A Little About Me A Little About You

A Little About Me

Name: Synthia

Age: 15

Location: Alberta, Canada

Occupation: None


Hobbies: Internet, Hanging out, music

Color: Red

Food: Pickles(atm)

Hang-out: With my boyfriend

Music:.....alot of different stuff

Books: not sure

Movies: Titanic, Grease...P.S. I Love You

TV Shows: CSI

Authors: ...lots..

Cartoon Character: Tweety

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ireland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Boyfriend

Greatest Ambition: not sure...

Biggest Achievement: Coping with my depression

Grandest Wish: Everyone stop judging me....

What You Can't Live Without: My friends
About Me

Name: Hayley

Age: 24

Location: Sunderland Tyne and Wear

Occupation: Community Nurse

Short Personal Description:
I live with my husband we just got married a month ago however been together for 9 years.
We talked about babies for a while but now we are married would like to start trying so any hints tips etc and basically advice as to where to start would be gratefully recieved.


Hobbies: The internet, gym, music, holidays abroad

Color: pink

Food: Spag bol Lasagne or kebab or indian or pizza bascially all the wrong foods

Hang-out: on msn with my buddies

Music: Mostly RNB also a bit of regaee tanya stevens bob marley etc

Books: celeb Autobiographys, martina cole series

Movies: Bodyguard, pretty women, the goonies,

TV Shows: Shameless, easties The Simpsons

Authors: cant think of any lol

Cartoon Character: Foxy Love

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Hong Kong China or Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mother and Katie Price

Greatest Ambition: Not sure yet

Biggest Achievement: not sure yet

Grandest Wish: To never have finnancial worries

What You Can't Live Without : My computer, internet music
A Little About Me


Age: 31

Location: Scottish Borders, Scotland

Occupation: Full time Mummy

Short Personal Description: I was born in Ireland but most of my life in I've been in Scotland.... still have loads of family over there though and still call it home. I live with my partner of 5 years and my 2 boys (prevoius relationship)and our new addition a 1 week old girl, they mean the world to me and are my life.


Hobbies: Internet, football (watching not playing), shopping (newly found love of pink!!), cooking

Color: Blue

Food: Home made lasagne

Hang-out: Online

Music: Everything and Anything depends on my mood :happydance:

Books: Child called IT (has me in tears without fail everytime) and any other fact based books and some autobiogrphys

Movies: The Green Mile, Coyote Ugly, Armageddon...infact my lists too big I love films !!!

TV Shows: Charmed, Casualty, My wife and kids, old sitcoms like fools & horses etc

Authors: Various

Cartoon Character: Garfield

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum who has sadly passed away :cry:

Greatest Ambition: For my family and friends to live happily and comfortably with as little heartache and sadness as possible

Biggest Achievement: Getting through Postnatal Depression and being strong enough to get out of a very violent and abusive relationship.

Grandest Wish: My kids to have all the dream and wish for

What You Can't Live Without: My OH, my kids, my Dad, my little sister and my PC!!!!
A Little About Me

Name: Kirsty

Age: 20

Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire

Occupation: Admin

Short Personal Description: Born and bread in West Yorkshire. (very proud of it) currently living with OH and a friend but looking for somewhere else. Got a holiday booked for July, looking forward to that. At college doing accountancy. Loving life with this little miricle inside


Hobbies: Surfing the net, catching up with friend, clubbing (not so much any more)

Color: Pink, brown,

Food: anything itallian, grandma's lasagne is well nice. pizza from pizza house yum !!

Hang-out: home

Music: love bassline but also like indie and pop

Books: real life stories

Movies: Coyote ugly, dirty dancing, green street, a mixture

TV Shows: shameless, skins, friends, hollyoaks

Authors: ?!

Cartoon Character: winnie

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: america

Most Influential Person in Your Life: i have loads

Greatest Ambition: my little pip

Biggest Achievement: finding myself and being able to stand on my own two feet, not relying on anyone.

Grandest Wish: my little baby pip is healthy and happy in my tummy

What You Can't Live Without: my family and friends
Cant belive i only just noticed this! What a lovely idea!!

