I get uncomfortable sometimes when I am sitting down....I think it seems to depend what position LO is in though as its not constant. 9 weeks till due date....it seems ages away hehe.
SnowOwl-3weeks of antenatal.....that seems a lot. I get 2 2 hours sessions and that's it.
Not long left at work now.......can't wait to finish.
I am not feeling loads of movement-I feel a little bit here and there throughout the day......
I hope everything is OK.....My 20 week scan was my last so I feel like I want to see LO again....well not long now till we can meet our LO's
I am getting little kicks as I type.
Jellybeans-glad you're feeling better.
Smiley......I keep looking out for signs of labour too.....although I am now thinking I will go overdue.
I am getting more stretch marks....and I keep forgetting to put cream/body butter on.
I feel like my belly is huge and surely can't get much bigger. The midwife says my measurements are fine but I am paranoid she is lying to me hehe. I am anxious I have a giant baby.