A Little About Me A Little About You

A Little About Me

Name: Nicola

Age: 27

Location: Nottingham, England

Occupation: Software Trainer

Short Personal Description: I have been married for 3 years, and trying for a baby for 6 months this will be our first.

Favorites: Movies

Hobbies: Reading, Shopping, Swimming, and spending time with my Husband

Color: Purple

Food: Almost everything

Hang-out: Mainly at home

Music: anything I can sing to (and loud enough that you can't hear me sing :) )

Books: Vampire Chronicles

Movies: Most recent Wall-E will always love Lord of the Rings

TV Shows: Red Dwarf

Authors: Anne Rice

Cartoon Character: Tweety Pie

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband and My Parents

Greatest Ambition: Live life as it comes

Biggest Achievement: Being the first person in my family to get a university Degree

What You Can't Live Without: Chocolate and Sex. LOL
Little About Me

Name: erika:hi:
Age: 29

Location: Hershey, PA

Occupation: Dispatcher

Short Personal Description: 29 years works full time TTC with my partner for over a year now and not having no luck..:bfn: all the time I had a miscarriage on 8-19-05 RIP my angel :sadangel:and ever since then nada yet

Favorites: i love all types of music

Hobbies: Internet and traveling

Color: Black and blue

Food: italian

Hang-out: homebody

Music: anything with a good beat:happydance:

Books: not a book person more of a magazine

Movies: suspense or comedies I don't do horror to chicken

TV Shows: Not really into TV but likes wrestling


Cartoon Character: eyeore

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mother my queen

Greatest Ambition:

Biggest Achievement: Separating from my husband:yipee:

Grandest Wish: to finally have a child

What You Can't Live Without : my family and chocolate especially when AF is around
About me

Age: 29

Location: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Sales

Short Personal Description: I am an RN and recently married. I have been ttc since July of 2008 and had a (+) first try.


Hobbies: The internet, shopping

Color: Black, Grey

Food: Vietnamese

Hang-out: Restaurants with friends

Music: Dance, Hip-Hop, Reggae

Books: Tuesday's With Morrie

Movies: Dirty Dancing, The Notebook

TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy, CSI, House, Desperate Housewives

Authors: cant think of any lol

Cartoon Character: Stewie

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Vietname, Thailand

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My grandfather

Greatest Ambition: To make enough money I can retire at a very young age

Biggest Achievement: 6 figures before 30

Grandest Wish: To win a huge lottery without having anything bad happen in life

What You Can't Live Without : My computer and shopping
About me:

Name: Ellen

Location: Warrington

Age: 27

Family: Elise 8 and half months

Job: I work in Pathology at Warrington Hospital but am actually looking for a career move - no idea what yet!

Hobbies: Internet, shopping, fashion, card making, scrapbooking

Music: Dance, RnB, most things really if it's a catchy tune or I can dance to it!

TV shows: Eastenders, Next Top Model, Family Guy.... lots of other things - cant think!

Books: The Forgotten Garden - Kate Morton
The Other Boleyn Girl - Philippa Gregory
Harry Potter series

What I couldn't live without: Love, hugs, my little girl, my laptop.... and mascara!
About me

Age: 28 (for one more month)

Location: Oregon

Occupation: CPA

Short Personal Description: I am engaged and TTC, have been trying for one month, keeping our fingers crossed.


Hobbies: Quilting, reading, Wii, hanging out with friends

Color: Blue, Brown

Food: Anything with Blue Cheese and Rosmary

Hang-out: Restaurants with friends

Music: Anything with a lyric I can sing along to

Books: Romance Novels

Movies: Princess Bride, Life is Beautiful

TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy

Authors: Nora Roberts

Cartoon Character: Stan, from South Park

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Greece

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My fiancee

Greatest Ambition: To have a family

Biggest Achievement: MBA

Grandest Wish: To be happy

What You Can't Live Without : shopping and friends
Age: 33

Location: Wales

Occupation: Sales Manager for IT / Hosting company

Short Personal Description: Married for 4 years this year and just found out we are having a baby.... only 4 weeks so early days....

Hobbies: Reading, web design, chatting

Color: Red

Food:philadelphia cheese and anything :)

Music: Varied, including Sara Bareilles, bon jovi, crowded house, ting tings etc

Books: Chick lit is always a good choice :)

Movies: jerry maguire, the wizard of oz

TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Criminal Minds

Authors: Patricia Cornwell, Danielle Steel, Freya North etc

Cartoon Character: Daffy Duck

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Hubby

Greatest Ambition: To be a good mum

Biggest Achievement: Passing my driving test finally !

