A Little About Me A Little About You

A Little About Me

Name: Samantha

Age: 34

Location: Cornwall

Occupation: Full time mum & carer

Short Personal Description: I recently got married after being with my partner for 13 years. Mum to two 11 & 6, 2 cats, 1 dog, kids would have more but seriously its a full house :D. Currently we have been TTC no3 and only one person in our family knows, so needed somewhere where i can chat to my hearts content.


Hobbies: crafting, cooking, designing, gaming, doing activities with the kids & a few more i cannot remember.

Color: Lilac

Food: Fajitas, anything with pasta & fruit

Hang-out: Home or my mums

Music: I have loved KPOP for the last 20 years, but i love all types of music.

Books: anything crime, thriller etc

Movies: Everything and anything

TV Shows: The walking dead, Fear the walking dead, Ghost whisperer, CSI, bones, supernatural, gilmoore girls, shadow hunters, anime etc

Authors: James Patterson, Anne rice & a few more.

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: New york again and south korea / japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My nan from my past and my mum.

Greatest Ambition: To be myself and give my kids the best memories and start i can

Biggest Achievement: both of my kids and our wedding.

Grandest Wish: For my family to be healthy and happy

What You Can't Live Without : the walking dead lol, my family, my kids, my animals & flavored water.
Name: Jessica

Age: 40

Location: Connecticut, US

Occupation: Thirty-One Consultant and SAHM

Short Personal Description: I have been married for 15 years and have three amazing boys and three angels. Alex and Jonathan are 12, and Christian is 5. We also have a cat, Chloe and two gerbils - Midnight & Misty. I have fibromyalgia and other health problems, but I'm trying really hard to get better.


Hobbies: I used to love cooking and baking, but since finding out I have Celiac and lots of other food sensitivities, I have to relearn how to all over again. I love to crochet and read.

Color: orange

Food: It used to be chocolate. But I still love lobster and raspberries

Hang-out: mostly at home

Music: classic rock

Books: pretty much anything I can get my hands on

Movies: Apollo 13, Fantastic Beasts, The Devil Wears Prada, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, The Theory of Everything

TV Shows: Designated Survivor, This is Us, Gotham, Kevin Probably Saves the World, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Stranger Things, Pillars of the Earth, Riverdale, Timeless, Rise

Cartoon Character: Jiminy Cricket, Goofy, Eeyore, Alice, Baymax

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ireland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom

Greatest Ambition: To get healthy

Biggest Achievement: Raising three boys!

Grandest Wish: To be healthy

What You Can't Live Without : My family
A Little About Me

Name: Tabitha/Tabby

Age: 28

Location: Notts

Occupation: Stay at home mum

Short Personal Description: I'm from Nottingham, I have a son who's almost 3 and a daughter who is 6 months already :o (December '17). My life literally revolves around my babies and that is a choice I made. I have a wonderful husband and before kids took over my life, I worked for him, we were and still are a pretty good team.


Hobbies: Hiking, or any kind of walking, drinking cocktails,
travelling pre-children and hopefully again soon!

Color: Black

Food: Toad in the hole, crepes, and as a mother = COFFEE! :coffee:

Hang-out: My sofa

Music: Folk-punk-country-bluegrass-pop-RnB just not heavy metal or rock or electro/dance music! Current favourite band The Eskies from Ireland and younger self loved and still loves McFly. Solo artists Johnny Cash and Beyonce so yeah bit of an unusual mix lol.

Books: Private Peaceful (when I was younger and still amazing now)

Movies: Lucky number Slevin, Ocean's 11,12,13, Unusual Suspects, Harry Potter

TV Shows: The Heist, Stranger Things, Gossip Girl, Sex and the City

Authors: I love a good book but it's been a while since I was blown away, will has to think on it.

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: An exotic island eg. Bora Bora

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: To travel the world and for my children to grow up aspiring to be like me as a parent

Biggest Achievement: Leaving home age 18 to move abroad

Grandest Wish: To always have a happy and healthy family

What You Can't Live Without : Chocolate and instagram (and of course my babies, but chocolate comes pretty close! :P )

I discovered this forum when I started searching for 10 DPO symptoms. So here I am! A little about me:

A Little About Me

Name: Jessie

Age: 28

Location: Bay Area, California

Occupation: Instructional Designer/ Training Specialist

Short Personal Description: I am originally from Oregon, but moved to the bay area about 7 years ago after marrying my incredible husband.


Hobbies: Adventures! I love horror movies too. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure that stuck around through all my childhood and adulthood. I am an avid reader and will read almost anything!

Color: Black

Food: Soup. I love soup.

Hang-out: My nook in my room! I built it.

