Hi Guys
Just a quick one really but worried:
Cutting a long story short I am just turned 33 and hubby is just turned 32. We were refered for fertility treatment, ICSI to be precise based on hubbies SA being below normal range on all counts, worst was abnormal forms. During investigations for me they found no real problems, patent tubes, no STIs ever, ovulating normally, periods every 26-28 days, FSH was between 6 and 7 each time. The only thing they found was a small cyst on the outside of my left ovary (2cm) but it was not interfering with ovulation since they saw follicles in it so told me not to worry. Mrs average really or so i thought. During our ICSI cycle i was on 225 of menopur for 10 days, had 14 follicles, retrieved 10 eggs, 9 of which were mature good eggs, 5 fertilised normally, all were great quality embryos by day 3 (4 grade 4 out of 4 grade and 8 cell day 3 and 1 4/4 6 cell) Although 1 was put back and was great quality it sadly resulted in a negative cycle.
So i had my review today with the consultant to plan our FET, and she said the who cycle went really well, i responded well, fertilisation good and embryos good blah blah. Then she mentioned i was on slightly higher than normal for my age does of menopur so i asked why and she said well looks like back in feb when i had the cyst checked for location inside or outside ovary, i did not know at that stage that they would do an antral follicle count but apparently they did and i have only just got the results. The consultant said the reason i was on slightly higher does was because my count was only 4 on the side the cyst was on and one 13mm follicle on the right side the one that is supposed to be ok?? Total of only 5 atral follicles!! What i find strange is that i have had many scans and although i have not asked they have been told once or twice "quite a lot of follocles" had been seen????
The consultant said not to worry since i responded well and the low count is strange but that during ICSI i got 14-16 follicles so not to worry??? Well i am worrying now, so my question is, can counts vary, can it be affected by stress since january had been extremely stressful, if i really do have a very low count then would i really have responded pretty well in ICSi cycle??? My FSH is apprently fine so why few follicles???? If anyone can shed any light on this then i would really appreciate it since i am now worrying that i am running out of time
Thanks in advance girls xx
Just a quick one really but worried:
Cutting a long story short I am just turned 33 and hubby is just turned 32. We were refered for fertility treatment, ICSI to be precise based on hubbies SA being below normal range on all counts, worst was abnormal forms. During investigations for me they found no real problems, patent tubes, no STIs ever, ovulating normally, periods every 26-28 days, FSH was between 6 and 7 each time. The only thing they found was a small cyst on the outside of my left ovary (2cm) but it was not interfering with ovulation since they saw follicles in it so told me not to worry. Mrs average really or so i thought. During our ICSI cycle i was on 225 of menopur for 10 days, had 14 follicles, retrieved 10 eggs, 9 of which were mature good eggs, 5 fertilised normally, all were great quality embryos by day 3 (4 grade 4 out of 4 grade and 8 cell day 3 and 1 4/4 6 cell) Although 1 was put back and was great quality it sadly resulted in a negative cycle.
So i had my review today with the consultant to plan our FET, and she said the who cycle went really well, i responded well, fertilisation good and embryos good blah blah. Then she mentioned i was on slightly higher than normal for my age does of menopur so i asked why and she said well looks like back in feb when i had the cyst checked for location inside or outside ovary, i did not know at that stage that they would do an antral follicle count but apparently they did and i have only just got the results. The consultant said the reason i was on slightly higher does was because my count was only 4 on the side the cyst was on and one 13mm follicle on the right side the one that is supposed to be ok?? Total of only 5 atral follicles!! What i find strange is that i have had many scans and although i have not asked they have been told once or twice "quite a lot of follocles" had been seen????
The consultant said not to worry since i responded well and the low count is strange but that during ICSI i got 14-16 follicles so not to worry??? Well i am worrying now, so my question is, can counts vary, can it be affected by stress since january had been extremely stressful, if i really do have a very low count then would i really have responded pretty well in ICSi cycle??? My FSH is apprently fine so why few follicles???? If anyone can shed any light on this then i would really appreciate it since i am now worrying that i am running out of time
Thanks in advance girls xx