So I had my performance review at work which went well. I have been back for 6 months. There were no negative aspects at all, our company has five grades for loads of different things and I was scored as successful at all of them (Highest to lowest is Excellent (no one gets this), Highly successful, successful, inconsistent, and unsatisfactory) I was okay with this until my supervisor said that I would have gotten Highly successful for all of them but was gone for 6 months. How can I be downgraded for being on Mat leave. It was said that because I was gone for 6 months on mat leave that if I was working it could have been a crap 6 months and could have brought my overall score down. WTF is this okay? What if I had just started with the company in January and scored a successful in all areas would they then bring this down to inconstant because I was only there for 6 months? It just doesn't feel right to me. Thanks for any help ladies.