

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2010
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Last night there was a documentary on alcohol consumption, and how it has become increasingly common to find alcoholics, even amongst the "respectable middle class".

So it got me thinking, why do people drink alcohol? Can people live without alcohol? Is it symbolic of a general societal ill? Why are we allowed to buy something that intoxicates us? Why is it different from illegal class A drugs, yet the end result is intoxication?

From the ages of 15 to about 20, I used to drink alot. I was a binge drinker. I didn't drink all the time, but when I did drink, nights out and parties, I was always completely drunk at the end. After that age, I used to drink, very rarely, an in relative moderation. Now I don't drink at all. The reason I used to drink was because I didn't have the confidence to socialize, dance etc, and needed a drink to "enjoy myself".

Now I don't even like the feeling of being "lightheaded" even with just one sip. I prefer to actually socialize sober, as I feel when I have had a drink, I miss out alot.

Do you drink?

If so why? How much?

Do you think its a general problem, or just something people are over-thinking?
I don't have the complete confidence to go on a night out if I'm not drinking tbh, it's quite sad but I do come out of my shell after a few drinks and I like the person I become after a few wines. I'm far more outgoing and I'd never step on a dance floor without a drink!
I don't go out as much anymore, I think while LO is this age I've no need for that kind of social life, I'm not a big drinker at home but will if we have company.
The state of town centres these days are shocking, I feel embarrassed to hae been part of the culture at one point, I've taken my fair share of drunken stumbles. And no wonder the rest Europe hate our alcohol culture when you see rogrammes such as benidorm ER and so on.... Although the businesses probably wouldn't survive without them!
I wish we could have a happy medium but it's not possible. The government I believe can't do much more in regards to prices of alcohol ect, people will still find a way of chep drinking as well as supermarkets find a way of selling cheap booze.
I use to drink alot especially between the ages of 22 and 25 before i fell pregnant and it was a social reasons tbh i dont really like alcohol so i guess i use to drink it for the effects more than anything.
Personal experience has changed my thoughts on drinking and all i associate it with is negative experience even if that only happens to be a 3 day hangover after lol!!! since first being pregnant 8 years ago now, i only drink when i go out socially buts thats a very rare thing, i have sort of been there done that, i'd rather go out for a meal or have friends round then do pubs/clubs.

I think alcohol is a problem, its the cause of a lot of problems but i guess people can choose whether they drink it or not and its not in a sense an excuse for behaviour but i definitely think that alot of things wouldnt happen that have happened whilst a person was drunk that wouldnt if they were sober iykwim.
I come from a family of heavy drinkers and have managed to buck the trend and only really drink in moderation. I'll have a few on the rare occasions when I get to go out, and I'll have a glass or two once or twice a week. I know my limits and rarely go over them and when I do it's a conscious decision. I drink when I'm out because it feels more sociable and I'll feel like I'm having more fun. I drink in the house because it helps me to relax at the weekend or because I like the drink and it's a special treat to myself.
I think it's easy to see why it's becomming more common for people to become alcoholics nowadays. That one glass of wine to relax after a long day can eaily become a bottle, that long day can soon become a stressful week and before you know it alcohol can be a massive issue. Obviously I know it's not that simple to become addicted but you can definitely see why people do.

I don't drink very often, and when I do I do drink to get drunk. I don't have a problem admitting that as I can count on the one hand how many times I've been drunk in nearly three years - three! For some, they enjoy a night out on the tiles getting pissed, I prefer a night on the couch with a chinese and a glass a coke!

I can leave or take alcohol, could certainly live without it. I don't even drink strong alcohol haha, I stick to alcopops as anything else is too strong for me. When I do go for a night out I suppose I drink more as it makes me feel more confident in myself, more confident around other people etc. Sad but true. I hate being around drunk people when I'm sober and my OH doesn't drink much at all so alcohol really isn't a big part of our lives.

Alcohol is definitely a problem in today's society. Especially for teens I'd say. It's just way too easy and accesible to buy and consume drink without much interferance. When I was at school (I'm nearly 21) it was 'cool' from about the age of maybe 16 to get drunk occasionally. My little sister is 13 (just) and tells me how loads of kids in her year get drunk in local parks etc, throw house parties and the link because nowadays it is the 'cool' thing to do. Incidentally, if my sister was to be a part of any activities my mum would kill her, unfortunately there seems to be a lot of parents nowadays who simply do not know what their children are up to. How can we expect them to have healthy attitudes to drink as adults when they pissed and having sex in parks by the age of 13? So sad.