Firstly, i joined BNB after 1 miscarriage and finiding out i was 7 weeks pregnant again!:D My first miscarriage was at 5 weeks, we didnt even know we were pregnant untill the miscarriage. Unfortunately, when i was 12 weeks1 day pregnant with our little girl, i had a horrible fall down the stairs, smacked my head on the banister and my belly really hard on the book case, and we lost our precious daughter....
We are now TTC again, and thought we had last month untill i went to the doctors yesterday, and bloods confirmed i wasnt pregnant, but my hormones are all over the place and my body still thinks i'm pregnant..so now i'm on hormone tablets to try and sort it out...
I have been with my wonderful other half (Rob) for a year and 8 months.:D best 20 months of my life!!! He proposed just before christmas, getting down on one knee by this gogeous little duck pond where he lives :D and we are getting married 28th August 2010!
I'm just about to start my second year of uni, down in Bournemouth. Really enjoying my course. I know some people will think that i'm silly for wanting to try for a baby while i'm still at uni, but those of you who know me quite well on here know how devestated i've been over loosing our daughter, and me and my other half know this is what we want. The uni were fantastic when i found out i was pregnant the second time, and i know they will be when it happens again...
I'm an only child, which means i'm extra close to my cousins who kind of act as substitue brothers and sisters. My mums been really ill over recent years, and i thought i was going to loose her, but she's managed to fight her way through everything life has thrown at her, and she's come out the other side so much stronger...
and thats me really! :D

A Little About Me

Name: Maddi (Madeleine Alice Louise Hayton)

Age: 19

Location: for uni Bournemouth, live in Folkestone when im not at uni, or at my Boyfriends house in Alton

Occupation: Student!! :D

Short Personal Description: i've got shoulder length blonde hair, which is actually brown at the moment, blue eyes, 5 foot 7 and three quarters!studying communication and media at uni


Hobbies: tele! drinking!

Color: pink! (im such a girl! lol!)

Food: chinese

Hang-out: shops!! lol!

Music:i like loads of differnt types!!

Books: Huckelberry Finn, Pride and Prejuduce there are a few, but im not a big reader

Movies: Speed!!! Lion King (i swear i'm still about 4!!), Independence Day, Pirates of the Carribean and loads more! lol!

TV Shows: NEIGHBOURS!!!! lol! Loose Women, Family Guy, American Dad

Authors: not sure really

Cartoon Character:Stewy Griffin!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: South Africa

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum...shes been through so much shit and shes still smiling!

Greatest Ambition: to get my degree..lol!

Biggest Achievement: winning regional netball tounrament when i was like 13!

Grandest Wish: to be a mummy

What You Can't Live Without: my other half! (soppy i know!)
A Little About Me

Name: Laura (Lauralox :laugh2:)

Age: 24

Location: South Australia

Occupation: SAHM

Short Personal Description: well Im a SAHM to one lovely little boy :baby: want a part-time job eventually but no rush. Spend way too much time on-line, but I really enjoy getting out-doors and sharing the world with my little man :cloud9:

Hobbies: Internet, going out with my son, movies, scrap-booking (when I get around to it) Im also a self-confessed name nerd and adore emoticons lol :plane:

Color: Orange

Food: Satay Chicken

Hang-out: On mummy forums such as this, and also with friends when we all can :happydance::friends:

Music: R&B and Hip-hop

Books: anything by Anne Rice

Movies: Life is Beautiful, 300, Cloverfield

TV Shows: umm... Desperate Housewives, Friends, Simpsons, Lost

Authors: Anne Rice and JK Rowling :haha:

Cartoon Character: not sure, Bugs is cool

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy, Egypt, China and United states

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My friends

Greatest Ambition: To be a good mum to my little man :football:

Biggest Achievement: My Isaac :hugs:

Grandest Wish: For everyone I care for to have a happy and healthy life

What You Can't Live Without: coffee!! :yipee:
A Little About Me

Name: Melissa

Age: 22

Location: Colorado (for right now)

Occupation: Full time mother

Short Personal Description: I am a stay at home mom and have a beautiful 5 year old son. I have been married for 3 years and we are trying to have a child together. We have had 3 miscarriages in our marriage.


