Thanks for all your kind thoughts.
I'm now two days into the m/c and finally the physical pain is settling down and everything appears to have come away. Scan in 3 weeks will hopefully show nothing has been left inside, which is my concern now as I dont want to be dealing with infection or anything.
I've got the rest of the week off work so I'm going to rest up and get back into preping and planning my classes.
We're thinking we'll try again next year... possibly May time if we can find an obvious, easy to fix problem, that will make next pregnancy viable. After two m/c in 3/4 months it is getting so hard to deal with. One m/c is bad luck but two would suggest something more may be going on.
I watched an interesting segment on This Morning (UK) yesterday about a woman who had several m/c only to find she had killer cells. Basically an over sensitive immune system that fought off her pregnancies as it saw baby as a threat that had to be gotten out of the body.
Aparently test can only be done privately but I'm thinking I'll pay the £100 to put that possibility out of my mind. Some steriods would be all I'd need if it was the problem. We'll see!
Sorry for the big post... just getting my thoughts out there! He He xxx