A Little About Me A Little About You

Name: Elizabeth

Age: 26

Location: Queensland Australia

Occupation: stay at home mum


Hobbies: My friends, family, going out, drinking, laughing

Color: Anny pink

Food: KFC...

Hang-out: home

Music: Have lots

Books: Nop no books lol.

Movies: Ilands,

TV Shows: Home & away, Family guy, The simpsons,


Cartoon Character: homer simpson

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: The USA :D

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Hubby

Greatest Ambition: To be the best mother & wife i can be

Biggest Achievement: Havein my kids aftre i was not going to be able to have kids.

Grandest Wish: I have to get back to this one soon.

What You Can't Live Without: My family
Name: Mia

Age: 19, 20 in 4 days :happydance:

Location: Fulham

Occupation: Dancer/actress/model/promotions


Hobbies: Dancin', singin', acting. Seeing friends, family, goin' out.

Color: Orange

Food: Chinese

Hang-out: Pineapple Studios

Music: All music

Books: None

Movies: Musicals

TV Shows: Don't have time to watch tele

Authors: Don't really read

Cartoon Character: Batman

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Bradley

Greatest Ambition: To be sucessful and happy

Biggest Achievement: West End Kismet

Grandest Wish: Not sure

What You Can't Live Without: My family, friends, hubby & dancin'
A Little About Me

Name: Sheena

Age: 23

Location: Marietta, Georgia, USA

Occupation: Administrative Assistant and Customer Service

Short Personal Description: I just recently graduated from college (YAY!) with my BA in Sociology. I currently work as an admin asst at a grocery store, but I'll be looking for something in my degree soon. My husband and I have been married for 2 years in May and have been trying to get pregnant since June.


Hobbies: Internet, XBox 360, Karaoke, Watching Movies, Reading Books

Color: Purple and Blue

Food: Chicken Parmagiana

Hang-out: with my married couple friends

Music: pretty much anything

Books: Fiction novels. I also like A child called it and the lost boy.

Movies: almost all Disney movies, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Wild Horses Can't Be Broken, Remember the Titans

TV Shows: Gilmore Girls, ER, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty

Authors: Stephen King

Cartoon Character: Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ireland and Spain

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My hubby :)

Greatest Ambition: To be a good mother and have a happy family

Biggest Achievement: Graduating college! Yay!

Grandest Wish: Right now......to be pregnant.....

What You Can't Live Without: My cell phone and TIVO!
A Little About Me

Name: Francesca

Age: 24

Location: West Sussex

Occupation: Office Manager

Short Personal Description:


Hobbies: Internet, Second Life, Watching Movies, Reading Books, Painting, Walking Dogs, Shopping!

Color: Mood dependent!

Food: Cheese, cheese and more cheese especially the stuff i can't eat right now like Brie, Gorgonzola etc!

Hang-out: with my Fiance or here now it seems O:)

Music: pretty much anything, except boybands i hate them!!

Books: Fiction novels. Biographies etc. Just finished an awesome book called Empress Orchid.

Movies: Disney movies, girly movies and weirdly i like horror films at the moment.

TV Shows: Dont watch a lot of TV, but mostly Hollyoaks.

Authors: Anchee Min

Cartoon Character: Southpark, and Tom & Jerry

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Canada

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Hmm tough question, too many people to put down.

Greatest Ambition: To be happy.

Biggest Achievement: Getting pregnant?!

Grandest Wish: to have twins!

What You Can't Live Without: Sky plus and uhm my Fiance.
A Little About Me

Name: Caroline

Age: 31

Location: manchester


Short Personal Description: live my 3 boys aged 8, 6 and 3


Hobbies: Internet, shopping...more shopping and cars

Color: Various... mainly in a mood...

Food: Cheese, chip stix,

Hang-out: with my kids...here now it seems O:)

Music: love dance music

Books: not really a book fan....

Movies: girly movies and comedy..

TV Shows: holby, casualty

Cartoon Character: little miss naughty, betty boop..

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: America

Most Influential Person in Your Life: tough question, my tutor

Greatest Ambition: To be happy.

Biggest Achievement: my kids

Grandest Wish: to be happy

What You Can't Live Without: my car and the net
A Little About Me

Name: Marci

Age: 38

Location: South Devon

Occupation: a happy SAHM, was a Clerk of Superior Court in the US before moving to the UK 3 years ago.

