Hey Beanz
I've heard that you are actually much more fertile in the first few months after coming off the pill (maybe an influx of hormones or something)! Before I knew that, I had waited 3 months (doh), but managed to get pregnant first try and I know what you mean by unexpected! Unfortunately, it was a chemical pregnancy, so here I am day 19 of month number 3.
All I can say is that I had loads more symptoms (or so I thought) last month than both the first and this month, so I guess you never can tell!
At the mo, I'm feeling a bit sicky when I haven't eaten for an hour or two and had a dizzy spell today, but I'm thinking it must be in my head as I'm only about 6/7DPO!
When are you going to test? I'm thinking I can't wait much past Friday which will be 10DPO or CD22 of 25/26 day cycle! Patience is not one of my strong points!