Aaaggghhh Weight Gain


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
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Well I keep putting off weighing myself every morning, then this morning I couldn't resist, I got on the scales and to my shock I have gained 11 pounds already and i'm only 16 weeks tomorrow.

I have been eating a little more but nothing too much - am worrying now.

Think I need to go get me a swimming costume :)

If it bothers you, fix it soon, because you will get into a bad habit. That said, everyone puts on weight when they're pregnant. At the end 28lb on average of your weight gain is baby & all the bits that come with it.
if you have been eating normally i wouldnt worry its obviously the baby if you havent changed your eating habits, just eat heathy and small regular meals.

I know what you mean, i havent dared go anywhere near the scales.
Im just going to go on a strict diet and exercise after ive had the baby.
I wouldnt worry i stepped on the scales to see that i have put on 2 stone this morning!!

I havent checked!! To be honest im not bothered i know babys the right size so thats all thats important i can lose it after!
Ive put on half a stone so far... i weighed myself this morning and actually found myself being a little bit upset that i havent put on more!
I would nt worry that much... my bmi was 21 and so far i have put on 7.5 pounds... i am 17 weeks, so the way i see it's not too bad...
Although statistics vary and every woman is different, I have read that about 10-12lbs per trimester is normal and healthy.

I weigh myself once a week, I have done for years, and am just keeping track of it with curiosity really. I don't want to gain too much as I was already quite overweight pre-pregnancy, but at the same time I'm not stressing about it.

Don't worry hun, just see how it goes and if your MW doesn't express any worry then don't you stress about it.
Because I had bad sickness until about 18 weeks I hardly at anything. I finally got on my scales at the weekend and I have only put on 3lbs so far lol watch me pile it on towards the end!!!
I have gained 24 pounds so far and I'm 7 months along 28 weeks 1 day, I thought I was doing pretty good since my sister gained 80 with my niece and my mom gained 80 with me but leave it to the good ole doc to make me feel like poo at my last appt and said I have gained too much. I just cried all the way home.
I have gained 24 pounds so far and I'm 7 months along 28 weeks 1 day, I thought I was doing pretty good since my sister gained 80 with my niece and my mom gained 80 with me but leave it to the good ole doc to make me feel like poo at my last appt and said I have gained too much. I just cried all the way home.

Rotten doctor! You have not gained too much weight.
I have gained 24 pounds so far and I'm 7 months along 28 weeks 1 day, I thought I was doing pretty good since my sister gained 80 with my niece and my mom gained 80 with me but leave it to the good ole doc to make me feel like poo at my last appt and said I have gained too much. I just cried all the way home.

heh. My mum put on 80lb, she would have sat on the dr's head. It was her favourite threat
I will crush you!!!!!

your weight gain sounds fine to me.

My midwife is not even weighing me. I have my own scales but they seem very unreliable. Either that or I am very fat. Though I weighed myself at the doctors and I was a lot less than what my scales said. I'm trying not to emulate my mother but Im so hungry all the time :(
I am having the scale issue problem here at work too, It'll say like 3 pounds and then when I go to the dr his will say 6. I think a lot of it's water and I have decided I am not weighing at work anymore!!!
heh. My mum put on 80lb, she would have sat on the dr's head. It was her favourite threat
I will crush you!!!!!


My midwife is not even weighing me. I have my own scales but they seem very unreliable. Either that or I am very fat. Though I weighed myself at the doctors and I was a lot less than what my scales said. I'm trying not to emulate my mother but Im so hungry all the time :(

My midwife hasn't weighed me either, she didn't even ask my weight at my last appointment, and I had weighed myself a day early for her too!!
I have put on 23 lbs in 28 weeks....the doc says its fine. I was 128 when i started
I put on 12 pounds FAST, within the first trimester. Now I'm not putting much, if anything, on each week. I'm now 15 pounds up at 25+ weeks.

The Dr. hasn't commented, the baby is fine so I'm not worried. I eat when I'm hungry and try and pick healthy choices. My DH actually thinks I'm losing weight in other places (and I had *some* to lose too).

Everyone gains weight differently. As long as everything else is going well (bp, swelling, etc) then I wouldn't worry about it.
I think that sounds compleatley normal hun.
Iam ab normal lol , Havent gained a pound !! , I have actually lost a few pounds .. But baby bump is still there so i feel ok with that . xxx .
I put on 12 pounds FAST, within the first trimester. Now I'm not putting much, if anything, on each week. I'm now 15 pounds up at 25+ weeks.

The Dr. hasn't commented, the baby is fine so I'm not worried. I eat when I'm hungry and try and pick healthy choices. My DH actually thinks I'm losing weight in other places (and I had *some* to lose too).

Everyone gains weight differently. As long as everything else is going well (bp, swelling, etc) then I wouldn't worry about it.

Its the same with me! I've put on about 13 lbs so far, and 9 of that was in the first tri!
As long as you're eating healthy and listening to your body as to when you're hungry and full, don't sweat it. Just don't give yourself free access to all the goodies on account of your pregnancy!

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