Short Personal Description: I'm from the US (by way of West Virginia), but live in South Devon with my British hubby and our amazing 2 1/2 year old daughter, Isabella. She is a dual citizen of both the UK and the US. Hubby has been in the Royal Marines Commandos for 23 years and is due to retire next year. We will be moving to London in a few months.


Hobbies: reading, painting, traveling, meeting new people, crosswords, etc.

Color: Green

Food: love my Mexican!

Hang-out: at home with hubby and daughter

Music: most anything, except RAP

Books: "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd

Movies: too many to name!

TV Shows: Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Cold Case, NCIS, all CSI's and all Law & Orders

Authors: Sue Monk Kidd

Cartoon Character: Pluto and Tweety Bird

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: the US

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents

Greatest Ambition: Just to live a long, fullfilling and healthy life with my family!

Biggest Achievement: giving birth to my daughter and moving to England

Grandest Wish: That my daugther grows up to be happy and healthy!

What You Can't Live Without: My wonderful friends and family!
A Little About Me

Name: angela

Age: 25

Location: uk


Short Personal Description: live my boyf and daughter


Hobbies: Internet, shopping

Color: Various... mainly wear black and blue makes me look slim :blush:

Food: crisps

Hang-out: my boyf and lil girl oh and my mates

Music: love r n b

Books: no time really

Movies: girly movies and comedy..

TV Shows: holby, casualty dancing on ice and friends

Cartoon Character: betty boop..:happydance: and tigger

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: USA

Most Influential Person in Your Life: erm....... not sure really

Greatest Ambition: To be a midwife

Biggest Achievement: my lil girl

Grandest Wish: to be happy

What You Can't Live Without: my daughter
About me

Name: Sarah

Age: 27

Location: Palmer, Alaska

Occupation: Asst Manager (McDonalds)

Short Personal Description: I was born and raised in Southern California so I talk like a valley girl. (Think the movie Clueless and I am only slightly better. LMAO.) My husband and I moved to Alaska a year ago and I love it here.

I am obsessed with Jaoanese culture and plan to go back to college as a Japanese language major so I can do translations! ^_^


Hobbies: Reading Manga, Writing my book (Someday I will be published.), Singing Karaoke. Dancing around my house, Driving my husband crazy. LOL

Color: Pink and Blue (Heh... that seems funny on this site.)

Food: Pasta

Hang-out: Uhh... I always work but I love going to Hatcher Pass and into Anchorage. My favorite place in Los Angeles was Little Tokyo.

Music: Anything that is not rap and R&B

Books: The 7 Brides Series and Cowboys Series by Leigh Greenwood, The Little Women novels,

Movies: ANYTHING with Gene Kelly

TV Shows: Hmmm... WWE, Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters and forensic shows

Authors: Leigh Greenwood, Libba Bray

Cartoon Character: Usagi (Sailor Moon)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Husband

Greatest Ambition: To be a mother and live in Japan

Biggest Achievement: my 1st degree black belt in TKD and my state tournament wins. (Also, my sucessful marriage)

Grandest Wish: To be independently wealthy

What You Can't Live Without : My computer and mu husband

A pic of me:

A Little About Me

Name: Amy

Age: 26

Location: Ohio, US

Occupation: Currently a student for nurses aid

Short Personal Description: I am married to the love of my life and have two wonderful step kids. We've been TTC our first together for years. Hoping it happens soon. I'm planning on attending nursing school in the Fall to become a registered nurse. I'm currently a stay at home wife, but looking for a job to pass time.


Hobbies: Learning to live healthy, internet, friends, going out with hubby.

Color: Pink!

Food: Anything from Taco Bell!!

Hang-out: On the couch with hubby watching a movie.

Music: Rock

Books: Anything by JA Jaunce or murder/mysteries

Movies: 50 First Dates, Man on Fire, Three Days and about any lifetime movie

TV Shows: General Hospital, The First 48, Intervention and Army Wives

Authors: JA Jaunce

Cartoon Character: Spongebob

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents

Greatest Ambition: To become a mommy!

Biggest Achievement: Spending quality time with my grandma before she passed away

Grandest Wish: To be a mommy!

What You Can't Live Without: My hubby!
Name: Angela

Age: 23

Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Occupation: sales assistant in a shop

Short Personal Description: I'm engaged to Michael we've been together for nearly 6 years, we're expecting our first baby in July.