Grandest Wish: To be a good mum and have healthy babies

What You Can't Live Without : hubby and cat
About me

Age: 32

Location: Devon,UK

Occupation: Management Accountant

Short Personal Description: Got married last year, fell pregnant after trying for 2 months, v v excited


Hobbies: Once I pass my exams I might have some time for some hobbies

Color: Red

Food: Anything, I'm not fussy

Music: Most types apart from Heavy metal and Classical

Movies: Little Miss Sunshine

TV Shows: CSI, House

Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny

Digging Deeper:

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: To have a healthy happy family

Biggest Achievement: Getting one professional qualification, and very closeto getting another

Grandest Wish: To emigrate

What You Can't Live Without : My Husband
About me

Age: 19 [going on 86]

Location: South Shields (Tyne and Wear) UK

Occupation: unemployed

Short Personal Description:
Had Laparoscopy at 18, was told to be looking toward IVF due to the outcome, miraculously fell pregnant a year after being told that... hurraaahh!

Favorites: I'm not fussy to be honest

Hobbies: To be honest, the interests for me and my partner lie within Japanese Performance Cars

Color: Past caring these days lol

Food: Everything lol

Music: LOTS

Movies: Kids films

TV Shows: Rarely watch TV, but when we do we watch things like Everybody Loves Raymond and Ninja Warrior

Cartoon Character: oooh thats a hard one...

Digging Deeper:

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Definately Matthew my partner

Greatest Ambition: Always wanted a family

Biggest Achievement: Getting my life back on track when I met Matthew, he put me back on the rails so to speak

Grandest Wish:
I'm happy with my life to be honest

What You Can't Live Without : Ohhh, I don't know. Matthew I think, he's always there for me.
Name: Dee

Age: 34

Location: Buckinghamshire, UK

Occupation: 'Problem solver' for amazon

Short Personal Description: I work full time on the late shift and live with my OH... who I met online! We've been together for over 9 years and we're in the middle of planning our wedding for Sept 2009. We've been TTC for about a year and a half now.... nothing :(


Hobbies: Internet, reading, shopping, concerts

Color: Red

Food: Chinese

Hang-out: Online

Music: anything but mostly Popera (Il Divo... obsessed!)

Books: I'll give anything a go

Movies: Pretty in Pink, Gladiator, original Star Wars!

TV Shows: All CSI's and Law & Order's

Authors: Penny Jordan and Katie Fforde

Cartoon Character: Dangermouse

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Canada or Switzerland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents

Greatest Ambition: To be a mum!

Biggest Achievement: ..... ??

Grandest Wish: Again, to be a mum!

What You Can't Live Without: My laptop... and chocolate!

Name: Kat

Age: 26

Location: North East

Occupation: Customer Service Team Manager

Short Personal Description: I work full time as a manager and love my job. I live with my partner of 5 years and we are planning our wedding for around this time next year. I began TTC in September 2006. I had a miscarriage on 12/04/08 at (we think) around 10 weeks. Sleep tight angel baby. No luck since then, fingers tightly crossed every month.


Hobbies: The internet, reading, going out for meals, fty), shopping, eating out, shopping (including window shopping), going to concerts and the cinema.

Colour: Not too fussy.

Food: Italian, Chinese and anything full of garlic.

Hang-out: At home!

Music: Really varied, I like so much, it depends on my mood.

Books: Chick Lit! Everything and anything by my favourite authors below... Also like autobiographies.

Movies: Loads- Greenmile, Coyote Ugly, PS I Love You, Bad Boys, Fast and Furious, Notting Hill, Anti Trust, .... very varied!

TV Shows: Lost, Prison Break, 24, Eastenders, Holyoakes.

Authors: Adele Parks, Emlyn Rees, Jane Green, Cecelia Ahearn, Alisn Penton Harper, Mike Gayle.

Cartoon Character: Whinnie the pooh

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: America, Canada and Italy.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My fiance

Greatest Ambition: To not only be a mammy, but to be the best mammy I possibly can be, to achieve this and stay as content in myself as I am now.

Biggest Achievement: Being me

Grandest Wish: To have a healthy, happy baby, to became a mother.

What You Can't Live Without: My fiance, my security and my pc!
Name: Heather

Age: 27

Location: USA .. Maine

Occupation: Work at home and full time mom

Short Personal Description: I currently work from home full-time & part-time. I was originally born in Philadelphia, I have a beautiful son who's 8.. and try for baby # 2... been with my fiance for 7 years.. wink:


Hobbies: Internet, reading, working out, skating, my son and fiance

Color: Pink and blue

Food: Mexican and Chinese, and italian just not SPAG!