Music: Everything. I have an affinity for Queen, Billy Talent and Miike Snow

Books: Harry Potter (of course), Pillars of The Earth, Anything by Stephen King

Movies: Schindler's List is my favorite movie.

TV Shows: Bob's Burgers, Law & Order: SVU, American Horror Story

Authors: Stephen King, JK Rowling, Joe Hill, Ken Follett.

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Tanzania. I have to see the Olduvai Gorge.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Gram Grams. She passed in my and my cousin's arms October 5th, 2017. Her husband passed a little less than 2 months later. My husband and I were married on my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary while my grandparent's renewed their vows next to us. 2017 was a tough year for us, but I believe it is Gram Gram's incredible spirit that has helped me grow into the woman I am today. (sorry if it's too cliche)

Greatest Ambition: Write a dissertation.

Biggest Achievement: Moving abroad without my DH, becoming an trained Archaeologist, being married to a guy who is ok with the house being a littttttle messy- I can't handle messy!

Grandest Wish: That my dogs would live forever.

What You Can't Live Without : My husband, he's really super amazing and my absolute best friend in the world. I just adore him even when he leaves the toilet seat up. Soup. Music. My dogs. My in-laws. My parents. Lobster. No particular order :).
Hello, am joining!
Name: Regina
Age: 42 yrs old
Location: France, Paris
Occupation: teacher
Short Personal Description: mom to an adorable ivf son
Hobbies: sewing, reading
Food: healthy dieting
Books: too many!!
Digging Deeper:
Most Influential Person in Your Life: dh
Greatest Ambition: to have more kids
Biggest Achievement: family
What You Can't Live Without: family & PC
A Little About Me

Name: Cara

Age: 31; 32 in November

Location: Littleton, Colorado

Occupation: SAHM, Student, Writer

Short Personal Description: I have been with my hubby for coming up on 12 years (dating 4; married 8). My husband brought 3 beautiful daughters to our family when we got together (currently 19, 16, and 14), and a few years ago we wanted to make something of both of us so we have a beautiful 3.5 year old daughter named Piper Dawn. Last year in December I decided to quit my job and be more present in my daughters' lives so I am now a SAHM, student and writer.


Hobbies: I love to write, play with my kid, bullet journal, watch movies and TV, and cook.

Color: Black and red

Food: Anything pasta.

Hang-out: My home

Music: I really like all music. Right now I'm into alternative rock and acapella style music.

Books: I read a lot. My guilty pleasures are fantasy, romance, and young adult. I do throw in a little mystery here and there as well.

Movies: A bit of everything.

TV Shows: I go through a bunch of different favorites. But I love Outlander, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy and several others.

Authors: Too many to name but some of my top ones are Diana Gabaldon, Laurell K. Hamilton, Nora Roberts and Sarah J. Maas

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: There are too many to name, but on the top of my list are England, Ireland, France and Italy.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom.

Greatest Ambition: To be who I am and raise beautiful children. Oh, and to maybe get published some day.

Biggest Achievement: Birth of my daughter, deciding to be a SAHM, and finishing writing several books.

Grandest Wish: To grow my family and be happy.

What You Can't Live Without : My family and my writing.
Name: Em

Age: 24

Location: UK

Occupation: Dental Nurse/aspiring illustrator


Hobbies: Crochet, illustration, art, reading, gardening, baking (though terrible at it)

Food: Chocolate & a good strong vintage cheddar but not together :haha:

Books: Romance, fantasy (Harry Potter LOTR like)

Movies: Disney movies.

Digging Deeper:

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: To be a good person as much as I can

Biggest Achievement: My husband

What You Can't Live Without: Food! and my husband
I am Ilasha. I love to talk and share my views. I am new member and love to talk with all forum members. Thanks
A Little About Me

Name: Sarah

Age: 33

Location: Nottingham, UK

Occupation: Manager

Short Personal Description: I live in Nottingham with my partner, Pug and 4 cats. We has a miscarriage May 2017 and have been trying again ever since.


Color: Green

Food: Pasta

Movies: Anything really

TV Shows: I have so many Supernatural, family guy, spongebob, stranger things the list could go on.

Grandest Wish: To live in a little house with my partner and our family and just be happy.

What You Can't Live Without : My family and animals.
A Little About Me

Age: 26

Location: UK

Short Personal Description: Been with partner for almost 7 years, forever wanted to be a mommy, and just started our journey this year.

Favorites: Chocolate, gaming, going on adventures.

Hobbies: Gym, being outside the house.

Color: Pink

Food: Chocolate

Hang-out: Home

Music: Anything apart from metal

Movies: Twilight, Superman Returns

TV Shows: Suits

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential People in Your Life: My Parents

Greatest Ambition: To bring kindness to people

Biggest Achievement: Our first home

Grandest Wish: Be love rich.

