Alternative therapies


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Since doing Reiki its opened my eyes up to the holistic side of things,

I havebeen looking more in to crystals to help me in problem areas, and im also going to get some reflexology done before my course starts in Septmeber.

Anyway, to the point lol, i have just brought this, and thought id share on here just incase anyone else would like to try different routes.

Lrg Moonstone Pendulum.
Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. As its name suggests, it is strongly connected to the moon and to the intuition. Like the moon, the stone is reflective and reminds us that, as the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change. Its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions. Moonstone has traditionally been used to enhance physic abilities and to develop clairvoyance.
Emotionally Moonstone soothes emotional instability and stress. It provides deep emotional healing and heals disorders of the upper digestive tract that are related to emotional stress. It is helpful in cases of shock and can be used for hyperactive children.
Moonstone helps the digestive and reproductive systems, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention and alleviates degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas. It is excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breast feeding. A Moonstone elixir was traditionally used for insomnia and the stone can prevent sleepwalking.
I'm not convinced by stuff like this sorry ... Maybe I don't understand it & often think some things are to rip you off.

Although I am mainly talking about htings like:

Now as you know Layla (lol) I like getting a reading etc but as I say 'a spell' ?? things to hang in the house to help you ... things like that I find it hard to believe its more than people taking your money!
omg yeah things like that are total crap lol, some wiccan things im interested in but most of it i dont belive in.

I was talking more about proven and praticed theropies like Reiki, reflexology, crystal healings..all things that are done in health/holistic centers.
I've been looking into Reiki too :dance:

Did you say it makes you moody though? I get impression its suppose to make you leave 'calm'.
if you do the course then yeah it will do, in the 21day detox you will get rid of alot of bottled up emotions and then will become calm and look at life/people differently.

If you just go for treatments, then you will feel incredibly calm and relaxed, and hopefuly very warm lol, i havent heard of anyone being angry or moody after or during a treatment, sometimes it can make you emotional and you may have a little cry, but thats just a sign that the treatment is working and you are accepting it.

yer just going for treatments I looke dinto I think :D
cool, its defo worth the money if you belive in it, some people still think its bollocks tho lol

I treated a girl last week in my class who has blocked ovarys, shes been on clomid for a while and is only allowed on it for another 3 months, after that its IVF. she cried as i treated her and said she could feel a big diffrence, so im looking forward to seeing her this week to see how she is.

Hiya im doin holistic therapies at college just massage fully body reflexology and holistic facials.

Sum hopitals do offer cpls trying for a baby refexology as u can stimulate the areasa that are used for reporduction i would say def go for refelx but to have more than one treatment as no one will notice a differecne from just having one treatment!

ps sorry for butting in! :blush:
no worries for butting in, its great your studying them too! :D

I cant wait to do my reflex course, im fasniated by it! Im really in to crystals at teh mo coz in Reiki you get taught there meansing and what they can do for you, anything is worth a go hey! lol

The girl on my course is also doing reflex and she has offered to do a treatment on me to see if there is anything obvoius there, like a blockage etc, and i am also going to book in at my local theropy shop for some, i think its about £20 a go, so not to bad. :)

How are you finding the course?

yeah i wud deff go for a course of treatments! it can make ur general well being better not jsut the ttc bit i wud def say to anyyone to go for it.

Im loving my course and really want to go straight on to somthing else but this baby will be here in july and i only finish in june lol its hard doing a fully body massage with a bump PMSL but well worth it.
are there any other altern methods that you can recomend?

Im doing Reik ialready, trying crystals, going to get reflex...anything else lol

£15 to 20 a session but i think they are well worth it but like to stagger sessions like maybe once every few weeks if u know what i mean
Sum hopitals do offer cpls trying for a baby refexology as u can stimulate the areasa that are used for reporduction
Call me dumb but how does reflexology do that/help:blush:
I just found this on it..

I dont know to much about it myself yet, but i want to learn, it is something that amazes me, aparently all areas of your body are in a certain place on the sole of your foot, and by massaging it all over the pratictioner can tell where your problems areas are and can help you heal them.

Loop can defo tell us more tho im sure :)

I've been really down latley and was wondering if there is some treatment/relaxation course oof treatment i can do??

Either one of you girls got any ideas??
Hey Imi,

Of course im going to sugest Reiki lol, im very in to this right now, a treatment will set you back around £50 so its not cheap, but well worth it, as it will release any bottled up emotions you may have stored up insdie you.

Also, we have been learning about colour theropy, now not many people belive in this atall, and im not sure i do just yet, as i have yet to prove it works...

I sure i red somewhere that your fave colour is Red? same as me, I learnt that Red is a very angry and confrontational colour, whcih explains alot for me as i USED to wear alot of it, i have stopped now to see if i feel calmer....

Anyway where im going with this is, Yellow is meant to help restore self confidence and self worth, i dont have any yellow clothes to test this out, but if you do maybe try wearing some, even if its knickers! lol

Sorry to waffle on, i know it sounds crazy to most people but i just thought id mention it.

Right now i wear blue and what ever fits lol!

I think im gonna have a look at a course tbh ... if £50 is what it takes to restore how i feel in myself and more then its worth it!

blue is a depressing colour! makes you tired and down, stop wearing blue! lol

£50 is for one treatment, if you do a course thats even better! have alook at your local college to see if they run it, if your on tax credits you will get the course paid for.

Really i never new that ... we get child tax credit or does it have to be working??


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