Advice on everything!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2011
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I had my little man at 31+5 due to severe pre eclampsia, he would now be 34 weeks. Found it really hard at first as I couldn't see him for the first 2 days due to being so ill and it has really taken some time to bond with him.

Not being quite with it, just wondered what advice anyone can give me as a lot of the info I was given at first went right over my head!

He was 1.64kg when he was born and so far has put 50g on. What is the normal weight gain each week?
Also what can I do to help with him learning to feed - he is tube fed at the minute.

Any advice is appreciated, I'm not prepared at all and feel like I know nothing!
Congratulations on your little man :hugs: I had Sophie at 27 weeks due to severe pre eclampsia, and I too had to wait to see her, although it was just 24 hours for me. I didn't feel as if I bonded with her at all at first - I was terrified to get too attached to her in case anything happened, and scared to touch her when the nurses said I could.

You WILL bond though - it may take time but once LO is home, you will, I promise. I found that once we had her here with us and it was us looking after her all the time, I really started to feel like her mummy. I spent a LOT of time worrying in case I'd never feel properly like her mummy, but I really do now, and Sophie and I are so close. Honestly, when LO starts putting his arms up to you for a hug, or climbing onto your knee for cuddles, and calling you mummy, you really will feel as if you've bonded. Those things are such a big deal to a preemie mummy!

For now, just do all you can do, all his cares, talk to him, read to him, and ask questions. If there is anything you don't understand, ask the nurses.

Sophie was 845g when she was born (1lb 13oz) and she took a little while to start gaining weight, but after she started, she gained 3oz every time she was weighed, which was every 3 days. She was put onto 50/50 breastmilk/formula for a couple of weeks to help her gain weight, then back to just breastmilk. I know every baby is different though and I'm sure the nurses would tell you if they weren't happy with his weight gain.

As for the feeding, they don't have the sucking reflex before a certain time - I can't remember exactly when that is, but I know I got to try my first breastfeed with Sophie on my birthday, when she was 2 months old, so around 35 weeks. In the week or so before that, they gave her a teeny little dummy to encourage her to start sucking, and they used to get us to give her that while she was having her tube feeds so that she would start to connect sucking with milk going into her tummy.

I had to stay overnight for 6 nights to get bf established - that was when she was 37 weeks, and we got her home 6 days before her due date.

I hope you and your little man are doing ok - if you have any questions at all, the ladies on here are so helpful :)

Congratulations on your arrival.

The only advise i would give you is take everything as it comes, dont rush anything and let your baby do everything in their ownt ime. I know its frustrating but he'll do everything when he's ready. our little girl was rushed with things and ended up taking steps backwards so we just let things happen as they should.

Just look towards your due date as thats when he would've arrived and anytime he's home before this is a bonus.

Wish you all the best xx
I know with my lo they said 30g a day but he was so tiny they (2lb 1) that they were accepting 15g per day and he was weighed every 3rd night. He was put on breast milk fortifier (which was added to my milk) but that was so he would gain even more weight to help his lungs grow (Reece has severe chronic lung disease due to his premiturity and the group b strep he contracted at 10 days), Its a roller coaster but you will get there in the end. The staff gave reece a premmie dummie to encourage the non nutritive sucking at 27 weeks gestation to help encourage sucking and we gave it to him when he was having tube feeds to help him associate full tummy with sucking. xx

I'm so glad I came across your post. I have just come out of hospital after having my little Ethan at 31 weeks 2 days following severe pre-eclmpsia. I am completely lost at the moment and just trying to work it all out in my head; so your posts really help. xx

I'm so glad I came across your post. I have just come out of hospital after having my little Ethan at 31 weeks 2 days following severe pre-eclmpsia. I am completely lost at the moment and just trying to work it all out in my head; so your posts really help. xx

Congratulations on the arrival of Ethan. I'm here if you need to talk to anyone. It took me a long time, several counselling sessions etc to even begin to get my head around everything but I'm getting there now. :hugs::hugs:

I'm so glad I came across your post. I have just come out of hospital after having my little Ethan at 31 weeks 2 days following severe pre-eclmpsia. I am completely lost at the moment and just trying to work it all out in my head; so your posts really help. xx

Congratulations on the arrival of Ethan. I'm here if you need to talk to anyone. It took me a long time, several counselling sessions etc to even begin to get my head around everything but I'm getting there now. :hugs::hugs:

Thanks so much :flower:

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