Advice Needed-Amniotic Fluid situation


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Jan 6, 2016
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Hello all- im sorry this will be long. I am 35.5 weeks along and over this past month I have basically started dealing with incontenince as the baby weighs heavier on my bladder. When I have to go, my body doesnt wait for me to make it to the bathroom. I just go. There is no holding it anymore, so i have had many episodes where it just trickles out on the way and i have to change. That, i know is urine.

Over this past weekend, however, i woke and found the crotch of my underwear and pj pants were wet. Not dripping wet, but a very large area of wetness in the crotch area. I changed and used the bathroom. There was no smell to the leakage. Within minutes i found that part of the crotch of the underwear and pants i just changed into got wet and i had to change again. This happened three times with slightly less leakage each time. I never felt any gush, big or small, i just felt wet and it made me check each time.

I became concerned because this was more than my usual urine leakage, so i went right in to labor & delivery. There they did a pelvic and did a swab from the vaginal wall even though the doctor said there wasnt really anything pooled inside that he could see. He did a test on nitrazine paper and then viewed a sample under a microscope to check for ferning. Neither came up positive. He then did an ultrasound to check amniotic fluid level, and finished saying "it looked normal." Twenty minutes later four people come into the room with him, suddenly saying that they need to do another ultrasound because the first one "might be borderline to low" level. Why wasnt i told this in the first place???

So they did another ultrasound and finished once again saying that the level was fine. They wound up releasing me, telling me to follow up with my ob at my regular appointment which was a few days later. I went to my appointment only to find out two very disturbing things... 1) My urinalysis at the ob office shows white blood dells, keitones, and traces of blood indicating a bladder or urinary tract infection. I gave urine at l & d and they didnt even test it. 2) The labor & delivery doctir sent an order for the ob to do yet ANOTHER ultrasound amniotic fluid check in 3 days. No mention of this to me, no explanations from anyone in labor & delivery during my visit, nothing. But now I suddenly have a third amniotic fluid ultrasound check coming after i was told twice that it was "fine."

When i questioned my ob, i got no answers there either. I tried to explain that now i am very concerned if those fluid tests were false negatives, then isnt it dangerous for me to have to wait days longer to have another fluid check due to the risk of infection complicating things further??? The answer that i got was "if you experience more leakage between now and then, go back to labor & delivery." That in no way answered my question. I am so frustrated!

On top of tge amniotic fluid worry, I have the added on worry about this bladder or urinary tract infection that i am STILL waiting for antibiotics on because they sent the sample to the lab to culture it. I have gotten nothing answered and i feel as though i have been left in the dark on everything. Now i am left worrying about the well being of my baby until Friday when i have this ultrasound... But even then, i may still be left in the dark!

I am reading that amniotic leaks, slow or full on, when detected, labor is normally induced WITHIN 24 HOURS because of the serious risk of infection. Why am i being told i have to wait this long, going on a week, to get to the bottom of this?????

Part of me wonders if the spell of wet underwear was linked to the bladder infection or uti, but another part of me still worries that it could be amniotic fluid and they are taking their time trying to figure this out. I have not had anymore leakage to that degree since i went to labor & delivery for help, i am back to quarter-sized spots in my underwear from urine that i have been dealing with for a month now. But i still dont know what to think anymore?????

Labor & delivery were no help, and my OB is no help... Where do i even turn anymore??!!!
I'm not entirely sure why they are doing all of the amniotic fluid checks if 'all is normal', but if it makes you feel any better, ive had the same wetness issue. MW has said that discharge picks up ALOT at this stage of pregnancy, and I remember from my son that this went on until delivery with him as well. So, it could just be that. However, your OB should be keeping you well informed. I'd be pissed if they just didn't answer me at all about why they are doing this or that. That's very worrisome for us mommas!!!
I hope you get some answers soon!
I really wouldn't worry. If it were amniotic fluid, the hospital tests would have picked it up. Especially that strip test, it's extremely accurate. Same thing happened to my bff she was absolutely convinced she was leaking fluid and was in and out of LD. Turned out she was slightly peeing herself and had no idea! Kept insisting it wasn't urine that's how sure she was. I think at most u have a UTI that's about it
That's annoying that they missed your UTI and are keeping you in the dark a little bit, but honestly, it's probably nothing. If they were worried about levels, they would definitely tell you. They're probably just being cautious. Anyway, as long as you aren't leaking fluid (which it sounds like they ruled out), amniotic fluid can be replenished if you keep yourself super hydrated. I've heard of women having scans that show low fluid one day and 24 hours later it's back to perfect levels. PS - I am having tons of weird discharge too and get my underwear pretty wet without realizing it too (TMI, lol). Good luck!
Glad they are checking it out. I don't get why they didn't prescribe antibiotics fr the UTI and want to wait another few days fr a culture. Surely a broad spectrum antibiotic would do the job?
Take care!
The infection could be anything as simple as thrush which can come through as wetness or thick white discharge depending on what degree its at, I know this as I have had the ketones picked up in wee samples before and had a little itch going on at the time lol. Have you any itching in that area? ALso for the leakage during pregnanacy I get really sensitivve to caffeine especially in tea, do you drink alot of tea or coffee? Even one cup gives me a problem. Just trying to offer some practical advice on all the annoyances of pregnancy :)
The infection could be anything as simple as thrush which can come through as wetness or thick white discharge depending on what degree its at, I know this as I have had the ketones picked up in wee samples before and had a little itch going on at the time lol. Have you any itching in that area? ALso for the leakage during pregnanacy I get really sensitivve to caffeine especially in tea, do you drink alot of tea or coffee? Even one cup gives me a problem. Just trying to offer some practical advice on all the annoyances of pregnancy :)

Hello, thank you for the reply! I have actually stayed away from caffeine entirely this whole pregnancy, and i havent had any itching in that area either, so it has been very confusing to narrow down whats going on! I am currently trying to get this fluid check moved up so that i can get some answers sooner. I hope i can get this done and get some peace of mind! Thank you so much for your input!

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