Hang-out: Online with you guys :wink:

Music: Country

Books: Romance! Janet Evanchich! stephaine plum series

Movies: teen witch, pretty woman, bring it on and bring it on all or nothing haha i know!, speed, and too many others

TV Shows: Smallsville, heros, OTH, All my children, GH, One life to live

Authors: Janet Evanchich

Cartoon Character: none lol

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italty

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my fiance

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life & take care of my family

Biggest Achievement: getting out of my abusive relationship.

Grandest Wish: to have another child..

What You Can't Live Without: my son, my fiance, my Laptop, and my cell phone, and my mom i love her
A Little About Me

Name: Jayleigh

Age: 18

Location: Leicester, England

Occupation: Full Time Student/Part-Time Bar Staff

Short Personal Description: I'm 18 and currently studing BTEC National Diploma in Health and Social Care, hopefully going to Uni after to do BSC Honours in Midwifery. We are ttc#1


Hobbies: T'interweb, reading horror stories, swimming, going pub :)

Color: Pink

Food: Everything lol

Hang-out: Home

Music: Anything! Loving Chris Brown atm!

Books: Horror

Movies: Shawshank Redemption

TV Shows: The Mighty Boosh

Authors: James Herbet

Cartoon Character: The white Biker Mice from Biker Mice from Mars(Random I know!)

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: New Zealand

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: Move to Canada

Biggest Achievement: I will be(hopefully, if all goes to plan) the only person in my family to have gone to University.

What You Can't Live Without: Air/Food/Water/Baby Dancing!! lol
A Little About Me :headspin:

Name: Elli

Age: 21

Location: Lincolnshire, UK.

Occupation: Care assisstant for the elderly.

Short Personal Description: I'm 21, im a mum and a wife :) and a part time carer...


Hobbies: Reading, Watching movies, Making mess with my kids :happydance: and i love walking.

Color: Purple or Orange

Food: Anything thats naughty and that im not allowed :muaha:

Hang-out: Home, with my family.

Music: A bit of everything.

Books: A shadow of the wind....And any james patterson.

Movies: Always and anything with robin williams in.

TV Shows: Eastenders

Authors: James Patterson and Emma Blair

Cartoon Character: Tom and Jerry..Legends!

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Im happy in UK.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Nan And Gramps.

Greatest Ambition: Ive already done it, had my kids. :cloud9:

Biggest Achievement: My kids...Im completely in love with them and i feel proud everytime they call me mummy and want a cuddle.

What You Can't Live Without: My family, BnB and Ben and Jerrys frozen Yoghurt.
About me

Name: Jo

Age: 25

Location: Milton Keynes, Bucks

Occupation: Not working atm but looking forward to going back when bay is old enough.

Short Personal Description: Recently moved to Mk from SE london in jan and don't know anyone yet! Have a DS, aged 8 who is beautiful and looking forward to birth of my little girl due on Halloween.


Hobbies: Crafts, reading, drinking tea, music and generally being daft.

Color: Red

Food: Chinese or Italian

Hang-out: No where, I'm not a hood rat lol!

Music: 'Alternative' punky kinda tunes

Books: Fantasy/sci-fi

Movies: Benji!

TV Shows: Lost, Twin Peaks, QI

Authors: Robert Rankin

Cartoon Character: Lois Griffin

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Hawaii

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My son, he's made me a better person.

Greatest Ambition: To have a healthy, happy family.

Biggest Achievement: My beautiful babies

Grandest Wish: For my babies to grow up and to know their mum did everything she could for them.

What You Can't Live Without : My children.
A Little About Me

Name: sarah

Age: 33

Location: newton abbot,devon

Occupation: auxcillay nurse

Short Personal Description: i'm 33 my first pregency

Hobbies: Internet,eatting out,shopping

Color: pink

Food: roast


Music: alsorts

Books: any james patterson books

Movies: The Greenmile, , Saving private Ryan & quite a Disney fan!

TV Shows: Eastenders,


Cartoon Character: winnie the pooh
Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: america and canada

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my parrents

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life & family surroundings, living comfortably but happy!

Biggest Achievement:

Grandest Wish: Fate to let me be happy!

What You Can't Live Without: My PC!
A Little About Me

Name: Heather, but everybody calls me Kitty because I've always had cats

Age: 29

Location: Eastbourne, East Sussex

Occupation: House Momma

Short Personal Description: I was born in Maine in the USA, and plan to return there with my fiancee and children in a few years time. I'm the keep quiet sort until I get to know people, but also think I'm a friendly kinda girl.

