Any advice gratefully received!!! :)


Mummy of 2 amazing kids!
Mar 9, 2008
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Morning Ladies,
Just wondered if anyone could give any suggestions as to what to do!
I have breastfed my son exclusively for nealy 8 months now :happydance: have only given him EBM twice in bottles and he wasn't keen so I kinda just gave up on that! The thing is he doesn't seem to want any milk during the day. I offer it regularly but he is just not bothered! He has a milk feed before bed, one during night (if he wakes for it), one early morning when he wakes and sometimes one before breakfast if he wants it - so really 2/3 in 24 hours.
He does have yoghurt, milk in cereal, cheese etc but i was wondering whether I should introduce some formula mid afternoon? (in a cup) I am back to work on Monday so don't want to have to express (slightly selfish as it would be tricky at work, and almost seems a bit like a step backwards!?)
What do people reckon???
Thank you for taking the time to read this.... complete ramble!!! :dohh:
Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question - am very new to all this myself, but didn't want to read and run. I'm sure someone will be along with some advice very soon though :hug:
tbh that sounds enough to me! if he's having milk in his food, cheese yoghurt, that sort of stuff then he should be fine!! i think by the time they get to a year they're meant to have like a pint of milk or somethin a day, and one would assume that 3-4 boobie feeds would be more than that?! xx
Hey hun well done you xx

Harry only has 2/3 bfeeds in 24 hours and he is fine with that. He has milk in cereal and plenty of dairy foods which is great.

I wouldnt introduce a formula feed hun i dont think he will need it, providing hes gaining weight and having wet nappies then hes getting plenty as he is so just stick to what you're doing :hugs:
Hebe is exactly the same. When she wakes she has a good feed and thats it till bedtime. I've offered her boob but she's not interested. I went back to work this week and I thought I'd be expressing still too but it's worked out pretty good! :D
I dont think i'd worry that sounds totally normal, i have to say i'm jealous in a way as i think i'm going to have to actively stop Tabitha from BF :(
God, I'm jealous! I'm desperate for Oliver to do this, but he just keeps on boobyfeeding! Like the others have said, she sounds like she's doing just great on those few feeds.

Nice to see another November mummy still treading the boards!! x x
Thank you everyone! I thought he'd be fine on just 2/3 a day, just thought I'd better double check! He is putting on weight and plenty of wet nappies! Happy and healthy so why change things hey!!!
how much solids does he eat during the day? I'm actually wondering if I'm over feeding Oliver. As soon as he gets grumpy, I feed him. I was wondering today, when he only had 4 feeds. And I made him have one of those :dohh:. He refuses drinks from sippy cups though, so no other fluids as yet.
He has a milk feed when he wakes, then He has quite a big breakfast - porridge and toast and often a yogurt, then he has a snack mid morning, usually fruit, then a small lunch (- sandwich, cheese, yogurt) as he doesn't seem to eat much then! Sometimes has a snack mid afternoon. Then he has his main meal at tea time - tonight he had shepherds pie followed by banana custard. And then a milk feed before bed!
I tend to feed him during the night still if he wakes, he still isn't brilliant at sleeping through!!! Getting full nights a bit more often, although saying that he was up twice last night!!!
Sure you are not over feeding Oliver! Lucas just seemed to all of a sudden not fancy it during the day! I do give him quite a lot of water during the day but the only cup he will drink from reliably is a tommy tippee / nuby soft top cup! Only problem is he has bitten through 2 this week! :dohh:
Not sure if I have helped in anyway! Just done my usual rambling!
P.S Def good to see Nov mummies still around! xx
He sounds like Harry... big bfeed when he wakes up then a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He has a mid morning snack either a breadstick or a bit of fruit. Lunchtime he has sandwiches and yoghurt. Mid afternoon he has bfeed and often another snack like banana or a biscuit. For dinner he has whatever we have and sometimes a fruit custard after it then he has a bfeed sometimes before bed, depending what mood he is in!!
We dont give him any water unless its a really hot day then we offer it x
Amy has a BF morning, mid afternoon and before bed and night if she wakes, otherwise she eats breakfast, luch and dinner like us. sounds like you are giving quite enough for his age so i wouldnt worry about giving formula. start getting him interested in water for extra fluids.
I'm just going to piggyback this thread, if that's ok Didda?!!

After reding this, I have stopped feeding Oliver whenever he whinges. The sttrange this is, he has dropped his feeds masively and seems a lot happier! The whinging has stopped and he is having longer naps! So now he has a good feed in the morning and a good feed at bedtime, just like Hebe & Lisa.
The problem is, theat I get to late afternoon and i panic that he's hardly fed. He still isn't drinking from a cup. Should I keep thjis one going until he take s asippy cup? He's doesn't ask for it - I just panic and give it to him anyway.

I'm seeing the HV on Tuesday, but just wondered what you girls thought. Am I just being overprotective? I'm just petrified that my supply will drop, then he'll want more again for some reason.:dohh:
The problem is, theat I get to late afternoon and i panic that he's hardly fed. He still isn't drinking from a cup. Should I keep thjis one going until he take s asippy cup? He's doesn't ask for it - I just panic and give it to him anyway.

I'm seeing the HV on Tuesday, but just wondered what you girls thought. Am I just being overprotective? I'm just petrified that my supply will drop, then he'll want more again for some reason.:dohh:

This is EXACLTY how I was at first so I carrried on offering a mid afternoon feed for a while. You can if you want to to start with but if he comes on and off or can be easily distracted, he probably doesnt need it. Just play it by ear at first. I mainly offered it as she wasnt a big drinker. She still isnt really but is a bit better than she was.

Oh and BTW dont worry about the supply thing Kat. I havent fed her at 3pm for aaaages now and today she was really grumpy with her front top teeth coming through. She wouldnt nap so I offered her (.Y.) as she was getting really upset. It worked a treat and I definitely had plenty going by the MASSIVE burps after and lack of interest in her tea! :lol:
Oh and BTW dont worry about the supply thing Kat. I havent fed her at 3pm for aaaages now and today she was really grumpy with her front top teeth coming through. She wouldnt nap so I offered her (.Y.) as she was getting really upset. It worked a treat and I definitely had plenty going by the MASSIVE burps after and lack of interest in her tea! :lol:

Thanks hun. I've always been fairly confident in what I do, but for some reason, I'm not too happy with this! I think it's because we work so hard to get a nice supply going and now it's starting to dwindle. It's probably a bitof denial on my part :dohh::cry:

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