Hobbies: The internet, music, tv, shopping etc

Color: lilac

Food: lasagne

Hang-out: on msn with my buddies

Music: mostly pop

Books: cecilia ahern books

Movies: grease, ps i love you, notting hill etc

TV Shows: friends, most of the soaps

Authors: cecilia ahern

Cartoon Character: Lisa Simpson

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Canada

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Never really had anybody

Greatest Ambition: not sure

Biggest Achievement: not sure yet

Grandest Wish: To never have finnancial worries

What You Can't Live Without : My computer, i-pod & mobile
A Little About Me

Name: Jenny

Age: 20

Location: fazakerley, liverpool

Occupation: care assistant

Short Personal Description: dont know what to say really im a pretty straight forward bubbily young girl! i love spending time out in my car and out with my mates. becoming pregnant has changed my life around alot already and it will probably never be as it was again but i am fine with this because im really excited about becoming a mum and know it can only change me for the better. ive been with my boyfriend over a year now i was only with him 4/5 months when i found out i was pregnant which was a bit of a shock and hit r relationship quite hard because we both miss having the good times together as i had pretty terrible mood swings but we are hoping to get back to normal as soon as little Lillys here!


Hobbies: driving, gym, love going on road trips with all my mates, clubbing but this will probably be a thing of the past, love spending time with my boyfriend

Color: PINK!

Food: Chicken flavour noodles, McChicken sandwiches hmmm!

Hang-out: like having quiet nights in with my boyfriend at the min

Music: dance

Books: dont really read, im reading the Jordan autobiography at the minute which has been quite interesting

Movies: coyote ugly, ghost, white chicks, little man, people under the stairs, mainly into funny films

TV Shows: Corrie, eastenders, hollyoaks, simpsons


Cartoon Character: bart simpson, does he count as a cartoon lol

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: been to most places i want to go to, hoping to go to amsterdam in may. would love to goto india!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mum influences me alot although i dont let her know that so shhh! lol

Greatest Ambition: Id love to have my own dance school, id also like to train in hair dressing but wouldnt take it up as a career. i just want to be happy and live comfortably, my views on what i want have changed alot since becoming pregnant i used to be very selfish but now all i want is the best for my child.

Biggest Achievement: im quite 'common' lol and was a right shit in school so im quite proud of all my qualifications i have gained since school, passing my driving test was a big achievement for me 2!

Grandest Wish: id love to win loadsa money but money doesnt bring happyness so if i had one wish it would just be to have a good quality of life

What You Can't Live Without: my mobile my car and my laptop, how very shallow i sound lol!

Never noticed this when i joined so thought id add my bit lol x
A Little About Me

Name: Ashley

Age: 18

Location: from Milwaukee, WI but we're currently stationed in Itaewon, South Korea

Occupation: soon to be stay at home mom, and currently going through college

Short Personal Description: I got married on May 19th 2007 to my wonderful husband. He's in the US Army, served a year in Iraq, only has a little over a year left (thank God). We found out I was pregnant in late July, then found we were having twins in the beginning of October. I'm so excited and can't wait to be a mom!


Hobbies: hanging out with the hubby and friends, shopping, going out to eat, watching movies, just hanging around the house

Color: yellow

Food: way too many =]

Hang-out: either out with friends, or at home

Music: I like pretty much everything, mostly rock, country

Books: well lately all i've been reading is a bunch of pregnancy books!

Movies: The Notebook, Kingdom of Heaven, a bunch of others & of course Disney movies

TV Shows: E!News, A Baby Story, lots of stuff on Discovery channel

Authors: James Patterson

Cartoon Character: Spongebob lol

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my hubby

Greatest Ambition: to get established in my career, look on the bright side to everything and just be happy

Biggest Achievement: not sure yet, but i'm sure it'll have to do with my two daughters-to-be

Grandest Wish: to leave Korea! Lol ( I hate it here! )

What You Can't Live Without: cell phone and computer
Hi guys, thought i'd introduce myself as well. Seems like a friendly forum which I can use throughout my pregnancy and child rearing.

Name: Sarah

Age: 20

Location: Queensland, Australia

Occupation: Manager

Short Personal Description: I am a manager at KFC, have plans to study Equine physical therapy after my baby is born. Me and my boyfriend have been together since may last year, so this pregnancy was unplanned but welcome.