Hobbies: animals, horseback riding, reading, writing, art, music, surfing the InterWeb

Color: emerald green and purple equally

Food: Chicken!

Hang-out: with my son and dog in the park

Music: rock, though I listen to everything except from most rap, trance and that techno stuff

Books: Black Beauty and anything Stephen King

Movies: The Crow, Will Ferrell or Ben Stiller movies... I like movies that make me laugh

TV Shows: Doctor Who, Torchwood, It's Me or the Dog, history type documentaries about Egypt, documentaries on big cats, Parelli Natural Horsemanship programs

Authors: Stephen King, Anne Rice, Terry Pratchett

Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: can't think of any

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Mom

Greatest Ambition: To take my little family and take them home to Maine; give them a taste of the life I had before I moved to England!

Biggest Achievement: Raising my Autistic son

Grandest Wish: A healthy, happy family

What You Can't Live Without: my family and my animals
A Little About Me

Name: Kendra

Age: 28

Location: Northern California

Occupation: finally getting settled in from moving across country

Short Personal Description: I met my hubby 2 be a year and half ago. He is quite far the best thing that has happened to me, now we are expecting. I am an only child. My mother is a survior of Ovarian Cancer for 27 years now.

Favorites: ....relaxing....

Hobbies: Internet, Movies, Cooking, spending time with my family and friends.

Color: blue

Food: stuffed cheese pasta shells

Hang-out: out by the pool

Music: Alt. and some Country

Books: Novels, Murder Mystery

Movies: to many to mention... love all disney movies

TV Shows: The Closer, Saving Grace, Monk, Burn Notice, Pysch to name a few.

Authors: James Patterson

Cartoon Character: Pooh

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: France

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom

Greatest Ambition: To be a wonder mom and loving wife.

Biggest Achievement: Improving my Life.

Grandest Wish: to have a healthy baby.

What You Can't Live Without : My wonderful family and friends.
About me
Name: Emma

Age: 19

Location: Leicester, UK

Occupation: Unemployed and looking :S

Short Personal Description: Left college last year after doing my alvels in Art andwTextiles, been lookin for a full time job for a while now. Living with my fiance been 2gether for over 2years now....


Hobbies: Being with my mates and fiance, the internet, shopping, music...

Color: Yellow

Food: Curry or anything spicy!

Hang-out: round my flat with my mates or down the pub

Music: OASIS!!!! I am pretty obsessed with them tbh :)

Books: Da Vinci Code

Movies: Titanic, American Pie, Gladiator, Legally Blonde... I have loads!

TV Shows: South Park! Comedy progs realli

Authors: Dunno

Cartoon Character: Tigger :)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Egypt

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My fiance and mum

Greatest Ambition: Just to be happy and succesful

Biggest Achievement: Dunno..

Grandest Wish: To be rich and happy

What You Can't Live Without : My fiance, friends and music!

A pic of me:

A Little About Me

Name: kelsey

Age: 34

Location: hebburn tyne and wear

Occupation: domestic

Short Personal Description: quiet easy going

Hobbies: Internet

Color: green

Food: chocolate


Music: anthing realy

Books: torey hayden

Movies: armageddon coyote ugly

TV Shows: Eastenders


Cartoon Character: sponge bob

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: new zealand and canada

Most Influential Person in Your Life: parents

Greatest Ambition: have asecond baby

Biggest Achievement:

Grandest Wish:

What You Can't Live Without: laptop
A Little About Me

Name: Heather

Age: 16

Location: Hull, Yorkshire

Occupation: Childcare course at college

Short Personal Description: well what can i say im a fun, bubbly person. who will always listen to someone if they have a problem. im currently 6 months pregnant with a little boy and i cant wait to meet him :D


Hobbies: Horse riding

Color: lilac

Food: double cheeseburgers lol, lasagna, chicken supreme

Hang-out: online and at the pool with OH

Music: RnB, Hip-hop stuff like that

Books: Secrets

Movies: Step up and Flicka

TV Shows: Eastenders, big brother

Authors: Lesley Pearse

Cartoon Character: winnie the pooh

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: America, Africa and ibiza

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My OH

Greatest Ambition: To make something of my life and be a good mum at the same time.

Biggest Achievement: Passing my GCSE's :happydance:

Grandest Wish: To have a healthy baby at the end of my pregnancy:cloud9:

What You Can't Live Without: PC and tv and my OH

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