Am I pathetic?


Mom to Harley & Piper
Apr 17, 2008
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As terrible as he was to me, I have accepted that I'll be a single parent, I just still can't let go. I dream all the time, that everything was all a dream, that he never left and it just kills me. I wish things had turned out differently. Theres nothing lonelier then being single and pregnant. Its hard to hate him. I loved him so much and he left so suddenly. He had moved on to someone new in less then a week. We had been good friends even before going out. And it tears me up to know that he was able to destroy everything over a baby. I was so sure he wouldn't leave but inside I knew it, that he wouldn't stick around. I'm so tired of being depressed and bitter over this. I just wish things had been different. It didn't have to be like this. It could've been different. Thanks for listening
sending hugs hun cant imagine how it must feel, but you will get through this and be
Oh hon, sorry you are feeling like this and no you are not being pathetic, but as mentioned it will make you stronger and a better person for having to experience this. x x
Aww hun no you're not being pathetic you are grieving over a lost relationship and that will take time to get over like any other....... Is there anyone you can talk to? I'm sorry I have no words of wisdom for you, but just wanted to send :hug: as I know it must be really hard for you. xx
I know how you feel. I have been through that myself. I was very young and silly (in-love) with a guy and got me pregnant. It is very hard to be alone when you are pregnant. Though I have my famil to support me, it still is very different when your other person is there. I don't think these kind of men realize what we (pregnant women) is going through. I stayed tough (or pretend i was at that time) and then cry my heart out when Im alone. I remember every single day of my first pregnancy ... I was crying and constantly arguing with my partner (mind you, we never lived together). Its very complicated story... He never supported my daughter and that is even more worst, never acknowledge our daughter in birth cert, though he would say that he loves her very much... Well, I have been through so much with my ex and it made me a more stronger person now. I never thought I would get over him. Now, as i looked back, i laugh at myself and realized how much he had lost. I know its painful now... girl, we're here to support you and give you more courage to go on and get over that guy.
After 8 years, I have met the man that loves me the way I am, accepted my daughter and treats her like his own. We married twice (Ireland and Philippines) I could never ask for more. "there's always a rainbow after the rain." Have Faith... God bless...:hug:


:hug: No you are not being pathetic. Just think 9 weeks time you will have someone that will love you so much xxx
Oh hun you're not pathetic, :hug: to you xxx
:hugs: Of course you feel like this, it's hard enough being pregnant and not single without having to manage all those extra things on your own. I bet when your baby is born though you will feel much better about it. When you feel all the love you will have for your LO your feelings for your ex will evaporate as he will not stand a chance next to your baby.
:hugs: :hugs:

You're not pathetic there are people here who feel lonely even though they have partners so i have no idea how isolated you must feel to be on your own, but to be a single parent or any parent at all for that matter is the greatest job and acomplishment we can ever make. You are creating something wonderful and amazing that he will never get to understand and he's the one missing out on this. You are going to look back in years to come like mara_rn says and laugh at yourself when you realise its not you but him who should be hurting for missing out on the most wonderful thing in your life.

aww hun, you are not pathetic. It is so hard to get over a relationship, even when your not hormonal and pregnant! lol... I am sure it must be scary and lonely, but you can do it! You will be a great mom and you will manage just fine :) Im sure you will eventually heal, just give it time.

How long have you been broken up for? There are different stages to grieving a relationship. I was like that for a long time, then one day I woke up and I was angry as hell...then a few weeks later one day I just let it all go. I'm still not myself today but its not because I miss my relationship, its because of the stress of being a single(pregnant) parent.

You are going to do a great job. I won't tell you its all going to be fine because everyone tells me that and I want to smack them :rofl:, but it gets easier.
Hun, I understand completely as I'm in the same boat and only a few months ago I made a thread about feeling down about it myself. I got the best support and responses from other members. I too am going it alone and wish things could be different. It also hurts more when you see couples together but you know what you can do it. Trust me the pain eases up over time. I haven't cried over it in quite a while now as I'm too busy buying things and preparing for this handsome little man who is coming into my life soon which is my son. It will get better. I know it's hard to believe when your feeling like this but it will and like the others said there are stages with grieving. You didn't ask for this to happen but sometimes life throws things at you that are quite challenging but you can overcome it. If you want to PM me feel free as where very close in due dates and can support each other. I hope this helps and you feel better soon. x
thanks guys, he left me when I was only 5 weeks. Even though it was a while ago its hard not to get depressed over it sometimes, especially when he's the one who got me pregnant, he didn't even have a reason for breaking up.
It's a delicate time sweetie, you're bound to be running the emotional gammut. :hugs: You've got things to organize and you can't help but wonder...

When it all comes down to it and you see your tiny bundle in your arms, the person who will love you all your life regarless, then that void that you feel atm will never be bothering you again. :hug:
:hug:He sounds like a total jerk. You're really better off without someone who would abandon his unborn child so easily... and you know, you seem like a really great person -- you deserve better than him. Soon enough you'll find a guy that can appreciate you both!!!
Aww hun, you are far from pathetic. You are about to become a Mummy, and I'm sure you will do a fantastic job. And trust me, I know what it's like to feel alone, but there's plenty of support on here for you sweetheart. And as soon as you hold your gorgeous baby in your arms, nothing else will matter, except the love you feel for that little person.
:hugs: So sorry he's treated you so badly :hugs: x
:hugs: Being pregnant will jst make ur hormones go crazy and i know i would b feeling exactly the same hun.. just think ul have ur baby girl with u soon and u wont have a care in the world for anything or any1 else! keep ur chin up babe xx
Honey you are not being pathetic at all :hugs:

you still love him because when you love someone your feelings just dont change over night,

Its gonna be harder to get over him because your having his little girl
the way you should think of it is well at least somthing good come out of the relationship and thats your little girl,

And what a Shit for going and getting another lady a week after you split
just think about how much he is hurt you and how he could do this to you and you will start to hate him but i will tell you this please dont take him back
if he is with another lady now and he decides he wants you back cause that would just be wrong he would just be using you and he will think what he done was ok to do again cause you will take him back,

It will be hard but you have to be strong for your little girl
when the baby is born life does not stop there just because your mum you know ......

You go and get yourself a good baby sitter and get your self out with friends and go and get that brad pitt look alike thats weighting for you
2 can play that game and girls are the best at revenge


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