Am I Too Late?


Mummy to a princess x
Jul 14, 2008
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Morning Girls,

I seem to be having a rollacoster couple of days.
2 days ago i had enough PMA for all of us, yesterday i was confused and today i just don't knwo what i am!

I only use the basic FF and today put in yet another temp dip and it seems to now think I O'd on CD8 even though I didn't finish my last clomid pill until cd6.

Could I have missed it already?!
Hey hun, are the cross hairs dotted or solid?

also, can clomid affect knowing when you ovulate? i only ask as my friend was told not to temp or opk when she started taking clomid ??

I would BD every other day untill u know what's going on, hopefully u have not missed it so get BDing. XXX
their dotted - what does that mean?!
i wasn't told not to but then to be honest i didn't ask - i've just carried on as i was before trying to find out the best i can when it's happening- i guess it's all a learning curve for me right now - I'm going to BD as much as i can and hope it's not right and see what happens.
I start the CBFM trial next month too as much stuff's jsut arrived they seem to think it's ok for me to still do the trial even though i'm on the drugs - i'm hoping i fall this month and never even start it hehe!
their dotted - what does that mean?!
i wasn't told not to but then to be honest i didn't ask - i've just carried on as i was before trying to find out the best i can when it's happening- i guess it's all a learning curve for me right now - I'm going to BD as much as i can and hope it's not right and see what happens.
I start the CBFM trial next month too as much stuff's jsut arrived they seem to think it's ok for me to still do the trial even though i'm on the drugs - i'm hoping i fall this month and never even start it hehe!


Dotted line is 'possible' whereas solid line is (i believe) 99% sure it happened.... the more things you record the more chance of a solid line. I know when i just did OPKs i only ever got dotted and when i only did temp i got dotted. As soon as i did them both together and charted my CM i got solid lines as it's more accurate.

I would just carry on BDing every other day (cover all bases) and start charting your temp, opk and your CM so if it doesn't happen this month you are totally clued up ready for next month! You could always buy a clearblue digital opk as you get 7 sticks and it would give you a smiley face when you ovulated - you can do it with FMU too and just 1 a day.

OOOh you will have to let me how you get along with the CBFM. I've stopped doing OPKs although i'm tempted to keep on trying! just waiting for the Macca to arrive but we have the new preseed stuff where you can control the amount you use so i'm ready to go, legs up the wall from next month!!!:hug:
Clomid can throw off temps and early OPKs. The general thought is that you ovulate about 7-10 days after you finish clomid, so I would start OPKs around CD10. I think the most common is that you'll get a +OPK around CD14. Good luck!! Catch that eggy!
i had a slight temp raise this morning along with cramps and high CBFM reading so fingers crossed it's on it's way instead of past!
Good luck babe, don't worry to much the FF says it's already happened, cos it's not got enough normal temps yet. Keep BD and hopefully u will get 2 more rises so u might have O yesterday, u have got some good BD in, so good luck. XXX

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