A Little About Me
Name: Stacey
Age: 18
Location: Glasgow
Occupation: Junior Stylist
Short Personal Description: I currently work in a small salon in my village, myself and OH have been TTC since we lost our angel last october
Hobbies: Internet, ice skating, babysitting
Color: Pink
Food: sausage sandwiches
Hang-out: usually online somewhere or another
Music: anything really
Books: lol American Psycho
Movies: anything Disney
TV Shows: Big Brother
Authors: JK Rowling
Cartoon Character: ScoobyDoo
Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia
Most Influential Person in Your Life: My best friends
Greatest Ambition: to be a mother and wife
Biggest Achievement: plucking up the courage to face my fears
Grandest Wish: To conceive and have a succesful pregnancy
Name: Stacey
Age: 18
Location: Glasgow
Occupation: Junior Stylist
Short Personal Description: I currently work in a small salon in my village, myself and OH have been TTC since we lost our angel last october
Hobbies: Internet, ice skating, babysitting
Color: Pink
Food: sausage sandwiches
Hang-out: usually online somewhere or another
Music: anything really
Books: lol American Psycho
Movies: anything Disney
TV Shows: Big Brother
Authors: JK Rowling
Cartoon Character: ScoobyDoo
Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia
Most Influential Person in Your Life: My best friends
Greatest Ambition: to be a mother and wife

Biggest Achievement: plucking up the courage to face my fears
Grandest Wish: To conceive and have a succesful pregnancy