Name: Gail
Age: 21
Location: Scotland
Occupation: Just left my job as a Market research interviewer, as the company was a shambles. Currently working part time as a barmaid in a club, and looking for something full time!
Short Personal Description: I'm 5'4'' (and a half!), have longish brown hair and green eyes. Currently flat hunting with my OH, who is 6', has long brown hair and awesome blue eyes

At the moment living with my dad (oh the joys), my tank of fishies and my fat cat, Sox. I love love love movies and trips to the pics with my lovely OH are one of my favourite things to do.
Hobbies: Internet, reading, going to the pics with OH, looking after animals
Color: Black, blue, purple and green.
Food: Hmm, steak is good.
Hang-out: At home, with my OH, at the pub, at the pics.
Music: Rock, country, indie. No R&B or rap please.
Books: 'The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night Time' - Mark Haddon. '1984' - George Orwell. 'Slash' - Slash and Anthony Bozza
Movies: Oh, I have too many to list. I love a good gore movie, also romantic comedies, and the classics like pride and prejudice and sense and sensibility.
TV Shows: Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, Jamie at Home, anything with Nigella Lawson in it.
Authors: Mark Haddon, George Orwell.
Cartoon Character: Eeyore.
Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: China
Most Influential Person in Your Life: Maybe my Mum, maybe my OH
Greatest Ambition: To be a Mummy
Biggest Achievement: So far? Oh, I don't know.
Grandest Wish: Just to find a nice place for me and OH. To have a nice wedding, and settle down happily with a couple of kids.
What You Can't Live Without : Craig, my OH. I don't actually know what I'd do without him.