I think I went off on a few tangents there, apologies!
There was a thread recently asking: 'would you buy your 16 old alcohol?' the link below and my post is on their in regards to how i feel about it

i was surprised to see how many people have quite a relax approach towards alcohol.
There was a thread recently asking: 'would you buy your 16 old alcohol?' the link below and my post is on their in regards to how i feel about it

i was surprised to see how many people have quite a relax approach towards alcohol.

You killed the thread :haha:
How do you know they'd take it to such and such's house and not get drunk in the park? I suppose it all comes down to your opinion on alcohol and how much you trust your kids. I just think alcohol consumption regularly is such a tricky road to go down... where do you draw the line and all that.
So to see some of these teenagers absolutely rat arsed is heartbreaking. They (and some adults) have no idea the damage they are doing to their bodies through overdoing alcohol. I don't drink alcohol, never have done really (i've been drunk once, on my 18th birthday and had to be carried home by the barman !). My dad was a big drinker .. basically he was an alcoholic.
I worked in the NHS and to see the amount of wasted hours of staff, beds, ambulance staff through alcohol related incidents is sickening.
There was a thread recently asking: 'would you buy your 16 old alcohol?' the link below and my post is on their in regards to how i feel about it

i was surprised to see how many people have quite a relax approach towards alcohol.

You killed the thread :haha:
How do you know they'd take it to such and such's house and not get drunk in the park? I suppose it all comes down to your opinion on alcohol and how much you trust your kids. I just think alcohol consumption regularly is such a tricky road to go down... where do you draw the line and all that.

:haha: i think i do that alot! x
I don't nor have I ever drank, I have gone out clubbing plenty and socialised and had just as much fun with my friends, i do find that by about 4am i need to go home whereas perhaps those who are drinking can cope a little longer. but 4 am to me is late enough!

i don't understand it personally but then i guess i have never experienced it so that makes its difficult to compare. But on a night out (when i used to do that sort of thing) i would be just as up for things as them, you couldn't tell i was the sober one, expcept o wasnt the one who ended up losing my phone or ending up in bed with a stranger.
I actually think that part of the problem in the UK is to do with the culture of the 'stiff upper lip' and that we feel the need to turn to alcohol to counter that. I also think the weather plays a part as northerners in general around the world have a reputation for heavy drinking - it's been a part of staying warm for a long time.
I don't nor have I ever drank, I have gone out clubbing plenty and socialised and had just as much fun with my friends, i do find that by about 4am i need to go home whereas perhaps those who are drinking can cope a little longer. but 4 am to me is late enough!
i don't understand it personally but then i guess i have never experienced it so that makes its difficult to compare. But on a night out (when i used to do that sort of thing) i would be just as up for things as them, you couldn't tell i was the sober one, expcept o wasnt the one who ended up losing my phone or ending up in bed with a stranger.

Lmao last time I went out was when Summer was about three months... I was home in bed absolutely rat arsed by 1.30am after only going out about 8... so how you last so long sober is AMAZING . God, just the thought of not going home till after 4am makes me feel tired haha!
I had some doozy parties in my early 20's. It was bad. Can't imagine ever doing that now. One glass of wine and I am done for the night. There is a couple people from highschool that are apparently alcholics. Such a shame. One in particular was one of the most popular people in school. I don't have reasons for it. Perhaps some people have better coping skills in life than others. Some may be born into it..and that is just the way it is. Genetic, I suppose. Regardless, it's sad. I heard (don't know if it's true) but that it is harder to quite drinking, than to quit drugs.
I very rarely drink, probably around 3-4 times a year. I come from a family of drinkers, family parties are always centred around beer. I often get called a 'boring bitch' by family members for not drinking.

I just don't really like the feeling of being drunk, I would rather be able to drive and look after my children. Also I hate the next day as I get bad hangovers and feel like I have wasted a day totally.

I also think that in some people alcohol brings out the worst in them, yet they drink nearly every week.
Also just to add that I really do think that the British culture does not help, everything in centred around drink, supermarkets sell drink at such a low price, it is advertised everywhere.