Hobbies: Reading, Playing with my son, Pictionary

Color: Green

Food: I am not a vegetarian but I like salad

Hang-out: right now......At my mom's while my husband is deployed

Music:Rock, Pop

Books: I like to read so as long as i can get into it.

Movies: I like horror movies the best.

TV Shows: Heroes, Monday night RAW!!!

Authors: Nora Roberts

Cartoon Character: Eeyore

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Husband and My Mother

Greatest Ambition: To be the best mother and wife!

Biggest Achievement: Being a single mother and surviving until I met my wonderful Husband.

Grandest Wish: I would like to have another child.

What You Can't Live Without: My phone.
A Little About Me

Name: Dawn

Age: 27

Location: Leicester

Occupation: None at the mo

Short Personal Description: I was born in Essex but moved to Leicester when I got with my partner we have been together for 5 years and we have been trying for a baby on and off for 4 yrs we have had 2 mc's one in august and one in april this year.


Hobbies: Internet

Color: Pink

Food: Any lol

Hang-out: Online

Music: Everything and Anything depends on my mood

Books: PS I Love You I loved it cant wait to see the film

Movies: The Green Mile, Coyote Ugly, Armageddon...infact my lists too big I love films!!!

TV Shows: Pushing up daisies, britians got talent, mr and mrs, x factor when its on im a celeb get me out of here when its on

Authors: Most female ones (well we are the best arent we lol)

Cartoon Character: ???

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My fiance

Greatest Ambition: ?

Biggest Achievement: Meeting my fiance.

Grandest Wish: To be a mum

What You Can't Live Without: My fiance, step kids, pets and computer lol x
A Little About Me

Name: Terri

Age: 26

Location: AZ

Occupation: SAHM

Short Personal Description: i am a sahm to 3 girls Jazmyn is 5, Kyeliegh is 3½, and Vanessa is 9 months. i just found out on the 10th that i am pregnant with number 4.


Hobbies: Internet, Movies, Music, Taking the Kids To Do New Things

Color: Pink, Purple & Blue

Food: Mexican, Italian, Chinese & Lobster and of course anything i cook

Hang-out: home

Music: country

Books: when i have time to sit and read i like any kind of books

Movies: alot

TV Shows: ER, House, Law & Order SVU & CI, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State

Authors: i have a few

Cartoon Character: Eeyore

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Portugal

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Hubby & My Mom

Greatest Ambition: To be the best mommy and wife i can be

Biggest Achievement: Giving Birth To My Babies

Grandest Wish: Hubby To Get In His New Job And Enjoy It So That We Can Buy A House

What You Can't Live Without: My Babies
A Little About Me

Name: Natasha


Location: Sheffield

Occupation: Full time slave ( to 3 kids)

Short Personal Description: Married to Lee for 3 years ( together for 5) I have 3 children aged 8, 10 and 11.
Up until recently I was working semi Pro in bands as a vocalist, my hubby is a guitarist ( and a very good one at that, he got his degree in it)

Favorites: Food, music, B&B

Hobbies: A bit of everything

Color: Green

Food: cantonese

Hang-out: here & pogo ( sad I know)

Music: Dave matthews band, The smashing pumpkins, Creed

Books: Death trance

Movies: The green mile, My fair lady, The Lost Boys

TV Shows: Time team, Casualty, Ice road truckers, Medium and Haunted

Authors: Graham Masterton

Cartoon Character: Goofy

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Peru

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Hubby

Greatest Ambition: I have many, just hope I get to do most of them

Biggest Achievement: Having my kids

Grandest Wish: To have a stable and happy future

What You Can't Live Without: My kids, My hubby, Music and food

my name is mary, I am 28 years old, and I come from Spain, but since 3 years I am living in Leicester. I am married with a wonderful man, and we have a great son called Peter. I feel very confortable here in Enlgand but sometimes I miss so much the sun of spain!! hehehe I am sure you understand me!! ;-)

I studied Law in the University, although now I ma not working because of taking care of Peter, and also because we are waiting to Sara, our future daughter, who will be with us very soon!! (I am very nervous again!!)

Well, I hope to have fun here with you, and to be able to help somebody if needed!! I also will ask for it!

