Hi sweetie. Sorry Ive been MIA as well. Been thinking of y'all and I hope everything goes well tomorrow. Ectopics are scary
Its always a risk to ttc, it just seems way more scary now when you already got one little guy here on earth depending on ya. Dont lose hope on more babies just yet
Something tells me you will get another shot at this someday. Love to you all.
We have a little more information on DDs condition and blood tests have been ordered for next week. If she shows elevated levels of cystine, homocystine, or methionine then we pretty much have a diagnosis. No further genetic testing will be offered. If blood tests are inconclusive then we may be offered another round of testing that will include Dh and I. Things are so crazy right now. DD progress is nothing short of amazing. Everyone is noticing. As heartwarming as it is, its alarming. I really think she has been very ill and we have been ignorant as to why. Im beating myself up over not doing the MRI sooner. I should have. I trusted that she had CP and i struggled with exposing an already damaged and developing brain to sedation for that amount of time. Ugh! Im so stupid! If she does indeed have this metabolic disorder, its treatable
I feel I have missed so much priceless time. We could have been changing her diet, we could have been giving her Betaine, we could have been giving her B12 injections. I feel useless. Thank God for DD keeping me busy. She is amazing. She is mocking me, a lot, too much really
Picking up a few curse words in the past WEEK. She is still using signs but she is combining them with words to form sentences. Tonight in the bath, she tooted, and the smell was no less than wicked. She signed "all done" furiously and said "Up up mama, I poo." This child was not speaking a month ago. I am flabbergasted. Shes identifying when she burps. She asks for a bath every night by dragging me to the stairs and saying "up up" while signing bath. She never did that stuff before. Shes a total stinker and lazy with the therapists. We are totally doing in home therapy and trying to avoid illness in DD and she is taking advantage. This is her turf and she is trying to call all the shots. She is responding to requests more and more. Its really almost unsettling. She still can have a few bad days a week but they are diminished. Her endurance is up, way up. She can go wide open for 6 to 8 hrs straight before crashing for a nap. She is wearing me out most days. Love it! We have changed her diet some and may end up going to a vegetarian type diet. Ive added as much b12 to her diet as I can until we get more news. Something has changed, something is helping, but I cant say for sure as to what.