Sorry for the lack of update. Kyle has been battling seizures for the past three weeks. It finally got under control with high dosage of Versed but as they tried to wean it down the seizures came back and now the same dosage that had it under control before is no longer working. If any of you are on FB would you mind posting my update to see if anyone in your circles knows anyone that can help? I'm pretty much at a total loss here as to what else there is that I can do.
This is what I posted on my FB page:
Dear friends, I've been too sad, embarrassed, and ashamed to post this update but I forgot that Facebook could be such a great source of information so here it is: I was admitted to the hospital on May 20th at 22 weeks and gave birth to the twins on June 3rd at 24 weeks. Our little girl Paige died in our arms after 10 hours and our little boy Kyle is now almost five weeks old but is still in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) fighting for his life. Kyle has gone through some extremely bad days battling seizures. The seizures were under control for a little while and he was doing better but they returned as the doctors tried to wean down his medication. His seizures are now getting worse and he's had 64 seizures in the past 24 hours!!!!
If anyone is or knows anyone going through similar situations, or knows anyone in the medical field that can shed some light on the situation, please do share!! Kyle's detailed NICU journey is in my blog here:
Thank you!!