I send you many greetings for all of you and I wish you a great birth giving to all of you who are waiting!

PS: sorry for my english, I should improve it!!! ;-)
A Little about me my name is lulu i live in Canada I am 37 Yrs old i had a TL in 1998 and now in 2007 i had a TR, I am TTC After TR, I had a BFP in Feb 2008 turned out to be ectopic took the methos shot now i am back on TTC and BD as much as I can....Wishing you all BFP's oh yes and have 2 kids 19 and 13, And yes Ready to be a Mommy again..lol
A Little About Me

Name: Tracie

Age: 20

Location: belfast, ireland

Occupation: dnt have 1

Short Personal Description: well i live in belfast with my husband and my pet cat, i dont currently work as iv only just moved here and husband wont let me work now im pregnant.
iv had 3 m/c in a year and a half.


Hobbies: ice skating, crazy golf

Color: red

Food: sweet & sour chicken. (homemade)

Hang-out: the local pub usually on a friday night

Music: rock or clubland

Books: P.S I Love You

Movies: P.s I Love You, the notebook, gladiator, and all disney :happydance:

TV Shows: erm.... holby city, neighbours and britians got talent :)

Authors: :rofl:

Cartoon Character: cow & chicken or johnny bravo

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: anywhere in america

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my hubby or my mum

Greatest Ambition: to be the best mum and wife i can be & to live my life to the full

Biggest Achievement: not sure rele

Grandest Wish: for thsi baby to survive

What You Can't Live Without: munchies
A Little About Me

Name: Heather

Age: 18

Location: Port-Aux-Basque, Newfoundland

Occupation: dont work;;going to be stay at home mom

Short Personal Description: I have been engaged since december and just recently found out i might be a mommy! my fiancee is a mechanic and as i am only 18 and just finishing highschool i am going to take on the role as a stay at home mom! i have moved all over canada and i have lived in Bermuda!


Hobbies: Internet, shopping, eatting out, hanging out, spending time with family:)

Color: Black

Food: donairs :)

Hang-out: online and out by the beach

Music: Everything

Books: not into the reading scene

Movies: notebook, everafter, and many more just dont feel like naming them all of lol

TV Shows: what not to wear, babystory, CMT, csi

Authors: none that i know off

Cartoon Character: Betty Bop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Disney world lol!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom<3

Greatest Ambition: to be happy, live life to the fullest

Biggest Achievement: being the best i can be not being scared:)

Grandest Wish: hmm nothing i can really think of right now :(

What You Can't Live Without: My PC!
A Little About Me

Name: Brittney

Age: 27

Location: Victoria, BC

Occupation: Supervisor, Toddler Program

Short Personal Description: I love the outdoors and spending time exploring with my man! We are expecting our first babe September 16th and we are soooo excited!!!

Hobbies: Kayaking, Hiking, Camping, Gardening, Soccer, Hockey, Spending time with family and friends!

Color: Periwinkle

Food: Watermelon!!!

Hang-out: A walk along the beach or curled up with my man at home!

Music: Dave Matthews, Lily Allen, Metalica, Pearl Jam... pretty much anything!

Books: David Sedaris REALY cracks me up!

Movies: Just not a fan of the creepy dark futuristic movies

TV Shows: John and Kate plus 8!

Authors:David Sedaris

Cartoon Character: George Srhinks!

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents

Greatest Ambition: To have a happy, healthy and very loving family!

Biggest Achievement: Moving into a new home, starting a new job and overcoming horrible pregnancy sickness during this time!

Grandest Wish: For a healthy, happy baby!

What You Can't Live Without : My friends and family!
Hey there i am 18 years old from Canada me and my boyfriend are currantly TTC, i know i am a little young but it is ok....