I took my son and his friend to the cinema before Christmas to watch 'Arthur Christmas' a 2pm showing full to the brim of children and seen a group of families 3 sets of parents and 6 children, the parents came in with 2 bottles of beer each!! I just don't feel there is any need to be drinking in the cinema with your children at 2pm in the afternoon.
For me it was to escape or relax socially. I was a binge drinker until I had children, and I realise what effect it had on my physical and mental wellbeing, and at the end of the day I felt no better once the effects wore off. I guess I matured and didnt need it as a crutch so to speak - Alcohol can bring out the worst in people, now I rarely drink or just in moderation. Young people are under a lot more pressure these days and I guess that its the only outlet they have to feel free of this.
I've had a complicated relationship with alcohol. I have never been an out of control kind of drinker (ie, I cannot go a day without a drink, cannot stop once I start, etc), but I think there were definitely times in my life when I would have fit the definition of a heavy drinker, if not borderline alcoholic.
I was an actor for many years, and there is a heavy drinking culture there, so you compare yourself to others and figure as long as you aren't as bad as so-and-so, then you don't have a problem, right?
I've said and done some really stupid things while drinking. Stuff I've really regretted. I have definitely used alcohol as a means of escape.
So not good on those counts.
But, I have never needed alcohol to be the first one on the dance floor or to have a conversation with a stranger or to help with any of the confidence issues. (I've had a ridiculous amount of self-confidence since birth! :))
So my relationship with alcohol now is that I could give it up, but I would miss it. I really love wine. I love learning about it, matching it with foods, etc. Beer, I could take or leave, hard liquor I never drink, so I could care less. But wine..... sigh. I would miss it.

Binge drinking stuff is another matter. I try to give a bit of understanding, as I had a few stages where I partied pretty hard, but I have never been passed out in a puddle of my own vomit in public (which seems to be a rite of passage in some youth cultures these days :sick:). I have trouble relating to a pattern of this behaviour. Someone drinking themselves sick a few times - okay, I get that. You are young and dumb and don't know how to judge when you've hit your limit. But some of the places I have read about, there are kids who are drinking more in a week than I do in a year. It is frightening. I am not sure what the answer is, either. It's not like this is a new problem, but it sure seems like it's gotten worse. :shrug:
I've had my moments! Primarily when I was a student, and when I started my first was quite an aggressive culture of 'work hard, play hard'. Really didn't suit me, as I couldn't stand the pretentious and 'old boys club' shit that went with the nights out. By that point, I was pretty much done with big nights out. Don't get me wrong, they were still enjoyed from time to time, but I'd had enough of the culture. Most of DH and my drinking would be done at dinner parties, but neither one of us is a big drinker. I haven't drunk, for pg and bf reasons, for about four years...and DH has hardly had anything. We are very moderate. Although it will be fun to have the odd merry night over dinner with friends again, when A self weans ;)

However, we have friends that - because they are drinking particularly good wine - think its perfectly acceptable to knock back a bottle each a night. If not more. And not be concerned. Somehow they think that drinking issues equate to necking cheap beer or wine on a street corner or in some dive. Sadly mistaken! As we get older, I can actually start to see the effects on some of our friends, too. Weight gain around the middle, looking 'non child related' knackered, not great skin tone.

Just because it's a vintage margaux does not mean it is alchohol free! A glass or two. Sure. A bottle or three....hmmm.

I much prefer how DH and I roll...:)
I wonder if as someone suggested the weather and climate here could be to blame. If there were more outdoorsy things to do, do you think people would drink less. It would be great to get the perspective of someone from a warm climate area could tell us what alcohol consumption is like in their country.

Oh goodness, once when I was super drunk, this guy was trying to piggy back me back to school, and I weed all over him. NICE! :coolio:
I dont think the weather would make much difference in all honesty people i feel are out drinking more in the summer, sitting in pub gardens, bbq's and cans of beer etc etc.
There is a pub in every neighbourhood in my town next to the local shops, the town centre is full of pubs and clubs, everywhere you go generally sells alcohol, even at children orientated places, cinema, bowling alleys, local farms, soft play areas, amusemant parks, resturants etc all have alcohol sold in.
Its all around us even our most popular soaps i.e eastenders, coronation street are centered around a pub!!!! lol

Oh god, i dont even want to say my expereinces when drunk........... not big and not clever! tee hee x

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