Hi there, my DH had a second sprm test and it was so much better than the first where there was very low morphology. This one had 20% morphology and 70% motility and a good count. BUT there was 50% sperm antibodies (mixed).
The test was ahead of our FS appointment next month. They said it shouldn't affect things, but I don't see how not and other reading suggests it is a worry. Does anyone else have this and does this mean we defo need help?
This is our 16th month of ttc, so I'm thinking if it isn't this, it must be my egg quality (I'm 40). Oh this is fun isn't it! Thanks for your help, Greta. x.
The test was ahead of our FS appointment next month. They said it shouldn't affect things, but I don't see how not and other reading suggests it is a worry. Does anyone else have this and does this mean we defo need help?
This is our 16th month of ttc, so I'm thinking if it isn't this, it must be my egg quality (I'm 40). Oh this is fun isn't it! Thanks for your help, Greta. x.