What You Can't Live Without: Family
A Little About Me

Name: Samantha

Age: 37

Location: Louisiana

Occupation: Patient Advocate at a charity clinic


Hobbies:Hunting, fishing, crafting, tarot reading

Color: Blue

Food: Boiled crawfish

Hang-out: my house

Music: almost anything

Books: can never have too many

Movies: The Crow, Wizard of Oz

TV Shows: The Mayans, The Good Doctor, Young Sheldon

Authors: Anne Rice

Cartoon Character: Tweety

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ireland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my husband and my mom

Greatest Ambition: To own my own business

Biggest Achievement: Leaving my narcissistic ex husband who was extremely abusive

Can't Live Without: tarot cards
A Little About Me

Name: Shirley

Age: 27

Location: Singapore

Occupation: BD

Short Personal Description: Outside of my working hours, I love spending my time hanging out with friends and cooking, enjoy maintaining an active lifestyle doing yoga and some exploration on foreign lands


Hobbies: reading, socialising, internet

Color: Green

Food: bbq or a hearty bowl of stew

Hang-out: A rooftop bar any day

Music: Spanish

Books: Currently reading Love in a Fallen City by Eileen Chang

Movies: Inception

TV Shows: Netflix counts? Now I am watching lots of YouTube to prepare baby food

Authors: George Orwell

Cartoon Character: Simpsons

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Finland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My family

Greatest Ambition: To start my own social enterprise

Biggest Achievement: Learnt Japanese

Grandest Wish: To do yoga with my child!

What You Can't Live Without: My baby girl and a kitchen
Hi Everyone. I am new to Baby and Bump.My husband and I have 3 daughters. We are currently ttc "our boy".
I am a Sahm.
A Little About Me

Name: Amanda

Age: 31

Location: Timmins Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Sahm, University Student

Short Personal Description: Mom of an 11 year old boy, 18 month old girl. Currently attending University to get my BA in women’s gender studies. Love spending time with my kiddos, reading, camping and fishing


Hobbies: reading, fishing, horseback riding, internet

Color: Purple

Food: BBQ Ribs, spaghetti, cheesecake

Hang-out: my house

Music: Alternative

Books: Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward

Movies: Braveheart, Robin Hood, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, You’re not You

TV Shows: Greys Anatomy, Coroner, The Good Dr, The 100, Criminal Minds, Frontier, Game of Thrones

Authors: JR Ward, Gena Showalter, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Richelle Mead, Alexandra Ivy, Larissa Ione

Cartoon Character: Bobs Burgers

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Scotland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Hubby, my mom.

What You Can't Live Without: My family
A Little About Me

Name: Roset

Age: 19

Location: Brisbane Queensland Australia

Occupation: TAFE student

Short Personal Description: singing would be mother of two babies wanting to become a mother and have a pregnancy stick.

Favourites: idk

Hobbies: reading, singing, drawing, painting, sculpting, writing.

Color: Purple or blue

Food: Chicken pasta

Hang-out: in my room with my music and my art

Music: Led zeppelin, sleeping with sirens, panic!, never shout never etc.

Books: Wuthering heights, great expectations, pride and prejudice, lord of the rings,

Movies: Letters to Juliet, the last song, life as we know it.

TV Shows: Game of thrones, Gilmore girls, suits, Hart of Dixie,

Authors: Jane Austen, Emily bronte, Charles dickens, j.r.r Tolkien, Anna Todd.

Cartoon Character: Idk

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Scottish highlands, Paris, England.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My other half

What You Can't Live Without: Music.

Age: 25

Location: Miami, Florida

Occupation: No occupation

Short Personal Description: I am currently living with my boyfriend (father of my unborn child) and we are both super excited to start this new chapter in our lives. I suffer from bipolar, anxiety and depression and I usually take it day by day. If anyone would like to teach out to me I always answer and I'm a very friendly and outgoing person.


Hobbies: Internet, going out with friends, watching tv, sleeping, and family time

Color: Black, Red

Food: I love any kind of food

Hang-out: Malls

Music: All types

Books: *Laughs*

Movies: Disney movies ftw!

TV Shows: Anything good on netflix and Hulu

Authors: *Laughs*

Cartoon Character: Kim Possible

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life & family surroundings, living comfortably but happy!

Biggest Achievement: Facing my mental Illnesses head on and not letting them win#

Grandest Wish: Fate to let me be happy!

What You Can't Live Without: Music
Hey everyone, I'm new here, WTC and really excited to learn from you all until then.

