Antidepressants during pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2014
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Hi All! :flower:

I am not pregnant yet, we are still TTC.
I have a long history with depression (bad family life, abuse, anorexia)...
I have been off antidepressants for 6 months now while TTC but have found that recently my depression is so bad that it is getting in between my husband and I's relationship. :cry:

I am going to go back on wellbutrin and maybe prozac.

Has anyone taken antidepressants though out there whole pregnancy?

I don't want to be on them. I wish I was "normal" but I feel so much better when on them.

I am worried that I am making a unsafe home in my body for my future child but I don't know what to do.

I would really appreciate hearing from women who took antidepressants while pregnant. :hugs:
Hi Punkymom,

Do remember that depression, stress and anxiety are no good for a developing baby either. You have to weigh up the pros and cons and do what's right for your situation.

I do know that wellbutrin is not normally recommended during pregnancy. I also know that Citalopram (Celexa) is allowed and I think Prozac, although you'll have to check. My recommendation is to speak to your doctor and decide which medicine would be best for you during pregnancy, assuming your depressive symptoms are bad enough to be causing major stress for you and are therefore a greater risk to the baby.

We're planning to TTC this autumn and I will continue to take Citalopram. Without it, I would be a ball of stress, constantly anxious, not getting out of bed and not functioning normally, which would be terrible for the baby.

Don't feel bad about this. It's just the way it is. Some ladies have to take medications for chronic health problems during pregnancy. Depression is one of those health problems and is relatively common too.
I'm going back on my anti depressants after week 12. My midwife and doctor have been fine about it. I take sertraline xxxx
I'm on fluoxetine (prozac) :thumbup: Flux is known as one of the safest to take.

I am not pregnant but TTC #1. This is something that I was worried about as well. But then I realized the brain is an organ and gets sick just like every other organ. If I was a diabetic would I stop my meds? No. So why would I stop my anxiety meds? I know some doctors don't have this mindset and it is sad.

Also I did some research on my med (Citalopram) paying close attention to the FDA Pregnancy Categories and do have some questions for my doctor but I feel the benefits outweigh the risks in my case.

In the end you need to be educated, talk to your PCP, and OBGYN.

In the end the choice needs to be yours alone.

Good luck!

Don't worry Hun, there are tablets you can take. All they say about antidepressants during pregnancy is that the potential benefit must outweigh the risk. I was in citalopram for a little while and the only problem with that is baby may get addicted to it in third tri. Most antidepressants aren't "harmful" per se. My dr only took me off it because he felt my depression isn't bad at the moment and not getting pregnant was part of the cause. He told me if it gets worse again to go back and we will talk about what to do.
Completely agree with the above - mental health issues are an illness like any other illness. I am asthmatic but they haven't stopped my asthma meds because I am pregnant.
Why not have a chat with your dr about what is safe to take whilst pregnant and then go on that whilst ttc?
I took low dose Remeron (mitrazapine) with DS thru pregnancy. I weighed the risk vs. reward and decided with my doctors it was the best choice at the time. I was already on it and did fine.

This pregnancy I am not on anything, but we are watching and waiting. We are keeping zoloft or pamelor as an option if I need it, but I am trying to wait til the end as I get PPD very bad and want to be able to take it to full effect if I need it.
Everyone, Thank you!

I feel so much better knowing I am not alone.


I am really grateful to all of you who replied!

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