies: Spending time with my family, Restaurants, Watching DVD's with my boyfriend, Cinema, Cooking, Listening to music, Shopping and of course the internet (especially forums at the moment).

Color: Sky blue but I love hot pink at the moment as well

Food: Hard question.. Tiramisu!

Hang-out: With my boyfriend at home or on the baby forums!

Music: R&B HipHop

Books: I can rarely finish a book as im very impatient, but currently into baby books (baby signing) and Anne Franks diary. Would like to read 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell too.

Movies: Pulp Fiction, Dirty Dancing, Bridget Jones' Diary, Ghost, A Few Good Men, Saw 1,2,3, Leon, Saving Private Ryan, The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, The Sure Thing.. the list could go on.

TV Shows: The Apprentice, Big Brother, Property Ladder, 24, Desperate Housewives.

Authors: I always liked Roald Dahl when I was younger, Stephen King is also good.

Cartoon Character: I don't know, I do like Tom and Jerry though.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Dunno but i've always wanted to go to NY and im going in October! :happydance:

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My boyfriend

Greatest Ambition: To get married to my boyfriend, have a nice house and have some more babies.. and just to be comfy in general, not have to worry about money!

Biggest Achievement: Giving birth to my baby girl.. im very proud of myself for that, and her.

Grandest Wish: That my family and friends are always in good health.

What You Can't Live Without
: My baby and boyfriend, I would go mad if anything happened to them.
A Little About Me


Age: 21

Location: Derby

Occupation: Model, housewife & stay at home mummy

Short Personal Description: I got married in July 2006 and had my son Lennon on the 30th November 2006. I haven't always lived IN Derby but used to live about half an hour away. I'm a considerate, kind, thoughtful person who likes making new friends and joining baby forums. I have been modelling for 3 months now and am with an agency called Face Value. I am also a housewife and stay at home mummy and I love it. I like reading books on Kurt Cobain/murder theory/biography and I also like listening to music, cooking and visiting family & friends


Hobbies: The net, eating, sleeping, modelling, reading, visiting loved ones

Color: Blue

Food: Anything vegetarian

Hang-out: On here and other forums

Music: Grunge/Rock

Books: Anything on Kurt Cobain

Movies: Stand By Me, Sister Act I & II, Dirty Dancing

TV Shows: Only Fools & Horses, Keeping Up Appearances

Authors: Max Wallace & Ian Halperin

Cartoon Character: Penelope Pitstop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: USA (Want to go Seattle!!!)

Most Influential Person in Your Life: MY parents

Greatest Ambition: To be a successful model, be the best mum I can be to Lennon and to help find out who killed Kurt

Biggest Achievement: Producing a beautiful, healthy baby boy

Grandest Wish: Not sure on that one

What You Can't Live Without: My PC, mobile, straighteners, husband, baby
Name: Danielle

Age: 17 (18 in a week)

Location: Nottinghamshire

Occupation: Student...Or was

Short Personal Description: I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with my first child and i'm very nervous, I used to be a beauty therapist before discovering i was pregnant. I left due to not being confident enough to continue with the course, instead i'm just being on my own at home waiting for my baby to Arrive in December, then i should probably go back to college again,

Hobbies: My friends, family, going out, drinking, laughing

Color: Bright pink/baby blue

Food: KFC...Oh god that stuff is gorgeous lol

Hang-out: My cousins house, my aunts helped me so much.

Music: Happy hardcore/rave

Books: Thats a good joke!:rofl:

Movies: Jarhead, The day after tomorrow, Pirates of the Caribbean (Johnny depp is so gorgeous in that film), 8 Mile, Jackass 1 and 2

TV Shows: Viva la bam, Pimp my ride, The music channels, Family guy, The simpsons

Authors: *looks unimpressed*

Cartoon Character: Stewie griffin (Family guy)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Finland, America

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mother

Greatest Ambition: To be married to a guy who loves me for who i am

Biggest Achievement: Telling my mother i was pregnant, even though she wasn't so happy lol

Grandest Wish: To be able to live carefree

What You Can't Live Without: My mobile phone

Name: Eva

Age: 36

Location: Warwickshire

Occupation: Media Data Analyst

Short Personal Description: Not a newlywed anymore as we had our 1st wedding anniversary about 2 weeks ago. Generally easy going and can be a bit 'juvenile'.... :headspin:

Hobbies: My hubby, surfing (net..not water..), reading, movies, hanging out with mates, tropical fish, gardening, my Land Rover, collecting DVDs, music, Most things Sci-Fi, fishing, history

Color: Purple

Food: Chinese, Thai, Italian...actually, just about anything....

Music: If they play it on Radio2, I'll listen to it (apart from country and wester)

Books: Harry Potter series, Kathy Reichs, Paul Torday (Salmon Fishing in the Yemen), real crime

Movies: Most things - but love Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, 300, horrors, thrillers and sci-fi. Am also partial to a little romantic comedy

TV Shows: CSI (all of them), Bones, Eastenders, A Town called Eureka, Brainiac, History/Discovery channel, Matt Hayes, Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis.

Authors: J.K.Rowling, Kathy Reichs, Paul Torday, Philippa Gregory, James Herbert, anything else where the book subject looks interesting

Cartoon Character: Count Duckula

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum

Greatest Ambition: to win the lottery

Biggest Achievement: Dumping my ex-husband and getting my old self back.

Grandest Wish: I'll come back to you on this - too many wishes to choose from (all grand!)

What You Can't Live Without : My family and my Land Rover
A Little About Me

Name: Lucy

Age: 17

Location: Dudley, West Midlands.

Occupation: Student.

Short Personal Description: I'm 17, turn 18 in November. Currently 12 weeks pregnant. I have a lovely boyfriend, who I have been with for almost a year, and yes, he is the Dad. I'm studying childcare [ironic, I know] and hope to get my qualification before I have the baby. I live with my Dad & little brother, but hoping to move out soon, seeing as we will need more room for the baby.


Hobbies: Eating out, watching movies, spending time with friends & family.

Color: White.

Food: Macdonalds chicken nuggets. Going through a phase at the moment. Blame the baby.

Hang-out: My boyfriends.

Music: Drum & Bass.

Books: Danny Wallace, The Yes Man.

Movies: Crash, Snatch, Man on Fire.

TV Shows: Cooking shows.

Authors: Danny Wallace, Kate Long.

Cartoon Character: Don't like cartoons.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mom.

Greatest Ambition: Simply to be happy, and bring up my family the best I can.

Biggest Achievement: I honestly don't know.

Grandest Wish: To be happy.

What You Can't Live Without: My phone.
Books: Danny Wallace, The Yes Man.

Not sure who is better, him or Dave Gorman but definatly a brilliant book (have it on my desk ready to read again).

Welcome to BabyandBump BTW - Make a thread here:- https://www.babyandbump.com/forumdisplay.php?f=36 so everyone can say 'Hi' :D
Is the book a read only file on your desktop? lol If you mean anything else I am shocked :rofl:

Welcome to BabyandBump Lucyplusbump :D

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