Name: Jaimie (but where I live they pronounce it Jeemi)

Age: 28

Location: somewhere in the Middle East

Occupation: uni professor, author, Christian

Short Personal Description: been living with my husband in the Middle East since 2013, living the expat life, turning into a bicultural person, hating some things and loving others but am definitely being changed by the process. I’m finishing my PhD and am eagerly awaiting my last class (either this fall or next summer) until we can begin TTC. Since I travel back to the US for class intensives, I figure I better get that out of the way first. (Die, academia, die!)

Favorites: contemplative moments, deep thinkers, a long harmonious chord that twists your heart, prayer, holding hands, realizing that I don’t need to buy anything to find happiness.

Hobbies: cooking, crocheting, writing

Color: soft, classy pink :)

Food: whole foods plant-based diet since 1997 (and blood tests look awesome)

Hang-out: someplace quiet in nature

Music: give me harmony. A capella. Polyphonic. Neoclassical. Just let there be great harmonies.

Books: I already sound nerdy enough. Do I really need to confirm it? Well, since you asked. :) Christian theology, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and history.

Cartoon Character: I have a colleague who says my personality reminds her of a cartoon character, but she can’t remember which one. When she remembers, I’ll tell you. But I think it has to do with my mixture of bookwormishness and very emotional and expressive nature.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: believe me, tourism is overrated. After a while, every statue and every monument and every beach starts to look the same. I can’t wait to go home to the USA and settle down.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: God, my husband

Greatest Ambition: to be a mother

Biggest Achievement: overcoming severe clinical depression (woohoo, 16 months free!), learning to cope with clinical OCD and anxiety

Grandest Wish: to raise an emotionally intelligent child who is happy to be alive

What You Can't Live Without: the sense of sanity provided by journaling :)
About me

Name: Amy

Age: 32

Location: Alberta, Canada

Occupation: Healthcare

Short Personal Description: I just got married a few days ago, and have been with my OH for almost 4 years. We are now ready to TTC which is why I’m here :)


Hobbies: Dogs, the gym

Color: Purple

Food: Green beans and pasta

Hang-out: home

Music: Almost everything

Books: Don’t have one

Movies: So many!

TV Show: Friends

Authors: cant think of any

Cartoon Character: None

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: England

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My grandpa

Greatest Ambition: To have a family and be a SAHM

Biggest Achievement: College

Grandest Wish: To never have finnancial worries and to be a mom

What You Can't Live Without : My dogs
A Little About Me

Name: Erin

Age: 31

Location: Gauteng, South Africa

Occupation: Content Strategist

Short Personal Description: I'm a little bit of an introvert, married to my SO since March 2016. No children yet, just the furbabies, a lab named Cody and a very energetic bull terrier, Dolan (or Pig). Just trying to be a healthier me.


Hobbies: Reading, Running, Nutrition

Color: Purple

Food: Sushi, Pasta

Hang-out: At home or at a friend's house (braaing mostly)

Music: I'll listen to pretty much anything if it sounds good, but mostly into rap right now

Books: Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte & of course Harry Potter

Movies: Moulin Rouge

TV Shows: Game of Thrones, Friends

Authors: JK Rowling, Marian Keyes, Paulo Coehlo, Yann Martell

Cartoon Character: Elsa?

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Don't really have one

Greatest Ambition: To be a mom

Biggest Achievement: I'll keep you posted

Grandest Wish: Right now, to get pregnant naturally

What You Can't Live Without : Nothing I can pinpoint
A Little About Me

Name: Susan

Age: 36

Location: Cheshire, UK

Occupation: Nurse

Short Personal Description: I'm married with 2 boys age 4 and 2. Considering a third but undecided. We have a dog too. I love cooking, walking, and am currently learning how to live more ethically and more waste free. I work part time and love the freedom that brings.


Hobbies: Reading, walking, cooking, bullet journaling, crafts.

Color: yellow

Food: Oh my, what to choose? Pasta, Mexican, Curry, cake.

Hang-out: a lovely pub with a roaring fire, or out for cocktails.

Music: Brit pop, folk and alternative, and a bit of country. :)

Books: Harry Potter, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Wrong Boy by Willy Russell, the Hunger Games.... loads. Love books.

Movies: Dirty Dancing, When Harry Met Sally.

TV Shows: The Good Place. Friends. Most Ricky Gervais stuff (with the definite exception of Life’s Too Short, which was dreadful).

Authors: JK Rowling, Khaled Hosseini

Cartoon Character: What?

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: More of the USA

Most Influential Person in Your Life: I don’t know

Greatest Ambition: To just be happy

Biggest Achievement: My boys

Grandest Wish: To own a villa with a pool somewhere warm and beautiful.

What You Can't Live Without : My family, my dog, and on a more practical point, my car.

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