Hobbies: Horses, work, friends

Color: Black

Food: Chocolate

Hang-out: Computer

Music: country

Books: Anything by J.D. Robb

Movies: Unable to pinpoint a few

TV Shows: Top Model

Authors: J.D. Robb

Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Denmark

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents

Greatest Ambition: Own an arabian stud farm and being successful in the game

Biggest Achievement: Unsure, I guess falling pregnant is a big one

Grandest Wish: Find peace in whichever way I go in life

What You Can't Live Without: My animals.
A Little About Me

Name: Melissa

Age: 23

Location: Alberta, Canada

Occupation: Stay at home mom

Short Personal Description: I have a 19 month old daughter who was born 2 months early. Gave us quite a scare, but all is well now! I am expecting another little girl in March and am getting really anxious to meet her! I married my DH in August of 2007 after being together for 3.5 years.


Hobbies: Playing with my baby girl, shopping, scrapbooking, surfing the net

Color: pink

Food: pasta

Hang-out: at home

Music: mostly everything

Books: mostly parenting and pregnancy lately

Movies: too many to name!

TV Shows: house, desperate housewives, greys anatomy

Authors: James Patterson

Cartoon Character: winnie the pooh!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my hubby

Greatest Ambition: To become an RN

Biggest Achievement: My baby girl!

Grandest Wish: to be a great mom

What You Can't Live Without: cell phone and computer
About me

Name: Lilja

Age: 27

Location: Reykjavík/Iceland

Occupation: Student

Short Personal Description: Semi-crazy person, still don't know what I wanna do "when I grow up", bird owner, almost always sick, take care of 3 kids (one is my husband) and finally .. red hair, freckles and vampire teeth.


Hobbies: Computer games (World of warcraft and other RPG's,), gadgets and geeky stuff, nerd humor (used to work in tech support), used to snowboard before my SPD got out of hand, politics, my bird (Jenday conure called Páfi, that's Icelandic for "Pope", don't ask me, my daughter named him)

Color: RED

Food: Toasted sheep heads and rotten shark .. ok just kidding, I don't eat that stuff although it's considered an Icelandic delicacy :dohh: .. I like pizza, pasta, beef, lamb. I do nibble on dried fish once in a while.

Hang-out: My couch or my bed. Can't go around much because of my stupid SPD.

Music: Techno, Drum&Bass, Coldplay, Guns&Roses, kaiser chiefs, Sigurrós, Ensími, and lots more.

Books: The Ender series by Orson Scott Card, Sci-fi, LOTR books, good crime novels. These day I read nothing but school books though :(

Movies: LOTR, Star Wars, Anything from Quentin Tarantino, the Matrix, probably ANY movie that has spaceships and aliens :rofl:

TV Shows: Oh, too many! ER, Desperate houswives, Star Trek, Nip/Tuck, Hell's kitchen, The L-word, Lost, the 4400, Simpsons, Family guy, Little Britain, House, Grey's anatomy, Friends, Joey, Heroes, Dexter ... OMG I could continue forever.

Authors: Orson Scott Card, Halldór Laxness, Arnaldur Indriðason.

Cartoon Character: Hello Kitty, Homer Simpson.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Since I was a teenager, Japan is on top of my list.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents.

Greatest Ambition: Raise happy children, finish Uni.

Biggest Achievement: Been clean & sober for almost 8 years!

Grandest Wish: Not having to worry about money.

What You Can't Live Without : My laptop, my husband, my kids ... pizza and my migraine medication.

A pic of me:

A funny one, taken the day after I got married!

A Little About Me

Name: Sarah

Age: 24

Location: East Germany currently, but I am English

Occupation: I'm a trained Veterinary Nurse, however atm I'm full time songwriting, and singer with my band. I just finished writing music for a soon to be realised video game ^^

Short Personal Description: I moved to Germany 1.5 years ago to be with my husband, whom I met in Northern Ireland. (long story!) We married in September 2007, and are currently refurbishing our apartment. I work from home with music, and I am guitarist and singer in a band. We currently have 2 cats and a dog only in our little family!


Hobbies: Hanging out with my husband :) my animals, music.

Color: Sky blue

Food: Subway meatball.. *drool*

Hang-out: Used to be Birmingham, but haven't been back there in years!

Music: Anything with a good meaningful lyric. Mostly Acoustic.

Books: A Kiss of Shadows-Laurel K. Hamilton

Movies: Shawn of the dead, Hot Fuzz, The Matrix, LOTR trilogy, and Hotchick cos I'm a dork :blush:

TV Shows: Pick-up artist, Date my mom. Only have MTV in English in Germany.. can't you tell?:wacko:

Authors: Laurel K. Hamilton

Cartoon Character: Ayanamie Rei

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Would love to go back to England tbh, haven't seen my family in over 3 years now.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: To be happy, and healthy and to write a couple of hit songs on some big stars next album!