So here is my story I have been with my boyfriend since Grade 10 (16 years of age) I had gotten pregnant that summer and had a misscarriage 2 months later :cry: I decided i didnt want to get pregnant again for a while any wayz because that loss was so hard even thou i was so young in age.. I have been trying to have a baby since January of this year we think we are ready...:happydance:

we will both be doing University in the fall well he starts sooner than that but gets off in December before Xmas, yay lol and he will be getting a job, well he has one right now for $36 an hour clean up in January he will be getting about $45 an hour welding yay lol and i work at a fast food place $9.50 and hr its nto bad.... He works 12 hrs a day and i work 8 so yeah we have it good i guess we have a place to stay also yay lol

So in June i will hopefully get pregnant and me and my boyfriend of 2 years can start our family:baby:
Hi folks, completely new to this. My name is Tracey and I live in Dundee. I've been hoping for another child for 12 years but two miscarriages and a battle with scar tissue from endometriosis have put paid to this so far. I'm 10 days late but afraid to test for fear of disappointment as a test when I was 2 days late was negative, I know that sounds stupid! I've never been this late before except for pregnancy. I've had cramping and clear discharge +++ along with occasional nausea and pain at the back of my head. My breasts are sore one minute and fine the next although I sometimes feel a pain spreading down to the nipple. I'm scared to build my hopes up but also scared to dash them with another negative test! Anyone else feel like this? I wish you all the best of luck with your pregnancy or attempts to conceive! xxx
A Little About Me

Name: maria

Age: 20

Location: high wycpmbe in bucks uk

Occupation: unable to work have a med certificate

Short Personal Description: erm about me where to begin i am very happy i am pregnant and i am having a lil girl i am 20 and have passed 8 gcse's and gone to college to train to be a counsellor but i am also anorexic so i find things very difficult thats why i joined this site hoping that i can find someon that understands me i am unable to work at the mo as my anorexia got really bad and my drthinks i should take things really easy now

Hobbies: Internet,reading adn playing the sims 2

Color: baby blue (although i am having a lil girl lol)

Food: hmm better not answer this one

Music: any

Books: harry potter love em sooooo much

Movies: perfect body girl interrupted center stage uptown girls goodfellas

TV Shows: oh no

Authors: jk rowling

Cartoon Character: i hate cartoons bf loves teenage mutant hero turtles though lol
Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: anywhere really hot

Most Influential Person in Your Life: boyfriend anthony

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life & family surroundings, living comfortably but happy! AGREED!!!

Biggest Achievement:facing anorexia adn still struggling but being able to conceive is good enough recovery for me right now although actually eating ok now is a HUGE HUGE achievment for me

Grandest Wish: anorexia to disapear and be replaed by my lil girl and live happily ever after

What You Can't Live Without: my bf anthony my PC and the sims 2
A Little About Me

Name: Sian

Age: 36

Location: Drayton, Portsmouth

Occupation: Stay at Home Mum

Short Personal Description: I'm a SAHM to three gorgeous children, Mia 7, Seth 4 and Noah whose just turned two.
I have lived in Portsmouth all my life and met my hubby Daniel here while he was on leave from the Navy, he is now a plumber and electrcian with his own fledgling business - we have been married for 10 years


Hobbies: Internet, yoga and swimming

Color: Beige

Food: Pasta salad

Hang-out: online, love making new friends

Music: 60s

Books: PS I Love You

Movies: Anything Disney!

TV Shows: Eastenders, Home Birth Diaries and Only Fools and Horses

Authors: Celia Ahern, Annie Murray

Cartoon Character: Tom & Jerry

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Botswana

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mother

Greatest Ambition: For my children to be happy and healthy

Biggest Achievement: Delivering three children into the world

Grandest Wish: Eternal happiness

What You Can't Live Without: Chocolate
A Little About Me

Name: Charlotte

Age: 22

Location: essex

Occupation: Stay at Home Mum

Short Personal Description: im a SAHM to my gorgeous little prince brendan who is 19 months old


Hobbies: going on internet, watching films, reborning

Color: pink

Food: i dont have a fav i chop and change with things i like and dont

Hang-out: online

Music: various

Books: i dont really like to read

Movies: i love so many films, especially disney!

TV Shows: Eastenders, hollyoaks, and at the moment big brother

Authors: none

Cartoon Character: charlie and lola lol

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: disney world america!!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mum i guess

Greatest Ambition: to look after my son (and my baby to come) as best i can

Biggest Achievement: my baby brendan

Grandest Wish: to never have to grow old and die

What You Can't Live Without: my son and hubby

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