Biggest Achievement: on a personal level.. I suffered from agrophobia and panic attacks for 3 long years of my life. I have come through that and learnt from it. I also have a fear of doctors and dentists and everytime I walk through the door at the clinic I have achieved something else ^^;

Grandest Wish: For my little family to stay happy and safe, and grow!

What You Can't Live Without: my husband, my pets, my mac.

and me!

Name: Laura

Age: 22

Location: Cradley, West Midlands

Occupation:Senior Admin

Short Personal Description: I've been with my OH Chris for 3 years, we met at work and moved in with each other after 2 weeks. We bought our first house in June last year. Got my BFP on the 15th Jan after 4 months TTC :happydance:


Hobbies: Reading, History, going for meals with my lovely best friend Clare.

Color: Blue

Food: Spaghetti Bolegnese (sp)

Hang-out: My Sofa

Music: Bit of everything really, have been listening to a lot of Ella Fitzgerald lately.

Books: Anything by David Starkey

Movies: The Godfather, American History X

TV Shows: CSI (only the Las Vegas one) Shameless

Authors: David Starkey, still love Roald Dahl from when i was a kid

Cartoon Character: The Pink Panther!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum

Greatest Ambition: To have a happy, healthy family and to eventually move to Dorset

Biggest Achievement: Succeeding when noone expected me to

Grandest Wish: To live by the sea :boat:

What You Can't Live Without: My books
Name: Lindsay

Age: 22

Location: Derbyshire

Occupation:Staff Nurse

Short Personal Description: I'm generally a very happy person, I don't like to let things get me down. I've been with my OH for almost 4 years and we're getting married in September this year. (Can't Wait). We can't wait to start a family but plan to WTT until after we are married. I qualified as a nurse just over a year ago and I love my job! I'm very lucky to have a close family and good friends who I love. The one thing that would complete mine and my H2B's lives would be a child.

Hobbies: Anything creative, i love making cards and other nik naks!

Color: Pink

Food: Chinese

Hang-out: I love spending time at home or at friends!

Music: ooh, I like allsorts really. Anything I can dance to!

Books: I like autobiographies best!

Movies: Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Bridget Jones! (I love chick flicks!)

TV Shows: Ugly Betty, Waterloo Road

Authors: I think J.K Rowling is one of the best authors of our time.

Cartoon Character: Betty Boop!

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: New Zealand or Canada both look amazing! I'm going to the Maldives for my honeymoon, that would have been on my list aswell!!!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum and dad.

Greatest Ambition: To be happy and healthy, grow old with the love of my life and to have and raise our children well.

Biggest Achievement: Buying our own house and qualifying as a nurse.

Grandest Wish: To be a good mummy.

What You Can't Live Without: My H2B and my family. Oh, and air...and food...and water.
A Little About Me

Name: Kelly

Age: 20

Location: Luton, Bedfordshire

Occupation: Unemployed

Short Personal Description: Well this is my 1st baby 7 im doing it alone! Totally scared but so happy :)


Hobbies: Internet, clubs, eating out, reading

Color: Pink

Food: Ohhh ermmm dunno

Hang-out: Online sadly lol

Music: R&B

Books: Any, I read 3 a week

Movies: Titanic baby! n harry potter

TV Shows: Eastenders

Authors: Loads

Cartoon Character: Betty Boop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ibiza

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My best mate Catherine

Greatest Ambition: To just be happy

Biggest Achievement: Facing my pregnancy on my own

Grandest Wish: Millionare lol

What You Can't Live Without: My phone
A Little About Me

Name: Lucy

Age: 24

Location: Glasgow

Occupation: Optical Advisor

Short Personal Description: I've been married to my hubby since Nov 2007. We have been TTC for over a year. We are expecting in Sept 2008 and have our first scan on 18 Feb

Hobbies: Cinema, shopping and hanging out with friends

Color: Pink

Food: Roast Dinner with all the trimmings Mmmm

Hang-out: My house

Music: Anything im listening to (chart music)

Books: Romance

Movies: Anything that makes me giggle

TV Shows: Corrie, Eastenders & Emerdale

Authors: Which ever book im reading

Cartoon Character: Winnie the pooh

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: I would love to go on a world cruise and visit as many countries as possible!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Hubby

Greatest Ambition: To be happy and make others happy with me

Biggest Achievement: Getting married

What You Can't Live Without: My hubby and my wardrobe

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